In the next few days, Zheng Shu even stayed in Lebra's building.

Zheng Shu's ability to activate a space warlock is quite simple, but because his brain's computing speed is beyond ordinary people's understanding, he can make subtle adjustments at any time according to the surrounding space environment.

In a chaotic space environment like Hersalemz, if you want to fix the space spell on an actual substance and make it run normally, a "core" that can perform high-speed calculations is indispensable.

If you were a warlock or magician in the past, the only things you could choose as the "core" were spiritual cores, puppet cores, or souls.

Of course, some unscrupulous evil sorcerers might choose to hunt a magician and implant his brain into the spell system as wetware.

But in any case, the computing power of these things is quite limited. Even the brain of a magician has a considerable gap in the level it can achieve depending on the level of the magician himself.

Like the space environment inside Helsalemz, these things may be overloaded after one or two calculations.

Fortunately, with the technological development of the human world, modern magicians and warlocks have new choices.

"I'm exhausted. Writing this stuff is killing me!"

There was a cry from behind Zheng Shu. Looking back, he saw an old man who looked like an ordinary greasy middle-aged white man, tearing the hair on his head that was not much in distress.

In front of him, there was a latest laptop computer, with incomprehensible programs running on it.

From Zheng Shu's point of view, it is a complex magical structure that is more than half completed.

Zheng Shu, who was sitting in front of another laptop, stood up, walked behind the man with his hands behind his back, and looked at the program running on his computer screen.

After a while, he nodded with satisfaction: "Not bad, haven't you already completed most of the work? The speed was beyond my expectation. I originally thought that people of your age would not be very good at it. Computers and stuff like that.”

The white man smiled proudly when he heard this, and even his fat double chin kept trembling:

"Don't underestimate me. Our family is a warlock family that has been friends with the Reinhertz family for generations. When the conditions were the most difficult, we used parchment paper and quill pens. Nowadays, operating a laptop is more difficult than relying purely on brainpower to draw a magic circle. It’s become much simpler.”

The man who spoke was named Sindelmesa. As he said, he was a member of the warlock family who had been friends with the Reinhertz family for generations. He was also the general manager of various protective or counterattack formations for Lebra Building. engineer.

The complex array of spells that Zheng Shu was amazed by when he saw Lebra's building was created by him alone.

It is true that the warlocks of the past could not accomplish such a magnificent work, but with the assistance of modern technology, as long as the logical reasoning ability can keep up, a powerful warlock or magician can complete the original work in a short time with almost only one person. A project that took the entire Warlock family several decades to complete.

"Well! But when I first came into contact with computers, there was indeed a period when I was not comfortable with it. At that time, it was thanks to the guidance of that brat in my family." Sindelmesa shook his head and sighed.

"Is that Julian? I heard Klaus mention it. He is said to be very talented and hard-working. He is a good boy." Zheng Shu checked the system data on the computer more carefully.

When he talked about his son, Sindelmesa couldn't help but laughed triumphantly: "Hahaha! That brat is still far, far away! He has to wait several more years to take over my class. "

"It only takes a few more years of training to reach a level that satisfies you. It seems that Brother Julian is indeed a pretty good talent." Zheng Shu mercilessly exposed this guy's silent showoff.

Even Zheng Shu was amazed by Sindelmesa's talent. Julian's ability was recognized by him when he was very young. You can imagine how dazzling this young man's talent is.

"How's it going? There shouldn't be any problem, right?"

After the small talk, Sindelmesa also got down to business.

"No problem, enough energy nodes have been freed up. In this way, my space spell can be smoothly connected to the backbone of the security system 'Heimdaltz'." Zheng Shu nodded with satisfaction.

Sindelmesa was not proud when he heard Zheng Shu's praise. Instead, he looked at Zheng Shu up and down with a complicated look:

"Come on, I just did some hard work. Any unknown warlock can do this kind of thing. If you hadn't redesigned the plan of the spell for me, I would have to do at least a few more steps to achieve this effect on my own. Take three or four months.”

After feeling the gap between people, Sindelmesa also became more curious:

"What are you going to do with the space spells next? The space chaos here at Hersalemzi must not have subsided yet, right?"

"In fact, not only has it not calmed down, but the level of chaos continues to increase. However, the power of the Great Barrier of Hersalemz is also increasing with subsequent improvements, so you will feel that the space is slightly chaotic. decline."

Zheng Shu corrected it and returned to his computer to continue working. While typing on the keyboard, he explained his idea to Sindelmesa.

“Based on Lebra’s needs and the materials you have prepared in advance, the most suitable space technique for Lebra to use should be the space transfer code spell circuit ‘DDD Amkini’.

According to the conditions that Lebra can provide, if this magic circuit is mounted on the backbone of the Sindelmesa-type super security system 'Heimdaltz', even after my optimization, the performance it can achieve is Quite limited. "

Sindelmaisa did not refute, because he knew that what Zheng Shu said was true:

"That's right, even if you include the space that has gradually stabilized with the gradual strengthening of the Helsalemz Great Barrier, Heimdallz's computing power can maintain up to seven to eight fixed 'doors'. limit.

Although it can be set up to connect the real 'door' to other exits through a special code spell every 24 hours, in total, it can only be set up at most a dozen specific entrances and exits and 'anterooms' in the space cracks. connect. "

"So I slightly changed the circuit of this space technique based on the existing situation, and turned the originally fixed space gap antechamber into a state that can be moved freely.

Under normal circumstances, the antechamber will be hidden in the space cracks and serve as an intermediary place for stable transmission. When necessary, the antechamber can even be summoned to an extremely remote location through DNA or other methods of verification to directly connect with the door that needs to be opened. "Zheng Shu said.


Although Zheng Shu said it quite lightly, Sindelmesa, as a top warlock, immediately discovered the incredible point in this.

"You mean, you changed the magic circuit of 'DDD Amkini' in just a few days, so there won't be any problems, right?!"

Zheng Shu raised his head and blinked, thought for a moment, and gave the answer seriously:

"If you encounter an enemy of the level of the Thirteen Kings who interferes in space, the entire magic circuit is likely to completely explode. At that time, the space cracks erupted in the out-of-control antechamber may even cause Lebra The entire building was completely immersed in spatial turbulence.

If it were the previous magic circuit, although the function of any door would disappear, at least it would not affect the building itself.

Yes, the risk will indeed increase in this case. Should we discuss it with Stephen and Klaus? After all, they are the leaders of Lebra. "

"Ah, no, that's all. I support you!" Sindelmesa's reaction was extremely decisive.

"You really don't need to talk to them, so Stephen did say before that I should be free to express myself."

"To be honest, I think if you meet an enemy of the level of the Thirteen Kings, you might be able to survive if the entire building is thrown into the turbulent space." Sindelmesa crossed his arms and made an exaggerated pose. gesture of rejection.

"Okay, that's what you said. If something goes wrong, I won't care." Zheng Shu shrugged indifferently, turned around and continued typing on the keyboard.

Once the pre-preparation is completed, the rest of the work will be much simpler.

If it weren't for the fact that other auxiliary personnel couldn't keep up with the processing speed of the materials, Zheng Shu could have completed the entire thing in one day.

But even so, Zheng Shu estimates that the entire space technique can be set up within a week.

On this day, Zheng Shu was lying on the sofa at Lebra headquarters as always, enjoying the milk tea specially made by the old butler Gilbert.

Although the actual soul age is more than two centuries, Zheng Shu still doesn't like tea or alcohol. Instead, he prefers "childish" drinks like juice and milk tea.

Fortunately, Gilbert is indeed the top combat butler of the Reinhertz family, and even if he is not very good at milk tea, he is still pretty good at it.

Zheng Shu simply stayed here and waited because the auxiliary staff were processing the materials too slowly.

This room itself is also the core area of ​​Lebra Building. The auxiliary staff will transport the processed materials to this room, and Zheng Shu can directly engrave the magic circuit.

On the other side of the room, Klaus was sitting at his desk with a solemn expression, his eyes fixed on the computer in front of him, and the mouse kept clicking.

That huge body exudes an oppressive aura. The first moment anyone sees Klaus, they will feel as if he is making an important decision related to the security of the world.

However, Zheng Shu knew very well that Klaus just got a little carried away by playing games.

The leader of Lebra is such a person. He devotes himself wholeheartedly to everything he does. In addition, his face looks a little scary, so people may misunderstand him from time to time.

"But considering a certain divine being who likes to play demon war chess, his behavior can be regarded as training to save the world." Zheng Shu took a sip of milk tea and thought.

In the spacious room, apart from Zheng Shu and Klaus, the only one left was Gilbert who was still cleaning silently.

In the past few days, everyone has become accustomed to such scenes, so at first glance, there is even a different kind of harmony in the room.

Until a moment, the violent sound of the door opening broke the peace in the house.


"Everyone, I'm back!"

The heavy door was kicked open, and a slender beauty entered the room carelessly.

The woman who suddenly broke in looked heroic, but the only pity was that one of her eyes seemed to have been injured, so it was covered by a black eye patch.

Zheng Shu recognized her at a glance. This was a member of the original book, K.K.

The world's top sniper, good at using blood bullets with electric shocks, and his fighting skills were also quite good.

K.K. seemed quite active. As soon as he came in, he greeted Klaus and Gilbert loudly.

"Klaus, Mr. Gilbert, how are you? Did you miss me during my absence? Where did Stephen's ice face go?"

"Ms. K.K., long time no see, how was the family trip?"

Gilbert's posture was still elegant, and he didn't seem to be disturbed by the sudden voice. Instead, he quickly brewed a cup of black tea and greeted her.

As for Klaus, he just nodded to K.K. at the beginning, and continued to immerse himself in the computer for the rest of the time.

K.K thanked him and took the black tea from Gilbert:

"It feels good, but unfortunately my little son was born not long ago and is too clingy, but overall I had a lot of fun. How was it? Did you encounter any enemies that were difficult to deal with during my absence... Well, the black tea is really delicious, Gilbert is worthy of it."

"Thank you very much for your compliment." Gilbert bowed gracefully.

After hurriedly drinking a cup of hot tea, K.K noticed that there seemed to be one more person in the room.

"Huh? This young man, we don't seem to have met. Did Libra recruit new people during my absence? Strange, why didn't I receive any notification?"

"He is not a member of Libra, he can only be regarded as a warlock hired by us." Stephen's voice came from behind.

K.K. didn't turn around, and looked at Zheng Shu with more surprise: "This is really incredible, you can enter and leave the headquarters of Libra at will. What, are you planning to stop being a secret society?"

"That's not the case!"

Stephen replied with a headache, and came to the room to look at Zheng Shu who was still lying lazily on the sofa. He hesitated for a few times and finally didn't say anything, but turned to look at Klaus who had just finished the game and K.K next to him.

"You're back just in time, let's go, I have something to ask you two."

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