Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 604: The Phantom Ghost Chariot

Although Leo was reluctant to send Zap to his lover's house, there was no other way since he was already in the car, so the two took this opportunity to chat a lot.

On a certain road, Leo, who was originally driving at high speed, suddenly braked hard.

Caught off guard, Zap's face was directly smeared on the glass of the takeaway car. He was so angry that he covered his face and yelled at Leo:

"What the hell are you doing? Why did you brake so hard?!"

Leo was squeezed by him and leaned on the handlebars, but Leo didn't care about Zap's roar now, but looked in a certain direction on the street with shocked eyes.

"Mr. Zap... What's that over there?!"


Zap followed his gaze, but only saw a laundry truck parked on the side of the road.

When Zap saw it, several staff members in work clothes were carrying rows of washed clothes onto the car.

After squinting his eyes and carefully looking at it for a while, he still didn't find anything unusual: "It's just an ordinary truck... for a clothing store."

Leo was stunned for a moment when he heard his answer, and then he realized that this was the function of his God's Eye:

"Really? Is it like that in your eyes?"

Zapp noticed something wrong from Leo's tone, and his expression was no longer relaxed:

"What did you say? Could it be that you..."

"Yes, in my eyes, it's something completely different."

Leo's expression was solemn, his eyes behind the goggles were fully open, and the slight sound of mechanical operation echoed in his mind. His blue eyes were emitting a faint fluorescence, and the countless precise geometric patterns in his eyeballs slowly rotated, and his vision instantly turned into blue-purple.

Through the God's Eye, Leo was able to see through all illusions.

The "thing" that was just an ordinary van in the eyes of outsiders was actually a modified alien creature.

The employees who were pushing the clothes hanging on the rack into the truck were also fully armed aliens.

Those colorful windbreakers that looked like they were hanging on the iron racks were actually living humans who had their skin peeled off and were vacuum-packed in special biological materials!

Judging from the weak breathing of those vacuum-packed humans, these humans who had their skin completely peeled off were still alive!

If someone had just arrived in the city of Hersharemz, even if they saw this image, they would probably only mistake it for a special view of the city.

But for Leo, who was already familiar with the city, he could tell at a glance that something was wrong.

The original collapse started from the center of New York City and spread outward. After the establishment of the Hersharemz Great Barrier, although the outer cities were repaired, the endless void in the center was still a restricted area for humans.

For this reason, with the endless void in the center as the base point, Hersharemz was preserved more and more intact as it went outward. The outermost part still retained many street scenes of the old New York City, which was the area commonly known as "this side".

In this area, there was even an "isolation zone" that only allowed humans to enter.

As you go to the center, the fog will become thicker and thicker, and the ground will sink sharply. The deepest part is an unknown world that most humans have never set foot in.

Because there, even the laws of the world are different, and humans who are too weak will die even if they just step into it.

For the same reason, from the periphery of the city to the center of the city, the proportion of humans in the city residents decreases.

Although the location where Leo and his friends are now is not the outermost part of the city, it is not a place where people from other worlds can be seen everywhere. Even the survival rate of the entire street is maintained at 60%, which is an absolute safe zone.

Even the people from other worlds that can be seen are the type that looks very similar to humans.

For the sake of safety, the surrounding FU mobile police will not allow vehicles and personnel from other worlds with such strange and bloody appearances to enter here as long as they see them.

Although this kind of thing sounds a bit dictatorial and does not talk about human rights, no one dares to object.

After all, for the highly nervous mobile police, they have extremely loose firing authority, and the races in the other world are already accustomed to the environment of the survival of the fittest.

Perhaps because he was too shocked and too absorbed in watching, the fully armed employee who was responsible for guiding the loading of the goods seemed to have noticed Leo's sight, so he looked at him vigilantly.

To outsiders, the other party was just a human who was looking around casually.

But in Leo's vision, the other party was an alien with a face covered with hollow bones and an extremely strange shape. The center of the other party's skeleton should be the position of the eyes, and the flashing scarlet light was staring at him.

"Ah! Damn it!"

Subconsciously, Leo immediately started the car and drove away at a very fast speed.

"What's wrong?" Zapp looked at the position of the truck behind again, not knowing why.

"I was discovered, our sight just intersected!" As he said, Leo tightened the throttle and let the delivery motorcycle reach the highest speed.

Zapp looked at Leo, then at the truck, and finally expressed his feelings:

"For me who only saw an ordinary truck, your behavior is simply a psychopath..."

"Wow! You are really annoying!"

While saying this, Leo knew that he had done something wrong after Zap's reminder because of his lack of experience.

He shouldn't have reacted so strongly after his eyes met with the other party's. If he had just turned his eyes away normally, he wouldn't have been noticed by the other party.

But his behavior would make the other party understand that he did see some problems.

Realizing this, Leo was a little annoyed, but there was nothing he could do now.

Zap saw Leo's distress, and although he still didn't see what the flaw was, he still dialed the phone.

"Anyway, let's send Jane to follow him first."


After a short waiting tone, Jane quickly answered the phone:

"What? Are you going to die?"

"I'm not going to die! Help me chase the two-and-a-half-ton closed truck in front of the laundry on Gilda Avenue. Although it looks like an ordinary truck to me, Leo said it looks like something else in his eyes."


"Oh, no, he doesn't have any psychological problems, probably."


"You're going too far, hahahahaha! Stop it, he's right in front of me now, hahaha!"

Although he said this, Zapp couldn't stop shouting.

Although he couldn't hear clearly what Jane said to him on the other end of the phone, Leo could basically guess what these guys were talking about through what Zapp said.

"Ah... I want to beat someone up! I really want to beat them both up... If I can't beat them."

On the other side, Zapp was still on the phone with Jane, and it sounded like the two were chatting aimlessly.

But in fact, as members of Libra, both of them have considerable qualities.

Although Zapp and Jane don't like each other under normal circumstances, on the other hand, once Zapp takes the initiative to call her, it means that the current situation is quite serious.

So when Jane answered the phone, she also connected her phone to the headquarters and asked them to analyze the information.

The seemingly casual chat between the two was actually to keep in touch.

Since even Zapp couldn't see the opponent's flaws, the only one who could see through the enemy's true identity was Leo, so he had to collect all relevant information at all times.

While chatting, the two also passed the relevant information to the headquarters in various ways.

"... Well, we may have been exposed. Got it, yes, you are right, so..."

Listening to the sound of Zapp's phone call behind him, Leo drove quickly on the street, but he didn't find any traces of the strange truck from beginning to end, so he couldn't help but relax a little.

"Maybe I am really too sensitive, maybe the other party is very careless..."

Thinking like this, Leo found a figure in front of him.

The other party was the alien who had just met Leo's sight. His movement speed was very fast, and even a speeding motorcycle could easily catch up with him.

And his body should have been cast with the same type of illusion as that of the truck. No one except Leo could see his trace.

This can be seen from Zapp's reaction. He did not react at all to the appearance of this enemy.

Of course, a very important reason why Zapp did not react at all was that the opponent's target of attack was not him at all, but the motorcycle.

Relying on the dynamic vision of the God's Eye, Leo watched the opponent waving his dark arm and slashing at the motorcycle like a blade.

Although he had discovered the enemy's trace and saw through his attack, Leo's own reaction speed and physical ability determined that he could not react even if he saw it clearly.

The only thing he could do was to lean back urgently, barely avoiding the opponent's horizontal slash, and by the way knocking Zapp who was originally sitting behind him away.

This was the limit of what Leo could do. The next moment, the upper part of the motorcycle he was driving "disappeared".

Leo was not hurt, and Zap's attack that was supposed to cut off his neck was also deflected because of Leo's collision.

Although he was seriously injured, he survived.

In the rushing traffic, the motorcycle driven by Leo and his friends fell to the ground due to the sudden attack, causing the vehicles behind to brake suddenly, and a large area of ​​chaos appeared in the blink of an eye.

"Mr. Zap!"

After finally getting up from the ground, Leo immediately looked for reliable fighting power, but unfortunately Zap was lying on the ground with serious injuries.

(Today's extra chapter to pay off the debt, there is still one chapter.)

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