Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 622 The first person to fall

Facing Stephen's still puzzled eyes, Klaus looked serious.

"In the Demonic Battle Flag, the more evenly matched the strength of the two sides, the more complicated and changeable the battle situation will be. In addition, as time goes by, the difficulty of the battlefield will also increase exponentially. What I said about not considering winning the game is definitely not just a polite remark."

As if he recalled something, Klaus's expression was a little sad:

"And for that lord, the Demonic Battle Flag is not just a tool for entertainment, but also a unique contract. As far as I know, Elder Aluel has been studying the Demonic Battle Flag for 1,200 years, plus the difference in "race"...

I'm afraid that in the future, there will never be a "human" who can defeat him in the Demonic Battle Flag."

Looking at Klaus' serious expression, Stephen knew that he didn't mean to exaggerate, and even with Klaus's personality, he might be a little conservative.

"You said that the time to play chess with Elder Aluel depends on wishes to determine the length of the game, so how long have you played with him before?"

After figuring out a lot of things, Stephen immediately grasped the key clues.

"...80 hours on average."

After a moment of silence, Klaus said a time that would cause an ordinary person's heart to stop.

"If that's the case, looking for ordinary chess masters is not a good strategy."

There are countless brilliant chess players in the human world, and many top players have emerged in a short period of time after the prosperity of Demon War Chess in the human world.

If we only consider "chess strength", Klaus is indeed not the best among these people, and can even be regarded as a middle-class level.

But, if we think with the premise that Aluel "absolutely cannot be defeated", facing the high-intensity fast chess that takes dozens of hours, the physical fitness of ordinary humans has already limited the possibility of winning.

For those geniuses in the chess world, when they heard that Aluel proposed several hours or even dozens of hours of game time, their first reaction was naturally to fight quickly.

After all, the game characteristics of Demon War Banner itself will cause the scene to become more and more complicated as time goes by and the battle situation becomes tense.

Once a certain time limit is exceeded, even a top-level computer may not be able to afford it.

It is precisely because of the particularity of Demon War Chess that every automatic chessboard of Demon War Chess can be called a work of art.

And when playing fast chess, energy and physical strength will be consumed more seriously.

Humans and creatures from other worlds have natural physical differences. Especially when facing old monsters like Elder Aluel who have lived for thousands of years, it is unrealistic for ordinary people to try to waste time to drag the opponent to death.

After considering many aspects, a quick battle is the best choice.

After all, for those chess players who have been called geniuses since childhood, they are better at finding ways to win in the game when playing fast chess, and as long as they win, they naturally don’t need to consider how long they have to persist.

But such logic will fall into a trap when facing Elder Aluel.

When an extremely fierce offensive is taken at the beginning but no advantage can be gained, the battle will be thrown into a long tug-of-war.

At this time, because of too many operations at the beginning, the complexity of Demon War Chess will also be greatly increased.

Many self-proclaimed geniuses of Demon War Chess chess players eventually fell in front of Aluel for this reason.

Under such a premise, "resilience" is more important than "chess strength".

Coincidentally, among the people Stephen knows, no one has been found to have stronger resilience than Klaus.

"Is that so..."

After understanding the specific situation, Stephen sighed.

Under normal circumstances, although this deal is dangerous, Stephen has considerable confidence in Klaus and thinks he can get out of it unscathed.

But the situation is different now. After the external variables, it is no longer possible to determine the position of Elder Aluel.

"Then... Stephen, you should tell me what you are worried about."

Klaus' voice came from the side. Although he was not impatient and did not mean to force, the firm voice made Stephen know that he could only tell the truth.

"I know, this is some information I have collected recently..."

Stephen did not hesitate to tell all the abnormalities he had discovered since the cooperation with Chief Daniel Lo, as well as the information he had investigated afterwards.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Gilbert, who was driving in front, quietly slowed down the car, giving the two enough time to talk on the road.

"I see."

After listening to the information provided by Stephen, Klaus couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

He also understood Stephen's concerns. From the existing information, there are countless forces involved in this matter, and the person behind the scenes definitely has great power.

"In this case, the worst case scenario is: when I ask the relevant questions, Elder Aluel will take action to wipe us out on the spot." Based on the existing information, Klaus quickly made a deduction.

"Almost." Stephen shrugged seemingly relaxed, "On the bright side, if Elder Aluel didn't get involved in this matter, we might be able to get information about the person behind the scenes by accident."

"If we are unlucky this time, have you thought of a way to deliver the message?" Klaus was not affected by his joke, but asked about more practical things.

"Don't worry, I just sent a message to Police Department Danielle Luo about who we are going to see. At that time, our lives will be the signal for information transmission. If we can come back alive, everything will be easy. If we can't come back alive, Daniel Lowe, the police department will also know.”

Stephen smiled nonchalantly: "I just hope that guy won't be frightened by the identity of the person behind the scenes."

"Police officer Danielle Luo, please? He is an upright man and worthy of trust." Klaus nodded calmly.

As for the possible consequences of "bad luck" that Stephen mentioned, Klaus didn't care. After all, they were already used to this approach when they were still "Tooth Hunters".

When facing an unknown Blood Realm Familiar, it is very common to use one's own life to convey information to other teammates.

Now, their behavior can only be described as "returning to the old business."

The vehicle walked through a long street, looking at the high-rise buildings floating around in a gravity-defying manner. Gilbert drove the vehicle to a stop outside a complex palace.

To their surprise, a car was parked outside the palace at this time.

Three people also got out of another car. Judging from their appearance, they should be two bodyguards and one person being protected.

After Klaus got out of the car, he immediately saw the person between the two bodyguards and recognized his identity:

"That's... GM Urchenko?! Why are you here?!"

"Who?" Stephen was a little confused.

Urchenko seemed surprised that someone could recognize him here, and looked at Klaus's tall figure with some surprise.

Looking at the other person's vigilant eyes, for the sake of the other person's safety, Klaus took the initiative to step forward and salute: "Sorry, I haven't introduced myself yet. This is Klaus V. Reinhertz. Please turn back immediately, this is not your place. A place where 'ordinary' humans should visit."

The man Klaus called Urchenko was silent for a moment, and then decisively denied his identity: "You must have mistakenly identified the person. I am not the person you said."

After leaving such a sentence, the man walked directly into the castle with two bodyguards.

"...Wrong person?" Stephen walked to Klaus.

"I'm just kidding, how could I admit it? He is the highest-ranking grandmaster in chess: Korsikov Urchenko."

"It seems that we are not the only ones who know this 'shortcut'. I really don't know what his wish is. However, I don't know if this person is mentally prepared accordingly."

Stephen didn't care about Urchenko's attitude. After asking Gilbert to stand by in the vehicle, he followed Klaus to the castle.

"Probably he wants his country to acquire nuclear power. As far as I know, Urchenko was born in a small country and is in dire straits under attack from many surrounding big countries.

It is almost impossible for such a country to get out of such a situation under normal circumstances. Only by relying on the current special situation can it gain enough power to dominate itself. "Klaus analyzed it very calmly.

Although he usually seems very natural, but at critical moments, Klaus's wisdom has never disappointed.

"That's really bad luck. In a situation like this, he must hope that no one sees him coming here. After all, even if he obtains 'nuclear'-related technology, his country will still need to spend a lot of time digesting it." ?”

Stephen didn't say everything, but Klaus next to him understood what he meant.

Since he doesn't want anyone to see him here, when Urchenko chooses his wish, he will definitely bring the "wishes" to eliminate them.

"I will not tell this matter." Klaus's tone barely fluctuated.

"Of course I believe this, but it's a pity that not everyone will believe you..." Stephen said with emotion.

After discussing Urchenko, the two of them tacitly shifted the topic to the castle in Alur El.

"It's really interesting. This place seems to have been built specifically for humans, but the corridors are so twisted. It doesn't seem like the builders missed the point... The elders probably didn't have the idea of ​​deliberately playing tricks on people."

Stephen looked at the twisted corridor in front of him as if he had eaten too many mushrooms, and involuntarily touched his chin.

This means that the two of them are strong enough. If ordinary people walked in this passage, they would probably faint and vomit in a short time.


Just when the two were about to reach the end of the passage, a strange vibration came, and Klaus and Stephen's expressions immediately became serious.

"This vibration is..."

"We have descended to a very deep place, and there is a high probability that we have completely reached 'over there'." Klaus has been here more times, so he is more familiar with it.

"We've completely reached the other side, but we don't feel anything big. It seems that this person really put a lot of effort into playing the game well." At this time, Stephen also understood the reason for the weird corridor just now. It will be built like that.

Under the towering gate at the end of the passage, Urchenko and two bodyguards were already waiting here.

As if sensing that all the visitors had arrived, the palace door dozens of meters high slowly opened, revealing a white light door behind it. Alul El walked out of the door with his two bodyguards.

"Welcome, my friend. ... Let's get started!"

Alul El's opening words were so brief that he didn't even look like someone of his status. He almost didn't even say a polite word before getting ready to start the chess game.

"Please wait a moment! Your Excellency Alul El!" Klaus suddenly said, "Are you planning to have two games today?"

In the face of Klaus's inquiry, Alul El behaved very kindly. It seemed that he gave enough respect to this excellent opponent who had escaped from him four times:

"? Not bad, Klaus, what's wrong?"

"This Mr. Urchenko is a treasure of mankind. He has a rare genius mind. If there is any loss, it will be a great loss to our world, so I hope you cancel the match with him!"

Krause's statement is not unreasonable. As the top chess champion in the human world, Urchenko's intelligence has exceeded a certain limit.

To put it simply, as long as a powerful country or force imparts knowledge about magicians to him, there will be one more magician in the human world.

Although due to individual differences, many magicians prefer to be researchers, but their actual combat abilities are not strong.

However, due to his terrifying research capabilities and genius-like wisdom, the extraordinary world acquiesces that every magician who has become a magician is a divine being.

For the human world itself, which lacks high-level power, if it were not for the fact that the extraordinary forces in the human world have suffered heavy losses in the past few decades in order to conquer other worlds, many extraordinary forces have to close down to recuperate.

Geniuses like Urchenko will be absorbed by many major forces at a young age when they are famous.

What's more, Alul El's game is not that simple. People who have never seen the opponent play chess will never imagine that someone can study the demon war chess to this level.

Unfortunately, Klaus's kindness seemed to be a complete hindrance to Urchenko, so he rejected Klaus's kindness without hesitation and took the lead in following Aluel El into the white light door behind him.

Ten minutes after entering the outside world, Urchenko, who had a withered body, a thin face, and red bloodshot eyes, fell out of the light door screaming.

Urchenko - on the street!

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