Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 653 The Desperate King's Determination (Transition Chapter)

The piercing siren sounded throughout the world. After watching the "fireworks", the noisy crowd gradually dispersed, and the originally crowded coast suddenly became empty.

The silver coins were kept being thrown up and caught. The Despair King was still lying on the railing, looking at the sea with an expressionless face, and suddenly said:

"Hey, who do you think doesn't have a plan?"


The other three people leaning on the railing looked at him doubtfully.

In the distance, the battle between Lebra and the Blood Realm Familiar was in full swing.


Bloodmaul Brody followed the plan and smashed the nose of the plane where the Blood Realm Familia was into a building that had been undergoing renovations and had no human habitation, trying to keep the battlefield as far away from the crowd as possible.

The coins kept flying again, and the face of the Despair King became a little irritable:

"Are you kidding? This is just a game."

After catching the coin again, King Despair seemed to have made up his mind. A smile appeared on his face with an irritable expression.

"Okay! Caught!"

Seeing that the Blood Realm Familia were temporarily isolated from the potential ghoul army, Klaus looked at Leo who was running the God's Prosthetic Eye at full capacity and writing something on the note pad in his hand.

"Leonardo, did you see his name clearly?!"

"Not yet, I've only seen half of it."


The first phase of the plan went smoothly, but there was a slight gap in the second phase of the plan, so Klaus decided to change his strategy without hesitation.

Leo, who was carefully writing the real name of the Blood Realm Familiar, was startled when he felt someone grab him by the collar. Then, as he screamed, Klaus grabbed him and jumped from the top of the building.

"What? Wait... ughhhhhh!!"

During the rapid fall, Klaus condensed a bloody cross in his hand and inserted it into the reinforced concrete of the building, constantly using the bloody cross as an intermediary point to slow down his fall.

Behind him, Zapp followed closely, using the bloody cross as a jumping point to fall quickly.

After adjusting his posture slightly, Klaus swung his arm and swung his body in when approaching the gap in the building that had been previously smashed.

However, as soon as they entered the building, they were met by a crazy attack from the Blood Realm Familiar.

Fortunately, Klaus reacted quickly, and before the opponent's extended claws came close, he was blocked by the blood cross he condensed in time as a shield.

As soon as the blood magic formula condensed in the blood came into contact with the body of the Blood Realm Familiar, it exerted a strong corrosive effect like concentrated sulfuric acid, forcing the opponent to withdraw his sharp claws.

Zapp then also fell down, looking at the scene in front of him and couldn't help but feel a little sick:

"Wow, so curious. He is regenerating his skull while launching attacks..."

"Ahhh! Stop talking, I have to look over there now!" Leo urgently interrupted this guy's description.

However, Zapp did not chat or slap him as usual, and his expression was a little solemn:

"...No, you can rest assured and take a look, it's fine."

In just the blink of an eye, the blood family members who were smashed into blood foam regrouped their bodies.

"The speed is really amazing." Zapp spit out the cigarette in his mouth, "Is the reverse regeneration accelerating... What should I do?"

"Well, first of all, we need to know his name and send him to a safe area while Leo finishes writing." Klaus quickly arranged the next thing, "Are the people in the plane okay?"

"I don't know, the power of the Blood Realm Familiar is too powerful..."

While the two were discussing quickly, Leo and I were behind Klaus, carefully looking at the blood family member who was very close to him and exuding a terrifying aura, while quickly writing the other person's real name.

After hearing what Klaus said, he glanced at the situation inside the plane out of curiosity, and then became a little confused.

"Why is it this color? Are the people inside it human?"

In his field of vision, the aura of the Blood Realm Familiar was still the same bright crimson color as before.

But the aura of the humanoid creature in the plane was strangely blue like the sea—a color that Leo had never seen before.

"Move quickly, don't panic, and be sure to write accurately."

Klaus's voice awakened Leo from his doubts, and he immediately clenched the pen in his hand and wrote the last part of his real name on the note.

"'s written!"

Leo tore off the note and handed it to Klaus. When Klaus took it, his eyes were still staring at the Blood Boundary Familiar in front of him, not daring to show any signs of neglect.

The healed Blood Realm Familia were floating in the air, looking a little confused at the few people in front of them who stood still after rushing in.

However, although he didn't know what these people were doing, he at least knew one thing. The other party was definitely doing something detrimental to him.

His eyes drifted among the three people in front of him, and finally settled on Leo.

Two of the three people were in a state of constant alert. Only Leo, the guy who seemed to be the weakest, kept writing and drawing.

No matter how you look at it, you know there must be something wrong with this guy.

"Let's start with...that kid."

The Blood Realm Familia thought silently in their hearts. With the help of the ruins, their arms had quietly stretched out their blood and lurked behind Leo.


Sharp claws made of blood sprang out from the ground and stabbed towards Leo.


The Bloodbound follower's sudden attack failed to create results. Before his extended claws could get close to Leo, a bullet flashing with golden lightning hit his forehead.

On another building in the distance, K.K., who had been prepared for a long time, pulled the bolt of the sniper rifle, and the smoking shell flew out in a rotation.

"Hit right in the middle of the eyebrows!"

The golden lightning exploded, and the brain of the Bloodbound follower was cooked in an instant.

The brain was destroyed, and the control of blood was temporarily stagnant, allowing Klaus to save Leo from the claws in time.

At the same time, with the help of the brief opportunity created by K.K., everyone present also took action together.

Bloodhammer Brody, who had been hiding in the ruins, suddenly rushed out, took over Klaus's protection of Leo, picked him up, and jumped out of the building with Leo without hesitation.

Klaus and Zapp also acted at the same time. Klaus got close to the blood circle followers who just reacted, while Zapp approached the nose of the plane and tried to save the people inside.


Feeling his body falling freely, Leo couldn't help screaming even though he knew that the people around him would protect him.

But he was stunned before he screamed for long, because Bloodhammer Brody's action speed was too fast, and Leo's God's Eye was still in full power, so he could clearly see the obvious changes in the building in front of him.

The building that seemed normal to others suddenly burst into a light that entangled the building and rushed straight into the sky in Leo's sight.

For a moment, many red cracks appeared around the building, but unfortunately they flashed away and soon returned to normal.

"What is that...?!"

At the same time, in a piece of space debris hidden under the building that was used as a battlefield by Libra.

The space inside this space debris is extremely huge, not even much smaller than the space of Hersharemz.

A large number of ruined buildings floated in this space as if they had lost gravity, and countless golden spell-like light bands entangled the many suspended wreckage ruins.

The more "down" you go, the denser the ruins are, and the more light bands there are. Although there is no sun in the space debris, the light gathered by these light bands still illuminates the entire space.

In the center of the space debris, a huge green pool is surrounded by ruins and light bands.

There is no doubt that this is one of the nodes hidden in the Helsharemuz Great Barrier.

As the red aura of the building that Leo saw erupted, the originally calm pool also vibrated, causing waves.

"What do you think is the probability that I have to do something else in order to trigger something?"

Looking at the quiet ocean and feeling the cool breeze blowing across his face, the King of Despair suddenly asked expressionlessly.

"What are you talking about? What does it mean?" Yalijira asked puzzledly while chewing the popcorn in her mouth.

Seeing the other three people look indifferent, the King of Despair showed a helpless look again:

"Don't worry about it, answer me."

Arikira swallowed the food in her mouth, raised her head and thought for a moment, and immediately answered: "I don't know~"

Although he was wearing a dress, he had no manners. Femto, who was carrying his cane and looking up at the sky, also answered in a lazy voice:

"It's boring. No matter what the world will become, I just want to do what I want to do. If I don't want to do it, I won't do it. I'm not crazy enough to think about these things."

Zheng Shu understood Femto's intention, looked at the King of Despair in front of him, and suddenly reached out and rubbed his hair:

"It seems that you have encountered a situation where you have to do something you hate..."

"Tsk! It's not my turn for you to comfort me."

Impatiently knocked Zheng Shu's hand away, the King of Despair turned around and leaned on the railing, looking up at the night sky.

"No matter who you are, you will always think about something similar: Is what you are doing now meaningful or worthless? Will you get a reward one day? Or is it all in vain? How much impact can your existence have on the world, or will it have no impact at all."


The coin in his hand bounced up again, but this time Despair did not catch it in his palm, but let it fall on the back of his hand and covered it with his hand.

"Heads." Fei Muto said.

Although the King of Despair did not speak, he had already placed a bet the moment the coin fell.

The King of Despair smiled: "Tails."

Yali Jila still sat on the railing. Looking at the sea and eating his popcorn, Zheng Shu looked at the two people who suddenly made a bet and shrugged helplessly.

With his dynamic vision, he could clearly see that the coin should be heads, not just him, but everyone else present should be able to see it.

But the King of Despair still wanted to make such a simple "bet", and was even willing to let Fei Muto place the bet first.

Combined with what the King of Despair said before, the situation was actually very clear, and the other party was expressing his attitude in this way.

Sure enough, as the King of Despair moved his palm away and looked at the coin with the flower character on the reverse side on his arm, a smile appeared on his face:

"I won, and these are enough to prepare."

At the same time, in the barrier node deep underground, the brightness of the golden spell slowly faded, and finally completely lost its power.

The golden light band composed of spells also dimmed, and the light pulse generated by the green lake in the center became stronger and stronger. After breaking through the critical point, the light also disappeared.

Leo, who was standing at the bottom of the building and was in a daze, suddenly found that the red light burst out from the building again.

However, this time the light was more intense than the last time, and it even kept gathering, and finally exploded like a burst of fireworks.

Such a grand "fireworks" did not attract the attention of any pedestrians except Leo and Blood Hammer Brody, who was attracted by him and also looked at the building.


Yalijila turned around at some point and looked at the light bursting in the sky in the distance, and made a shrill exclamation.

"Really?" The King of Despair was also a little surprised, as if he was surprised that his move could achieve such an effect this time, "I made a profit."

Fimto was surprised for a moment and turned to look at the King of Despair.

Although he still had a smile on his face, his expression was inexplicably tired and sad.

After looking at what might be his only friend for a moment, the King of Despair restrained the smile on his face, closed his eyes, and sighed:

"It's so boring... I hate this from the bottom of my heart."

"He is determined to trigger the second Great Collapse, and he is willing to go against his own ideas and even cheat for this..."

Interpreting the meaning of the King of Despair's behavior, Zheng Shu shook his head.

All along, the King of Despair has placed himself in the position of "observer", and even if he occasionally merges with humans, he will not do too much.

But this time, the King of Despair broke his own ideas, destroyed the barrier through the hands of others and disguised it as an accident.

For a superior being, it is not difficult to influence or even destroy a barrier node whose location is already known, but the reason why the King of Despair used this complicated and cumbersome method is to prove his serious attitude to the people present.

A superior being is willing to act at all costs, even abandoning his previous beliefs, so naturally others have no right to stop him.

Although it is unknown why the King of Despair has such a strong obsession to trigger the second Great Collapse, since he has expressed such a belief, Zheng Shu can only "give in".

At least before the King of Despair successfully triggers the Great Collapse, Zheng Shu will not stop him.

At the same time when the node was destroyed, in the Central Hospital of Saint Alanya.

Xiaobai, who was watching the news, suddenly felt a sharp pain in his heart. The strong pain made him unable to support his body and fell to the ground.

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