Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 684 Good Results (Two in One)

Maeve struggled to get up from the ground, but half of her fair face was swollen, and her nose was bleeding.

This was a matter of course. Although the people in the Jiutou meeting did not regard her as the main target of attack, they would definitely not be gentle with her.

For such a child, even just a little push would cause considerable damage.

Looking at this scene, Klaus suddenly widened his eyes.

Maeve, who was pushed down, staggered to her feet, but did not care about the pain on her face, but crawled forward with difficulty.

There, the flower she had been carefully caring for also fell to the ground.


A foot suddenly stepped heavily on her fingers, crushing the flower and the flowerpot into pieces.

Maeve stood there in shock, but the boss of the Jiutou meeting did not care about her thoughts, but just said two words lightly:

"Take it away."

Maeve struggled hard, but how could a child like her resist the gangsters around her?

Seeing this scene, Klaus, who was lying on the ground, twitched vigorously, and his movements also made others discover his situation.

"Boss, what should we do with this big guy? He seems to have regained consciousness."

A gangster squatted on the ground and patted Klaus's head with his hand, and then he suddenly heard a strange "sizzling" sound.

"What the hell... sweat?"

A lot of white steam came out of Klaus' body, and his body kept secreting sweat. His skin became red and his body temperature rose sharply. The sizzling sound was the sound of sweat evaporating into steam.

That was him using blood fighting techniques to forcibly speed up his blood flow, speeding up his metabolism as much as possible at the cost of shortening his life, trying to metabolize the anesthetic drugs in his body in a short time.

Watching Maeve being taken further and further away, the speed at which Klaus' sweat evaporated became faster and faster.

The originally paralyzed body was finally able to move. Although it was very reluctant, the whole person was slowly getting up from the ground.

"Wow! Big... Big Brother!"

Seeing the strange things happening to the man in front of him, the little gangster took two steps back in fear. Anything could happen in this city, so he certainly didn't dare to get close to him casually.


The boss of the Nine-Headed Meeting also reacted quickly. He rushed to Klaus' side and kicked Klaus, who had just bent his body, without hesitation.

The huge impact force caused Klaus' body to hit the metal door in the distance, knocking the entire door off the door frame, and even the metal door itself was damaged and twisted.

Seeing Klaus' body fall to the ground without any movement, the little gangster immediately came to his big brother.

"Yo! Big Brother, it's incredible!"

"Nonsense, how much do you think I spent on this body? This leg alone is enough to buy four Ferraris!"

The big brother proudly raised and lowered his legs continuously, showing its flexible maneuverability and powerful strength.

In order to fully strengthen his body, he invested most of the cash flow of Jiutou Jianhui.

In order to make up for the difference, he even sold a part of the fixed assets belonging to Jiutou Jianhui, which enabled him to obtain a much stronger transformation than normal people.

This time, the attack on Huachen Group was just a small test. Although he was embarrassed that he was forced to go bankrupt by such a small organization as Huachen Group to strengthen himself, the boss of Jiutou Jianhui was still very satisfied with the result.

With such power, even the weird biochemical transformation of Huachen Group is not to be feared.

After he wiped out the small organization that had been against Jiutou Jianhui recently, and seized the formula of their biochemical transformation, Jiutou Jianhui's strength would be expanded again.

It seems that his investment this time was right. It is estimated that it will not take long for the previously lost property to return to him.

Thinking of the pride, if there were no younger brothers watching around, the boss of Jiutou Jianhui would laugh out loud.

At this moment, he suddenly found that the guy who was kicked away by him just now was moving again, and even trembling and kneeling and raising his body again.

"Hey, he is not dead, it seems that he is quite strong."

The boss of Jiutou Jianhui slowly walked to Klaus' side, and looked at Klaus with interest, who was still emitting white steam and struggling to stand up.

"It seems that this guy is also related to them. He is so desperate, I guess that kid is very useful."

The boss of Jiutou Jianhui was very proud of his wit. He suddenly raised his leg and kicked Klaus away again.

"What a pity, the car has already left!"

He smiled smugly and kicked Klaus who couldn't resist: "After we use her, we will dig out her internal organs and sell them! If someone offers a good price, we can sell her to those perverts. Children are still quite useful in this regard! Right!"

Klaus looked miserable in the continuous attacks, but with the help of these attacks, he healed his body while accelerating the metabolism of anesthetics.

Although the anesthetic in his body has not been completely eliminated, his physical condition is getting better and better.

The boss of the meeting, who was already intoxicated, didn't notice it, but the gangster next to him found the problem.

"Huh? That guy... stood up? He was obviously paralyzed just now and couldn't move, and he was kicked so many times by a combat cyborg of my brother's level, but now he can stand up?! No!"

Discovering the problem, the gangster shouted loudly without hesitation: "Brother! Be careful!"


After being reminded by his younger brother, the elder brother who just came up immediately noticed the situation.

The guy who had difficulty standing at his feet now actually stood up unsteadily.

Although the other party still looked weak, he had already realized that something was wrong.

"Incredible...what's going on with this guy?!"

The boss of Jiutou Meeting suddenly exerted his strength and kicked Klaus out in front of him.

Regardless of what's wrong with this guy, it's still right to distance himself from the fight first.

"What kind of monster are you?! Forget it, I don't care what you are, you have to die!"

He has no intention of communicating with the other party at all. The guy in front of him is recovering rapidly, and he must not be allowed any time.

The boss of Jiutou raised his hands without hesitation. His hands were surprisingly large, and compared with other limbs, these hands had obvious traces of metal transformation.

And the reason why there are such obvious metal traces under such an advanced transformation is because these hands are his strongest trump card!

The hands quickly deformed the moment they came closer. The original human hands were broken down into pieces of metal parts that were quickly assembled and transformed, and soon an energy cannon with an exaggerated caliber was formed in front of him.

A blue light of energy lit up from the muzzle, and the muzzle with a diameter of nearly one meter was aimed at Klaus in the distance.

Feeling the power of this blow, Klaus gritted his teeth. With his physical strength, he would definitely be dead if he took this blow.

He raised his fist and tried to release the skill to block it, but the anesthetic in his body was still taking effect, making him release the skill much slower than usual.

"go to hell!"

The boss of Jiutou's meeting laughed wildly, and then the giant cannon formed by his hands exploded in front of his eyes.



The powerful shock wave spread in all directions, and the younger brother who was surrounding him just now was blown to pieces by the leaked energy.

"what's the situation?!"

Although he was clearly at the center of the explosion, the boss of Jiutou Meeting survived by relying on his powerful body transformation.

It's just that his current condition is not very good. His hands are completely broken, and the skin and flesh on the body are completely torn apart by the shock wave, exposing the bones and internal organs made of metal underneath.

"What's going on here?"

Another voice came from the side, and Zheng Shu's figure slowly descended, still holding Kirishima in his hand who had clearly left in a car just now.

Obviously, it was him who caused the boss's hands to explode when he was meeting with the boss just now.

Slowly falling to Klaus's side, he put down Kirishima in his hand. Zheng Shu looked at the mess around him and couldn't help but touch his chin.

"I think I left for a few minutes. Why are so many things happening here? Klaus, who is this guy?"

"What's happening here?! Yoshioka? Matsunaga?"

As soon as Tongdao was put down by Zheng Shu, he rolled and crawled towards the two people who had been tortured into human form in the distance.

After confirming the identities of the two people, he couldn't help but feel confused for a while.

Suddenly, Kirishima's body trembled suddenly, he ran back to Zheng Shu, and suddenly knelt down towards Klaus.

"Have you seen Maeve?!"

Klaus didn't speak, but stood up silently, and walked unsteadily towards the boss who was meeting with Nine Heads in the distance.

"Who are you?! You..."

The boss of Nine Heads Meeting took two steps back in horror. However, when Klaus approached him, he glared sharply and kicked him fiercely.


Such a powerful and heavy kick was caught lightly by Klaus with one hand.

Looking at this foot, he recalled that it was this foot that crushed the flowers and flower pots.

Slowly raising his head, Klaus showed an angry look for the first time in a long time.

The boss of Nine Heads Meeting noticed something was wrong, but now that his hands were broken and his feet were restrained, he could only watch as Klaus raised his other arm.


minutes ago.

In an armored vehicle, Kirishima was holding a flower pot in his hand and explaining how to use the flower to the few people around him who were specially selected by the dust skating team.

"Listen carefully, when you get to the place, cut off the petals from three centimeters and insert them into your forehead."

"Prefrontal lobe?" A young gangster made an unlearned voice.

"It's the forehead, right here!" Kirishima sighed and pointed at his forehead, "Then you can have a big fight. You will be invincible within 15 minutes."

The gangsters nodded, all eager to try.

Looking at these people in front of him, Kirishima couldn't help but think of Mei Wei.

He didn't know what he was thinking now, he only knew that his mood was extremely complicated.


Suddenly, a violent braking sound sounded, causing the gangsters in the armored vehicle to shake involuntarily.

"what happened?"

"Someone was blocking the car."

"Who is it? Is it an enemy? Meet the people over there at Jiutou?!"

Hearing this, the expressions of all the gangsters changed, and they all picked up their weapons and prepared for battle.

"No, it's not quite like..."


Before they finished speaking, all the gangsters felt that the sky had become "brighter".

Looking at the thick fog in the sky and the surrounding high-rise buildings, they were suddenly alerted. The roof of the armored vehicle they were riding in had been torn off like a piece of paper.


Kirishima looked at the figure directly in front of him, holding the roof of the armored vehicle and floating in mid-air, and his heart began to beat violently.

One hand has quietly reached behind him and picked up a flower tentacle.

If something goes wrong, he will "transform" without hesitation.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I just came to see someone."

Zheng Shu casually threw the armored car roof in his hand to the roadside, causing a group of outsiders to cheer loudly.

"My name is... Kirishima, right? I wonder if you would like to come with me. Don't worry, it won't take long, and you will definitely not be hurt."

Zheng Shu descended from mid-air with a smile on his face. Since he already knew the identity of the person who was suspected of living in symbiosis with plants, and the person seemed to be carrying a very critical sample with him, he naturally would not waste time.

As for whether the Sliding Dust Team could defeat such a trivial matter as the Nine Heads Meeting if he interfered like this.

In Zheng Shu's view, neither of these two sides is a good thing. Both underworld organizations are engaged in the business of killing people.

He didn't kill these people casually, it was for Kirishima's sake.

But looking at the mental fluctuations of the people in front of them, it was obvious that they were a little unconvinced.

Zheng Shu shrugged. He was best at convincing people with "reason".

Because his younger brother never responded to the message, he was worried that something had happened, so the boss of the Sliding Dust Group had to arrange for his subordinates to rush to the headquarters of Jiutou Meeting.

However, before reaching the destination, the vehicle came to a sudden stop.

"What's wrong?!"

"There seems to be a traffic jam. Only in this area, all the cars are motionless!"

The young gangster got out of the car to check in fear, and found that just as the driver said, all the vehicles were parked on the road, and the aliens and humans all got out of the car and looked at a location in the distance.

"Brother!" A younger brother raised his hand in shock and pointed to a building in the distance.

At this time, the surface of the building was full of cracks, all the windows were broken, and thick smoke was even slowly rising from the inside. It looked like it had just experienced a violent earthquake and fire. .

The little gangster took a look, a little disbelieving, and then took out his telescope and looked into the building carefully, and then took two steps back in horror.

"That building...isn't it the headquarters of the Nine Heads Meeting?"

At this time, the inside of the building was even more messy than the mess outside, and it could be called a mess.

Large swaths of corpses were mixed with torn furniture, and many of the corpses still held firearms in their hands.

But obviously, this kind of firearm is too weak in the face of this intruder.

Klaus, who was covered in blood and even his sleeves were torn, slowly walked out of the main entrance of the building.

One of his hands was also holding a half-torn corpse. Judging from the metal bones and various equipment exposed on the corpse, this was another modified person whose whole body had been modified.

In his other hand, he carefully held a little girl.

Throwing away the body in his hands, Klaus instead hugged Meiwei with both hands and slowly walked out of the building.

Among the crowd of people watching outside the building, Kirishima is waiting here anxiously.

After seeing Klaus's embarrassed figure and Meiwei's safety, the man could no longer hold back his inner emotions and burst into tears.

He hugged Meiwei tightly and cried loudly:

"I'm sorry! I don't know how to apologize to you. I can't even protect a child..."

At this time, along with the sound of sirens in the distance, the surrounding aliens also shouted:

"The police are coming!"

As a result, the surrounding aliens ran around reflexively, as if they had just participated in the battle.

Klaus, who was standing there watching the two reunited, also reacted and fled in a hurry.

"Klaus, this way!"

Stephen's voice came. He was sitting in a car in the distance, while Zheng Shu was sitting in the back seat of the car waving to him.

Looking at the building that was still smoking, Stephen showed a rare smile:

"I really admire you. You went a little too far this time."

Zheng Shu, on the other hand, was just watching the excitement and didn't mind the matter: "Poor Jiutou will definitely be shocked when they meet. According to the situation, they will probably have to disband this time."

"Who told them... to trample her most beloved flower?"

Klaus, who was full of embarrassment, was silent for a moment, and then he choked out these words.

Stephen looked at him and smiled, beckoning him to get in the car quickly.

"I didn't mean that. You broke in alone. You were too reckless. Zheng Shu, and you, were obviously with him, but let him face the enemies by himself."

"It's none of my business. I asked him his opinion at the beginning. He said he wanted to take revenge alone." Zheng Shu expressed his dissatisfaction and quickly blamed him, "And didn't I inform you immediately? ?”

“…I’m sorry.” After Klaus got into the car, he was still as honest as usual.

Stephen checked his physical condition and found it was surprisingly good.

Although he was covered in blood, it was not his own blood, and he didn’t even have a wound on his body.

But it was true that he would not be injured in the face of such a gangster.

“Next time if something like this happens, remember to call me first!”

“Uh… OK.”

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