Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 686: Hard-to-kill cockroaches and asking for leave


The space shook violently, and the huge spear shot straight into the sky with the burst of energy, crashing directly into the small space where the laboratory was located, and the aftermath destroyed Feimuto's castle.

Even the outer dark space was shaking violently, as if it might collapse at any time.

"My laboratory!!" Feimuto made a sharp explosion, and then followed the cracks in space to see the situation of his castle outside, and couldn't help but make a higher-frequency sound.

"I just built the castle!!!"

"Oh, it's a little too enthusiastic to do this to me when we first met, Alikira."

The lazy voice of the King of Despair came from above, and the blue flames that had just been blown away by the spear gathered together again.

The destructive power of Alikira's attack just now was so powerful that it could even shake Femto's specially strengthened dark space after penetrating the space of the laboratory. If it fell on the planet, it would be an attack capable of destroying a country.

But after the King of Despair, who had just woken up from a deep sleep, faced this blow, he still seemed relaxed and at ease, and even had the laziness in his voice that he had just woken up from a deep sleep.

"King of Despair, how dare you break the glasses I gave you!" Alikira raised her hand, and dense mechanical shadows appeared in the void behind her.

"Huh? Are you serious?!!"

"You...go out and fight!"

Femto clapped his hands angrily, and everyone present was teleported out of the small space where he was located. They were even expelled out of the dark space where his castle was located, and directly came to the interior of the endless void.

Suddenly changing positions, Alikira was not polite at all and launched her own attack on the King of Despair who was like a ball of blue flames in the distance.

Nearly endless energy beams and magic cannons flooded the area where the King of Despair was. There were even large swaths of battle robots taking shape behind her, and then rushed towards the enemy like moths to a flame.

For a moment, too much energy exploded in the endless void, and the residual light radiation even illuminated Hersalemzi above the nearby void.

Regardless of what kind of attention such a huge change would attract, Zheng Shu looked at Alikira who seemed to be going crazy and quietly retreated to Femto's side.

"Why does it feel like Alekira is very angry?"

"Don't you already know? That guy from the King of Despair was too complacent when he used her props before, and he actually broke the thing." Feimuo said matter-of-factly.

"Ah... I didn't expect that she would be so concerned about her creations. But if one creation is damaged and more creations are broken, wouldn't it be worth the loss?" Zheng Shu was a little confused about the scene in front of him.

Since Alykira's authority is creation, she can create whatever things or spells she needs at will.

Theoretically, as long as there is enough material, she can create everything with her own authority.

I dare not say much else in the endless void. The fog is absolutely thick, and due to the chaotic gravity, there are still a large number of ruins and debris floating around.

Coupled with the substances that Alikira herself has stored in the small space, she definitely has no shortage of "ammunition" in the endless void.

Even in extreme circumstances, Zheng Shu saw that even the machines destroyed by the King of Despair could be reused and made into new robots to join the battle.

The result of this is that the number of creations created by Alikira is extremely large, and the losses are also considerable.

In just such a short period of time, Zheng Shu estimated that tens of millions of combat machines were destroyed.

This is not some crappy unmanned combat machine, nor is it a piece of scrap metal that was casually made for fun.

It is no exaggeration to say that if there is no strong person at the level of divine existence to restrain it, each unmanned combat machine is enough to easily destroy a city in a short time.

That is to say, these machines are limited by Alykira's authority, so they cannot be too far away from her.

But such a strong offensive showed that she was really angry. Likewise, the number of creations destroyed during this period was also exaggerated.

"Ah, yes, I don't think I told you, but it's actually not the same."

Femto scratched his hair in confusion and carefully organized his words.

"For Alykira, all the machines she makes are her family, but the premise is that they are 'made', not 'created'."

"You mean... those glasses were not something she created with her authority?" Zheng Shu took a breath, "Even if Alikira used her own knowledge to sublimate her authority, this is a bit too exaggerated. Bar?"

Stealing the power of God's Prosthetic Eye is not as simple as imagined. The "people" who made God's Prosthetic Eye are all high-ranking beings who can only hold back in the Kingdom of God because they are too powerful.

Although everyone didn't go all out, they did put in a little bit of energy.

The glasses made by Alikira can bypass the "firewall" of God's Prosthetic Eye and steal the power of God's Prosthetic Eye, which means that she overwhelms all superior beings in at least one aspect.

If Alekira did this with authority, Zheng Shu didn't think there was anything exaggerated.

After all, things like authority have the cheating ability to rewrite the world. Although Leo's prosthetic eye of God is exquisitely constructed, it is still not a creation of authority, and it is normal for it to be rewritten.

But if it is a non-authority creation, it is a pure collision of technology and knowledge, which is a bit too exaggerated.

"No, it's not as exaggerated as you think. Although it is not an authority creation, Arikira's ability is also quite cheating when making such things." Feimutu understood the reason for Zheng Shu's shock and shook his head.

"If you just rely on your own knowledge, you can't break through the protection of the God's Eye, but she actually has another cheating way."

Looking at Arikira laughing in the center of the battlefield and constantly creating new combat machines, Zheng Shu suddenly had an idea.



Feimuto showed a smile of "You know a lot".

"Hiss..." Zheng Shu once again made a small contribution to global warming, "Isn't this a bit too cheating?"

As mentioned earlier, Arikira's authority can create things or spells with the functions she needs at will.

Although it sounds outrageous, as an authority creation, the shortcomings of these things are also obvious.

First of all, it must exist and take effect under the maintenance of authority. Once the authority is lost, it may completely lose the original design function, or even collapse directly on the spot.

The second disadvantage is that these authority creations cannot be too far away from the creator. After all, authority can only rewrite the world in a "small range".

This is different from the organisms created by Feimto. Because of the focus of authority itself, Feimto only uses authority to assist in the creation process in most cases.

Of course, Feimto also has his own authority creations. He once showed it in battle. "Play Skills·One Hundred Demons Night Parade" uses a similar method.

The monsters he suddenly summoned from his body at that time were basically temporary combat power twisted by force with his own cells as the basic resources.

Since Feimto's authority has the ability to create permanent monsters, then Yalijira naturally has a similar effect.

The principle is very simple. In fact, it is to use authority to create a machine with its own required capabilities, and then disassemble this thing and reverse the internal principles inside.

Of course, if you think about it, you will know that this process is definitely not that simple.

After all, it is something created directly with authority, and there must be many technical "black boxes" in it.

In order to fully reproduce it, in addition to reversing the relevant technology, it is also necessary to constantly adjust the internal structure of this creation to achieve a point where it can fully match the rules of the normal world.

However, this method at least has a "goal" and is at least more efficient than the normal research method.

According to Zheng Shu's understanding, this is actually a weakened version of the panel three skills.

"No wonder Alikila is so angry, that thing probably consumed a lot of her efforts." Zheng Shu nodded and understood her current state of mind.

No matter how efficient the research method is, this kind of thing is the result of one's own hard work.

The hard work was so casually consumed by others. Even if it was Zheng Shu, he would be so angry that he would beat the other party, let alone the "Paranoid King".

"Not only that, when King Despair came to me for help, he gave me a very tight time frame. In order to complete his commission, Alikira was exhausted in those days." Fimto took out his cane from somewhere and leaned it elegantly in the void.

Recalling that Alikira didn't talk much every time they met in those days, but just ate all kinds of snacks crazily, Zheng Shu nodded in understanding.

"The King Despair deserves it."

Forcing a superior being to rely on eating to make up for physical strength, you can imagine how much Alikira consumed in those days.

While the two were chatting, the situation of the battle also changed quietly.

Although Alikira was fighting so happily, in fact, the damage she caused to King Despair was negligible.

Unlike the previous playful battle with Klaus, King Despair naturally used all his strength when facing Alikira.

Any energy or physical attack will be converted into blue flames under his control when approaching him.

And these blue flames will be released by him to resist attacks and counterattack enemies.

So at the beginning, Yalijira would use condensed energy attacks, and later simply detonated her attacks in advance, releasing pure shock waves and energy bursts, so that at least it could have a little impact on him.

Later, Yalijira's power output became higher and higher, so the upper limit of the strength of the drone combat machinery she could create became more and more exaggerated.

Later, the strength of the unmanned combat machinery even broke through that limit and reached the level of a superior existence!

"Hey, hey, hey, isn't this a bit too exaggerated?"

Zheng Shu's eyes twitched a little, because just now, he watched an unmanned combat machinery created by Yalijira also use the power of creation to create a large number of energy cannons and attack the King of Despair in the distance.

Of course, more unmanned combat machinery with power covered their entire bodies with power as isolation, and came to the front of the King of Despair to fight him in close combat.

"Oh, Arikira is really angry now, but she won't be able to last long in this state." Fimto sighed helplessly.

Authority certainly cannot appear out of thin air, so the unmanned combat machines created by Alykira with the strength of a superior being are essentially temporary divisions of her authority.

In this way, although the strength does not decrease significantly due to the special nature of authority, Alykira is equivalent to bearing the activation of multiple authorities at one time, which will put a lot of pressure on her.

"I think that compared to this side, I am more surprised that the other side has not died."

Looking at the King of Despair who was finally unable to maintain his previous relaxed state and was chased around like a dog by a group of unmanned combat machines, Zheng Shu rubbed his teeth.

This guy is now surrounded by at least thousands of unmanned combat machines at the level of superior beings, but although the King of Despair was beaten badly, he is still alive and kicking.

This is probably the most special part of the power system of this world. Although there is no difference from other worlds in the early stage, once the superior being has mastered the authority, the ability to survive will be greatly improved.

Even if Zheng Shu, who had not obtained the authority before, was not cheating, he would die miserably if he was beaten by thousands of people of the same level.

But looking at the state of the King of Despair, it is estimated that it will not be a big problem if he is beaten for a few more days.

You should know that the King of Despair is not in a complete state now. He was just forcibly awakened from his sleep and is extremely weak.

But as long as he can maintain the minimum use of authority, that is, as long as he can rewrite the rules of his own existence, this guy will not die.

"Although I have already had a premonition after mastering the power of authority, the power system of this world is too exaggerated, right?!" Zheng Shu has already regretted agreeing to Feimto's commission.

"Where did this indestructible cockroach come from? If I want to kill you guys, it seems that I can only wear you down..."

"Almost, that's right." Feimuto did not deny, "Besides, you are also an indestructible cockroach now."

Zheng Shu fell silent, watching Yalijira's face begin to turn pale, and decisively clapped his hands and opened his own little world.

"Yalijira, change people!"


Although she was very unhappy, Yalijira still revoked her authority and retreated honestly.

"Oh, is it your turn this time?" The King of Despair stopped, and the blue flame vibrated the atmosphere and turned into sound.

"Yes, I will fulfill the promise and beat you to death." Zheng Shu clenched his fist and took the initiative to fly in front of him.

"Then you have to work hard. Although I want to die, I won't die so easily."

It was just a ball of blue flame, but Zheng Shu felt that he could see the other party's laughing expression.

"Try it. It's troublesome, but I should be able to kill you."

"Then come on!"

Authority: World!

Authority: Soul!

The invisible force expanded, transforming the small world that Zheng Shu had just released into a real existence.

At the same time, large tracts of matter were transformed into blue flames, blasting towards Zheng Shu mercilessly.

(I'm going to take a day off in advance. I'm going to be drafted tomorrow. I'm going to take a day off tomorrow.)

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