Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 693 Transition (Two in One)

More than ten hours ago.

Lille sat on a bench in the park, shivering with regret,

"I... escaped, but I turned a blind eye to my friend's danger..."

Lille was walking with Leo before. Because of his race's innate factors and his weak body, he had almost no friends in this city. Leo was one of the few people willing to be friends with him.

However, while the two were happily shopping, they were targeted by two gangsters.

The other party was Nuzierba and Masad, who often robbed him. Seeing Nuzierba's strong arms that could easily break the concrete floor with one finger, Lille was trembling with fear. When they robbed Leo, he ran away driven by fear.

Tears of regret kept flowing from his eyes, and his body was still trembling because of the fear just now, but the grief in his heart made Lille even more uncomfortable.

"Although I was once hit by Nuzierba and my whole body was broken, but this is not the point! If my body was stronger and my strength was greater, maybe I would not have encountered this incident..."

"That's it."


Listening to the voice that suddenly appeared in front of him, Li Er was sweating all over. He looked up and saw a weird-looking guy. The other party looked like a cow horn with a mask and several weird tentacles.

However, although it looked strange, the size of this thing was unexpectedly small, not even as big as Li Er's fist.

"That's it, isn't it?"

Just when Li Er was confused, this strange thing repeated what it had just said.

"Who are you...?!"

Looking at the other party's small body, although he felt something was wrong, Li Er still plucked up the courage to ask.

"You want to get stronger power, that's it?" The other party did not answer the question, but confirmed it again, and kept tempting Li Er.

"To put it bluntly, in this world, strength is the only way to speak. If you are stepped on, you can only bow your head and beg for mercy. The more people you trample on others, the better the scenery you can enjoy!

But unfortunately, you are so weak that it is beyond imagination. It can be called desperate. It is a fantasy to think that you can become a superior person with your own ability.

How about it? Speak your own thoughts and ask your own heart! Don't you want to see it? That scenery belongs to the conqueror!"

Looking at the extremely suspicious guy in front of him and listening to the other party's obviously bewitching words, Lille fell silent.

If it were a human, he would probably have begun to think about whether the thing in front of him was the temptation of the devil or the demon.

Of course, there is no relevant cultural foundation in the other world, but Lille also knows that the other party must have his own purpose.

But in any case, the other party is telling the truth.

Because his race is inherently weak, Lille is used as a stepping stone every moment, so he can feel the hardship of being a weak person more deeply.

"...Yes, I want to become stronger!"

"That's it, isn't it?!" The strange thing seemed very satisfied with Lille's answer, "You're lucky, kid! I can help you become stronger and make you a being that can trample everything!"


Swallowing his saliva, Lille looked at the other party nervously, wondering how he would fulfill this promise.

Is it a spell? Or some special technology?

"First... buy something rich in sugar."

"Ah?" Lille was stunned, "Are you hungry?"


The strange thing hit Lille's face directly, with a tone of regret:

"Idiot! The prerequisite for performing my spell is to have a special bacteria. I asked you to buy these things to make a bacterial culture dish!"


Although he felt that the other party didn't seem so reliable, Lille still ran to the supermarket honestly and bought a bunch of necessary materials according to his instructions.

Fortunately, although the prefix preparation was quite ordinary, the effect of the spell performed by this guy who called himself Gumnamo was quite good.

"Let's go out for a walk and feel your own strength."

At Gumnamo's urging, Lille walked out of the room reluctantly.

Although his body has indeed become much stronger, he always feels that relying on this little strength seems to be insufficient to protect himself in the city, let alone stepping on everyone under his feet as he said before.

Walking on the street, Lille accidentally saw his image reflected on the glass of the store, and he unconsciously raised his arm to show his muscles.

Originally, his arms were extremely thin. Although his height was about the same as that of ordinary humans, the thickness of his arms might even be about the same as a clothesline.

But now, his body looks much stronger. Even among humans, it takes years of fitness to have a good figure.

"It seems that this is not bad."

Feeling the power brought by this body, Lille's mood improved again. Touching his hungry stomach, he found a fast food restaurant and walked in.

"Oh? Um... your name is Lil, right?"

As soon as he sat down in the restaurant, a silver-haired, dark-skinned human male next to him recognized him.

Lil was slightly stunned, looking at the other person, and recalled that he seemed to have seen him go shopping in the supermarket with Leo.

"Ah! You are Leo's senior..."

After hearing Leer's confirmation, Zapp looked him up and down again: "I feel like you are different from before. I almost didn't recognize you."

"Huh? Is there any?"

"Of course, I can tell from one glance that you have been exercising recently. Your body has become much stronger!"

After confirming that the other party was Leo's friend, Zapp immediately showed his shameless nature. He patted Leal on the shoulder and picked his teeth with a toothpick with his other hand, looking like a gangster extorting money.

"Let's not talk about this for now, can you lend me 20 ceros for emergency use? I will ask Leo to return it to you later!"


Faced with the shameless behavior of the guy in front of him, Lear instantly recalled Leo's instructions.

"Leo seems to have said once that although this person has some merits, overall he cannot be trusted."

If it had been before, Lille would not have dared to refuse the other party's semi-blackmail behavior.

But now, feeling his own expanding power, Lille expressed his attitude very decisively: "No."

Unfortunately, for a scumbag like Zapp, this firm rejection cannot make him give up his intentions.

He held Lille with both hands and kept shaking him: "Okay, okay, please!"

"I can't lend it to you!"

Feeling nervous all the time, Lear unconsciously stretched out his hands and pushed Zapp away fiercely.

It's just that compared to previous results, the effect of "rejection" this time is a bit too good.


As if he was hit by a car, Zapp flew backwards, smashed the window and fell to the street. Then he was really hit by a speeding vehicle and flew out. He rolled several times before finally landing. .

"Wow!" Lear was shocked by the force of his push and ran away reflexively, "I'm sorry!!"

Zap was lying on the ground with his head covered in blood. He looked at Lear who was escaping quickly, but he couldn't react: "This guy... what's going on?!"

"Oh, Zapp? Is it really you?! Why did you rush out suddenly?"

A female voice came from behind, and Zapp's body shook involuntarily.

Turning around, he saw a familiar-looking woman getting out of the car that hit him just now.

If it was just such a person, Zapp would naturally not be alarmed, but he had already seen two more women approaching from the crowd of people shopping nearby.

The most important thing is that he met all three of them in the hospital and he hooked up with them all!

"It's over!"

In the alley, Lear leaned against the wall and looked at his palms.

He had now realized what he had just done. After the disbelief, there was ecstasy.

He kept clenching and stretching his fists, feeling the continuous power coming from him, and the joy in his heart kept surging.

It wasn't until the top of his head suddenly darkened that Lille finally reacted to the surprise.

He raised his head and saw two extremely strong aliens who were more than a head taller than him standing in front of him.

The other party grabbed Lille's collar very simply and pulled him in front of him: "Hey, you bastard! You bumped into someone and you want to leave without saying a word?"

It's a very low-end, even perfunctory excuse. Lille is very familiar with this sentence. This is the most common tactic used by this group of gangsters to extort and rob others.

Looking at the ferocious guy in front of him, Lille's mentality gradually changed from fear to anger.

Bang bang bang!


Not long after, fierce sounds of physical collision and screams came from the alley.

By the time everything was settled, the two gangsters had passed out on the ground, and Lille's figure had once again grown in size. He even jumped up in height and looked even taller than the two gangsters. A lot.

Veins popped up on the swollen muscles. Feeling his increasing strength, Lille looked at his palms again: "Boring, scoundrels..."

After confirming that his current strength was strong enough, Lille was already satisfied, but just as he was about to leave, he heard some movement.

Turning around, he saw Nuzirba, who had robbed them before, passing by this alley with his younger brother, and saw this tragic scene.

The other party looked at Lear's tall body and took two steps back in fear. The sound just now was caused by them hitting the wall when they backed up.

Recalling the past when he was extorted and robbed by these people, Lille rushed in front of them without hesitation.

"What are you going to do...ahhh!"

Nuzirba let out a scream before he could finish his words, and one of his fingers that looked like a human arm was abruptly broken off.

The boy next to him wanted to escape, but Lille easily grabbed his head and threw him to the ground with each hand, leaving his head bruised and bloody.

"Wait! Spare me! Please, please be noble and spare me!"

Nuzirba fell to his knees crying and crying, but his begging for mercy only aroused Lir's anger:

"Where are you now, Nuzirba! Why are you crying and begging for mercy when you just broke a little finger? I was injured by you until I suffered complex fractures all over my body!"


Lille ignored this guy's begging for mercy and stretched out his hands to pinch his wrists: "You should experience firsthand what it feels like to be beaten by you, Nuzierba!"


When Nuzirba collapsed on the ground with his whole body twisted and unconscious, and looking at the miserable state of this guy's face covered with tears and runny nose, Lille calmed down again.

"These guys, too, usually show off their power, but the result is not the same. They have to kneel down and beg for mercy from someone stronger than themselves, just like ordinary people... I used to be frightened by this kind of thing? "

Looking at the group of gangsters on the ground, Lear's heart was full of self-mockery.

"How is it? This is the perspective of a strong man. You have seen a scenery you have never seen before. Do you feel a little helpless?" Gemunaimo's voice sounded from Lille's mind.

Lear fell silent, not knowing what he was thinking.

The sound of dense metal footsteps came, and a group of mobile police appeared at the entrance of the alley. Lille knew that he must have made too much noise just now, and the surrounding residents called the police.

"Police! Everyone, put your hands up and get on the wall!"

After shouting this sentence, the leading mobile policeman quickly observed the scene and looked at the twisted gangsters on the ground, so he became more vigilant towards Lille.

"What a cruel attack... Hey! You! Hurry up and raise your hands!"

"How cruel is this? What they did to me was much crueler than this." The same enhanced hearing allowed Lear to hear the mutterings of the mobile police on the opposite side, so he subconsciously thought To refute.

It's a pity that he has forgotten that his current size is too strong, and even a slight movement is enough to make people wary.

"Don't move!"

The criminals in this city are not good men and women, which causes the mobile police to be in a tense state of mind at all times.

Seeing that Leal did not raise his hands to surrender for such a long time, but instead tried to get closer to him, the mobile police officers shot him without hesitation.

Special electric shock ammunition was fired, completely covering the area in the alley.

Whether it was Leal who was standing or the gangsters lying unconscious on the ground, they were all within shooting range.

Although the external statement of electric shock bombs is to subdue criminals without causing any injuries, the power of electric shock bombs has become more and more powerful when facing the increasingly terrifying group of reformed criminals such as Hersalemzi.

Now, each electric shock bomb is enough to easily knock down an Asian elephant.

The terrifying current flowed through the body, causing damage to Lear's body, but it also triggered the terrifying spell in his body.


Looking at Lear who was clenching his fists after forcibly breaking away from the current control, the mobile police officer's eyes widened: "Sure!"


Amidst the roar, a mobile policeman weighing 1.1 tons with armor was blown away like a toy and smashed a passing car outside the alley.

After a moment of calm, Leal's muscles expanded rapidly again as he made a punching motion. His increased height and enlarged muscles easily completely stretched his tights.

Its size became extremely exaggerated in an instant, and its fist alone was almost as big as a mobile police officer.

"What?! Giant..."


There was no time to replace the ammunition, and the mobile police squad leader was also punched away.

This time he flew further, even leaping across a street.

Klaus and Bloodmaul Brody had finished watching the art exhibition and were getting in the warden's car to return to the prison.

At this moment, Klaus suddenly smashed the car window with a punch, and a small cross shield quickly formed on the finger tiger he held in his hand and was inserted into the ground.

Relying on his unreasonable brute force, he stopped the vehicle abruptly, and happened to block a mobile policeman from the sky.

Bloodmaul Brody also reacted. Blood spurted out of his body, condensed into a huge hand and stretched out of the car, lightly catching another mobile policeman falling from the sky.

After placing it gently on the ground, Bloodmaul Brody was still in the mood to tease:

"Hahahaha, the police actually rained down from the sky. The weather today is really bad."

"Be careful, that's a reinforced exoskeleton weighing a ton, and it can kill someone if you're not careful." Klaus said as he opened the car door and walked out.

"What...what's going on?!" Only now did the warden react and look towards the direction in which the mobile police were flying.

In that very dark alley, accompanied by the flashing light of gunfire, the figures of two mobile policemen retreating and fighting appeared from the entrance of the alley.

"Asshole! Monster!"

The mental state of the two mobile police officers was on the verge of collapse. They kept shooting into the dark alley with their guns, but the panic inside them became stronger and stronger.

There was even a policeman who caused the mecha he was driving to fall to the ground due to improper operation.

Until they left the alley and entered a wider street, the two police officers could no longer resist the mental pressure and fled on the spot at full speed.

As the two police officers fled, the "monster" they had been attacking finally emerged from the dark alley.

This is a large and exaggerated humanoid creature. The mobile policeman who is over 2.5 meters tall including the mecha is not even as big as his forearm.

The muscles on his body are extremely developed. In an alley that is more than two meters wide, this giant even has to turn sideways to move.

The bullets fired by the mobile police's guns hit him but could only bounce away helplessly, as if the special guns in their hands that were powerful enough to penetrate the front armor of the tank were children's toys.

As soon as he saw this giant, Klaus contacted Stephen by phone without hesitation.

His intuition warned that this thing in front of him was definitely not an existence that could be easily dealt with.

"Brother Klaus, should we go out?" Brody asked.

Blood Hammer looked at the warden: "Idiot! Don't stop us, do you hear me?!"

Klaus turned his head and looked at Warden Aris in the car: "...Warden."

Aris looked at the two mobile police who were easily thrown away, and sighed helplessly: "Allow to go out, and subdue him in the shortest time!"


"Oh yeah!"

After receiving the order, the heavy mechanical shackles that had been bound to Blood Hammer Brody's hands were automatically untied and fell to the ground.

A large amount of blood gushed out again, wrapping Blood Hammer Brody's body and forming a blood-colonized armor.

The two men stood outside the car, looking at the giant in the distance and confronted him.

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