Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 699 New Universe and Research

"Oh, this kid didn't react at all. It seems that I really drank too much."

Seeing that he slapped Stephen without any response, K.K shook his head and decided to go home and sleep.

"K.K, stop it, it's all real." Stephen put on a serious face.

After Zheng Shu threw Lille's body into the endless void, he felt that the surrounding sight almost occupied the space around him.

So he didn't get close to the cadres of Libra, but just shook his head from a distance, and the voice automatically sounded from their ears.

"I have nothing to do here, I'll leave first, and you can deal with the rest by yourselves."

Without waiting for Klaus and Stephen to react, Zheng Shu's figure flashed and disappeared from the spot.

The surrounding residents of Hersharemz suddenly became restless and looked for his figure everywhere.

Naturally, no one noticed Leo, who was squatting quietly next to the endless void and pulling something up with a rope.

Libra and his group took this opportunity to quietly evacuate, after all, they had nothing to do here.

Although the giant incident caused a considerable impact, for the residents of Helsharemz, it was just a special riot.

According to subsequent statistics, the casualties caused by the giant's activities were not even as many as those caused by a group of thugs who took advantage of the situation afterwards.

As for Libra, Lee Gad left the city and returned to his hometown after confirming that his old enemy was dead.

Afterwards, Jane was ridiculed by Zapp, because at the critical moment, when they needed the young lady who was proud of her ability to penetrate walls and be invisible and omnipotent, she lost contact because of the girls' party of the Werewolf Bureau.

Later, it was learned that a group of werewolves drank up the wine stored in the underground winery that day, and the Les Harris Winery was drunk to the point that it could not be operated for a week.

As for the unlucky person in this incident, Lil, he also had a "small" problem.

When Leo pulled him up from the endless void, he found that his body had indeed shrunk, but it was too small.

Perhaps it was due to the side effects of the technique, or the influence of his racial talent, his size was even smaller than that of Sonic the Speed ​​Monkey, and he would be taken away by a bird if he wasn't careful.

However, after experiencing such a thing, Lil seemed to be quite calm, and didn't care much about his body shrinking so thin, and even thought that this might be a good way to atone for his sins.

After all, he had experienced the peak, and his mentality had changed to a certain extent.

However, Zheng Shu felt that his mentality had changed so positively, and it was very likely that his racial talent was also having an impact.

His talent could transform his emotions into almost endless energy, and conversely, those energies themselves also represented the accumulation of emotions.

Lil's life had not been very smooth before, and it could even be said that he was in dire straits, so naturally he didn't have any good emotions, and almost all of them were accumulated energy from negative emotions.

Although this reverse effect was not great, it would eventually have a certain impact on the person after accumulating to a certain extent.

So since Leo met Lil, he had always looked depressed.

This time, it was a blessing in disguise. All the energy dissipated into the atmosphere, which also meant that all the dark emotions in his heart were consumed.

In addition to the change in his mentality after experiencing some things, from now on, he can at least live a happier life.

As for Zheng Shu, he made a lot of money. In addition to getting a part of Lille's body tissue as research materials and samples, his biggest gain this time was Gumnamo.

Although he did blow up Gumnamo's mechanical cockpit with a shot under Leo's nose, it was easy for Zheng Shu to hide something secretly.

This is also an important reason why he is willing to shrink his body and fight in Lille's body.

"Femto, I have something good to show you, where have you been?!"

Zheng Shu kicked open the door of Feimto Castle with a "bang", and ran to his rooms to search around.

The two androids on the side were already accustomed to his style of doing things, and did not stop him, but just stood aside and watched silently.

Zheng Shu soon found Feimto, who was wrapped up in a ball, in the bedroom, and then dragged him out of the bed with one hand.

"What are you doing? I haven't finished watching this drama yet!" Feimto held his quilt tightly.

"I found a good thing this time, I think you should be interested."

Zheng Shu opened his hand and reached out. In the eyes of outsiders, there was only a confinement magic circle on his palm that looked less than the size of a coin.

"What the hell?"

However, Feimto jumped up from the bed immediately after taking a look, and his eyes were close to Zheng Shu's hand, looking like he wanted to stick his head into his palm.

"Bacteria? And it seems to be an intelligent creature? What do they use to think? The nucleus?"

"To be honest, I don't know much, but I encountered such a little thing outside this time, and more importantly, this guy is a magician." Zheng Shu also touched his chin and looked at the palm of his hand.

In a dimension that normal people cannot perceive with the naked eye, in the center of the confinement circle, a strange-looking bacterium is constantly struggling.

During this process, he even continued to curse in an incomprehensible language.

The imprisoned bacterium is Gemnaimo.

Even the expressions of struggling and yelling were just his disguise. On the other hand, he was still quietly observing the magic circle that imprisoned him, trying to crack it and escape.

It's a pity that Zheng Shu deliberately made the magic circle a little "big", so that he could not see the whole magic circle clearly.

As a bacterium, without the assistance of machinery and protective clothing, Gemunaimo's field of vision is actually quite limited. An area the size of a coin is enough to block him.

"Magister? What the hell? This thing can actually become a magister?"

Femto blinked. In a sense, he himself was actually a magister, and he naturally knew how difficult it was to become a magister.

Looking at the "fellow" in Zheng Shu's hand, he felt quite ridiculous.

"Yes, judging from my contact with this guy, he is indeed a magician. Although the accumulated knowledge is not enough, it is enough to bear the title." Zheng Shu nodded.

"Hiss... I always feel a little bit in a subtle mood."

Femto rummaged through his bedroom and pulled out what looked like a small telescope.

Pulling it open and pointing it at his eyes, he observed the bacteria in Zheng Shu's palm more carefully.

Looking at his focused look, Zheng Shu knew that this guy had become interested and was now immersed in research.

"Well...this thing is not from this world."

After observing for a long time, Feimu Tuo put down the equipment in his hand and came to such a conclusion.

"Isn't it a species from another world?" Zheng Shu was stunned. "Is it possible that this thing is a native creature on the earth? No way, there are not even extraordinary creatures on the earth. How can there be bacteria that can create civilization?"

"No, this thing is not from the earth. I just tried it with authority. The 'feel' is completely different. I can confirm that it is not a creature in the known universe." Femto simply broke the shocking news. .

Zheng Shu leaned back unconsciously: "You mean, there are other universes?"

Zheng Shu's words are quite "accurate". Under normal circumstances, the term "world" is used directly when describing the alien world and the human world, but in fact this "world" represents two different "worlds". universe".

When he directly talks about the universe, it means that he is thinking from the world position of the entire Blood Realm front.

"This is actually not something that should be surprising. After all, since there are human worlds and different worlds, it is not impossible for another universe to emerge." Femto seemed very calm.

"After all, a long time ago, the human world and the other world were quite far apart, and even completely inaccessible. It was not until the last few hundred thousand years that, for unknown reasons, the two universes began to get closer, and warlocks and some special races also Only by using space magic can one enter another universe.

Now it's nothing more than another universe appearing and the process repeating itself again. "

As soon as Feimu Tuo finished speaking, the hairs on Zheng Shu's back stood up involuntarily, because he felt that a bunch of eyes suddenly came to him.

"Hiss... you bastards, this is rape, rape! You are too disrespectful of other people's privacy!"

Zheng Shu jumped up fiercely, rubbing his arms while cursing at the sights "above".

"Hey! Please understand these guys. After all, they have been holding back too much. They finally have a new world, and they definitely want to go out and play." Femto was very calm, and even comforted Zheng Shu happily. .

"Forget it, I'll just join the group. Seeing how these bastards are acting, I guess they won't give up until they are satisfied.

Forget it, these guys have pretty good research skills anyway, so it’s good to let them start. "Zheng Shu waved his hand towards the roof, and those sights disappeared contentedly.

Moreover, Zheng Shu also thought very clearly that he had not had time to study another special part of himself before, so he took this opportunity to gather everyone together and continue to study it for another round.

Zheng Shu "tsk" and simply took Femto out of the dark space and came to the endless void.

First, he sent a message to the other thirteen kings, and then Zheng Shu clapped his hands and created a small world in the endless void.

After using his own authority to make the world real, rays of light descended into the small world one after another. They were a group of superior beings who couldn't wait.

"Come on, come on, don't be lazy! Prepare the experimental environment and experimental equipment first, everyone has a share, no fighting or grabbing! Over there, build the laboratory first and then hold a party!"

Zheng Shu clapped his hands and asked a group of superior beings in front of him to work.

So, in the empty little world, a group of people got busy.

A few days later, Zheng Shu lay on the sofa in Lebra Hall like a dead fish.

"Uh... what's wrong with him?" Klaus looked at Zheng Shu with some curiosity.

"From what he said, he seems to be very busy these days, so he's a little tired." Leo emerged from the side.

Stephen looked at Zheng Shu lying on the body and recalled the shocking scene a few days ago. He felt a little incredible: "Can he actually feel tired?"

"Nonsense, as long as I am still a living thing, I will definitely feel tired. Even if the physical fatigue can be compensated, I will still feel tired mentally."

Zheng Shu in the distance heard the three people talking and couldn't help but complain to himself.

Although it seemed to the outside world that only a few days had passed, in fact, he had been in the small world for hundreds of years.

Almost every particle of Gemunaimo has been thoroughly studied, and the coordinates of his universe have been controlled by superior beings.

As far as Zheng Shu knows, there are already high-level beings who are not good at scientific research and can't sit still and have gone to Gemunaimo's universe.

What are the specifics of that universe?

Since no one has returned yet, it’s not clear yet.

But Zheng Shu didn't have time to care about that, because after that, he took a group of high-level beings who were good at research to study himself carefully.

Zheng Shu ran out now not because the research was over, but because he couldn't bear it anymore so he came out to be lazy.

So even if he is lying on the sofa, he is actually consuming the power in the small world.

Of course, in order to prevent any accidents, he also adjusted the flow rate of the small world back to normal when he came out.

"Speaking of which, I came quite early today, but why hasn't Zapp come yet? Where is that kid?" Zheng Shu, who was lying on the sofa, suddenly realized that there seemed to be one missing person here.

"At the Central Hospital." Leo replied.

"That guy was hospitalized again. I remember he was discharged from the hospital a few days ago? What's the reason this time?"

Leo recalled Zapp's appearance and couldn't help laughing: "I heard from the doctor that this time it was a fracture of the cervical vertebrae. I visited him yesterday, and his face was swollen three times in size, leaving five different kinds of bruises. fingerprint."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..."

After imagining that scene, Zheng Shu couldn't help but gloat about his misfortune, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but turn up, as if his mental fatigue had been relieved a lot.

After just hanging out in Laibula for a day, Zheng Shu felt that his mental fatigue was almost relieved, and then he returned to the small world.

"Hey, you're back? Just in time, there's some new results here."

After Feimuo saw Zheng Shu, he broke away from a group of superior beings and took out a document and handed it to him.

"It looks like we may have figured out the nature of your ability."

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