Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 709 What the Eye of God Represents

After taking care of all the enemies, they walked back happily, arm in arm. On the way back, they met Jade who came out to pick them up.

"It seems that everyone is safe. It's great." Jade opened the car door, lifted his legs and walked out.

"You guys are really...acting too recklessly. Although you have Mr. Zheng Shu's strength as a guarantee, if you don't change this habit, such reckless actions will only put yourself in danger if you don't have Mr. Zheng Shu to look after you in the future." situation."

At this point, Jade's voice changed and he clasped his hands in front of his chest: "But, thank you."

However, the four people in front of Jed didn't pay attention to what he said. They just stared at his face blankly, and then suddenly couldn't help laughing.

"Pfft! Hahahahahahaha!"

The reason for this is entirely because Jade's current image is too funny.

Although the respirator was snatched away, he used the blood fighting method to form a thin blood film, wrapped it in a large ball of water and placed it upside down on his head to form something similar to a breathing hood.

Of course, it looked like some kind of strange big-headed doll, and the four of them, Zheng Shu, couldn't stand upright with laughter.

After wiping the spit on his mask, Jade was a little at a loss: "You... what are you doing?! Is there any problem?"

"Ah... Hahahaha... It's over. I laughed so much that my stomach hurts. I give up, I give up!!" Zapp covered his ribs, as if he had lost his breath.

"Hurry up and do what you did just now!" Zheng Shu took out his mobile phone excitedly.

"What?!" Jade was stunned.

"Please! Do it again, I will take a photo and put it in my hilarious folder!" Leo also took out his camera.

Amid laughter, the incident finally came to an end smoothly.

The compensation New Year party was successfully held and life returned to peace.

The only thing that surprised Leo and the others was that the newspaper published a report that Valhalla Company's performance was lower than expected.

Their losses on that night alone should have been more than tens of billions of dollars, but the final result turned out to be just like this. It seems that the strength of that company is far beyond imagination.

Zheng Shu had no intention of killing them all. After all, he was already having a great time.

Jed found a way to relieve his loneliness. He performed every Sunday afternoon in front of the fountain in Andantar Square, relying on his blood-fighting technique, the God of Wind, to control paper butterflies flying in the sky.

His performances were so popular that he even met people inviting him to restaurants while walking on the street.

Regarding this matter, Zapp expressed his jealousy over the large amount of money Jed gets every time he performs: "It's true that those who are willing take the bait, this smelly fish is quite good at fishing."

"Your cold joke is not funny at all." Zheng Shu said.

"I also think Mr. Zapp's jealous face is too obvious." Leo nodded in agreement.

"Oh, I finally found the location of the thirteen nuclear-armed androids. I've been really exhausted these past few days."

The door to the lobby of Lebra's office was opened, and Zap walked in with arrogant steps.

"Oh, thank you for your hard work. I have received the report here." Stephen nodded, with a somewhat emotional expression.

"It's really dangerous. According to the information we know, it seems that we will find a buyer tomorrow. I don't know whether they plan to sell it to the human world or keep it in Helsalemz for use, but either way it is not a joke. Yes, well done!”

"Of course, don't look at who I am!" Zap lay down on the sofa triumphantly, raised his legs and put his feet on the small coffee table in front of him.

"Nuclear-armed artificial man? The various technologies in Helsalemz are developing faster and faster."

Zheng Shu, who was sitting on the sofa enjoying tea, sighed with emotion and looked at Stephen: "What should we do with those captured nuclear weapons androids?"

"Ah, if you encounter such a dangerous thing, you usually contact the Vatican or the Warlock Association and ask them to help deal with it." Stephen replied immediately.

"That's it." Zheng Shu nodded and said nothing more. Instead, he looked behind Zapp in surprise.

"Where's that kid Leo? I remember he went out with you, right?"

"Oh, you tell me, that guy tried to perform Iron Head Kung Fu but failed, and is now in the hospital. What a reckless chicken coop!" Zapp laughed.

Zheng Shu looked at him with contempt: "Performing Iron Head Kung Fu? Did you kick him on the head and knock him unconscious?"

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. Anyway, the Lysaiz Hospital has 'floated' again recently. With the skills of Dr. Esteves, he should be able to cure his head in a snap."

Zapp's lie was exposed without any sign of introspection, perfectly expressing what it means to be a "scumbag".

"Esteves? With his skills, there shouldn't be anything to worry about."

Stephen was originally a little dissatisfied with Zapp's behavior, but after hearing that Dr. Estevez's Lesez Hospital had "surfaced" to Hersalemz, he didn't say anything more.

Zheng Shu was keenly aware of these people's problems. He put down the tea cup in his hand and looked at Zap: "I said, are you guys a little too dependent on that hospital?"

"Huh?" Stephen was stunned, and immediately pretended to deal with the documents, but his ears perked up.

"What's wrong? Anyway, Dr. Esteves has great skills. My serious injury healed in two days." Zapp said indifferently.

Although Zapp said it bluntly, even Stephen nodded secretly.

After all, the work here at Libra is quite dangerous, and it is common to be injured and go to the hospital.

Every time they were seriously injured and went to the hospital, even if they were strong and their healing speed was much faster than ordinary people, they had to lie down for a week or two.

But Dr. Esteves's emergency treatment medical technology can make their bodies heal quickly. Even if they are seriously injured like dying, they only need to lie down for a day or two to recover, and there are no sequelae.

Zheng Shu looked at the attitudes of these people and could understand the environment they were in, but he still shook his head:

"After all, many of the medical practices performed by Esteves's hospital in Hersharemz are based on the rules of the other world.

I've also seen it, and it's just some technology that can't guarantee what will happen to the patients when they return to the human world in the future.

For example, the magic sutures lose their effectiveness and the limbs suddenly fall to the ground, which is considered good. According to the information provided by Esteves, there have even been cases where the extremely fast-healing parasites ran away and turned the entire village into a lump of meat and had to be burned."


Hearing the examples mentioned by Zheng Shu, Zapp swallowed unconsciously and took his feet off the coffee table unconsciously.

Zheng Shu looked up at Zapp and pointed his finger at his forehead:

"Of course, when I was in Hersharemz, the damaged body did heal like a magic trick, but in the final analysis, it was a deal with the rules of another world.

Even if the patient can get up and walk like a magic trick, and looks the same as before, the risk is unimaginable."

As he spoke, Zheng Shu's fingers slowly withdrew, and some incomplete glowing threads were pulled out of Zapp's mind.

The moment those threads left, Zapp felt as if his head was about to explode, and large patches of "cracks" suddenly appeared on his originally intact body.

The blood gushing out of his body dyed Zapp into a bloody man in the blink of an eye. Fortunately, these wounds were not deep, and at most they were flesh wounds.

And Zapp was also good at controlling blood, so he just froze for a moment, and then endured the pain in his head and controlled the blood in his body to flow back into his body.

"What did you do?!" Zapp lay on the sofa and wailed in pain.

"Nothing, just simulating your visit to the human world.

Because of these magic threads, your body looks completely healed, and you can't feel any pain, so you can't accurately sense how much damage your body has suffered.

These wounds will continue to break during your unconscious activities. They are fine in the area covered by the rules of the other world. Once you return to the human world, the wounds on your body will reappear."

"This is... really dangerous."

Stephen sighed, and his arm unconsciously touched his chest.

He has also suffered a lot of injuries, and naturally experienced various high-speed healing. Now he can't confirm how many unknown risks his body will have.

"Don't worry, your body heals faster than ordinary people, and most of the treatments you receive are relatively normal. That is, the treatment methods after Dr. Esteves appeared were a bit too radical, but don't worry, but it's better to take conservative strategies as much as possible in future treatments." Zheng Shu glanced at him and comforted him casually.

Mr. Gilbert had already taken out a bunch of bandages from somewhere and bandaged Zapp's wounds. As an undead, he had a lot of experience in healing injuries.

Just as the group was chatting, the door was opened again, and Leo, who lowered his head and could not see his expression, also walked in.

"Hey, you're back? I heard from Zapp that you failed to perform the iron head skill and fainted?" Zheng Shu greeted Leo.

However, Leo did not respond to his ridicule, but walked in dejectedly and sat down on the single sofa next to him.

Zheng Shu and Stephen looked at each other, and then looked at Zapp at the same time.

"Well, why are you looking at me? That chicken coop is unhappy about beating people, what does it have to do with me?" Zapp did not have the consciousness of being a scumbag at all.

"You guys... the degree of your love of picking faults is completely the same level as that of an ignorant elementary school student." Zheng Shu's face was dark.

"Mr. Zheng Shu..." Leo's voice interrupted the quarrel between the two.

"Michela... Is it really impossible for my sister's eyes to recover?"

"Hmm?" Zheng Shu raised his eyebrows, "Did you know something?"

Leo nodded: "I asked Dr. Esteves and Dean Grana at the hospital today. He said that Michela's eyes might be closely related to me. Removing the artificial eye is not a treatment behavior, but will be considered a unilateral violation of the contract with the divine existence, and a corresponding price must be paid..."

" mean this, in a sense he is right, it is true."

Zheng Shu raised his head and scratched his hair, recalling the information he had obtained about the artificial eye of God from those superior beings.

The God's Eye is essentially a live camera made by the higher beings to relieve their boredom. However, it is something that these beings who transcend the gods use. Under normal circumstances, "ordinary creatures" have no way to use it.

For the higher beings, the division of "ordinary creatures" actually refers to all creatures below the divine beings.

But it is obvious that if there is such a restriction on use, the higher beings will be able to see much less live broadcasts.

In order to expand the number of "anchors", they will set up such a contract with the holders of the God's Eye.

The real bearer of the God's Eye is not Leo, but his sister Misura.

One person "bears" at the cost of his eyesight, and the other person "uses" at the cost of his fate.

Therefore, all holders of the God's Eye will be unconsciously involved in the vortex of fate at the center of this world.

Of course, it is not without benefits. People who have lost their eyesight can ensure that they will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of their lives and live happily because they are affected by fate.

Although people who are involved in the center of fate will encounter various dangers, they also gain "vision" that others can hardly imagine.

It sounds like the holder of the God's Eye can restore the sight of another person by giving up his own eye.

But the problem is that the God's Eye itself holds the authority of a higher being.

Although it is only a trace of the power of authority, it is enough to penetrate their souls.

In order to use the God's Eye normally, the bodies and souls of both parties have been transformed by authority.

If they really give up the God's Eye and lose the support of that trace of authority, their body and mind will quickly distort and lead to death.

That is a death that will collapse even the soul. Without using the influence factor, even Zheng Shu can't do anything.

"So, from the external performance, if the God's Eye is removed, the holder of the God's Eye and the contractor will quickly lose their lives.

In a sense, it seems that it is not a problem to be understood as paying the price of life for violating the contract." Zheng Shu explained to Leo.

"So... Michelle's eyes can never be restored to their original state anyway?" Leo collapsed on the sofa in despair, "But that's why I came to Hersharemz..."

"I'm sorry, if you want to restore your sister's eyes, it's impossible." Zheng Shu shook his head.

"It's all me! It's all me! That day, at that time, at that moment, if my feet could take even one step forward, if I could make a sound in my throat, you might not be deprived of the happiness that ordinary people should have."

Tears flowed from Leo's eyes, and huge regret and despair enveloped him again: "It turns out that I have been deceiving myself all the time. This sin will accompany me for the rest of my life. Michelle will never see again..."


Stephen looked at the current situation and felt a little confused. It was not just a question of how to comfort Leo. He was more worried about what to do if Leo lost hope after this time and didn't want to stay in this city anymore.

"Ah... So you mean you actually want your sister to see again, not to restore her eyes?"

Listening to Leo's lament, Zheng Shu touched his chin and thought for a moment, then suddenly realized.


Leo's tears hadn't flowed much yet, but Zheng Shu held them back.

"Why didn't you say it earlier? It's difficult to restore your sister's eyes, but it's easy to make her see again." Zheng Shu's mouth curled up with a wicked smile.

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