The disappearance of a skill was expected by Zheng Shu, and he didn't lose anything.

Strictly speaking, he has even become stronger.

Although he can no longer summon instant noodles to replenish his own matter anytime and anywhere like before, through quantum emergence, Zheng Shu can now create nearly endless energy and matter out of thin air anytime, anywhere.

For example, the reason why the defensive wall of the great monk Zhenglu Darda collapsed was because Zheng Shu injected unimaginable energy into the space fragments it connected, causing the temperature of the entire space fragments to reach the Planck temperature and then collapsed.

Of course, in theory, if he expends enough energy, he can create any substance at will, and all aspects of manufacturing are feasible.

But in reality, even if it is to manufacture substances, for the sake of convenience, Zheng Shu can only manufacture simple substances or inorganic substances at most.

It is not impossible to create organic matter, but the computing power consumption required is too great and is not suitable for use in combat.

"Huh? In that case, you can actually create creatures at any time now, right?" Femto held his chin and discovered a special situation.

Zheng Shu thought for a while, nodded and shook his head: "Yes, but the structure of living organisms, especially cell-type organisms, is too complex from a particle perspective. Even in a quiet environment, I am afraid that I will not be able to survive in a short time." Only single-celled organisms such as bacteria can be produced.

If it is a large creature like a human being, it will probably take a particularly long time. "

"That means that as long as you are given enough time, you can create a planet with a complete ecosystem or even a universe with living organisms out of thin air?!" Femto didn't care at all about the so-called things Zheng Shu said before. limit.

"Theoretically it's possible, but..."

Zheng Shu wanted to say something more, but Feimu Tuo had already interrupted him: "Then aren't you considered the Creator now?!"

"It's a bit exaggerated to say he is the creator." Zheng Shu leaned back slightly, "Although I can create my own small world and create planets and creatures in it, the rules of the small world itself actually operate based on the rules of the existing world, and It cannot be born out of thin air. If you want to become a creator, at least wait until I understand all the complete rules of a world."

“That’s pretty good too!”

"Uh... no, forget it, I'm not very interested in sorting out the principles of the new world in a short period of time."

Recalling the unimaginable years he spent in the small world, Zheng Shu also felt nauseated.

Even with his current spiritual cultivation, he definitely doesn't want to be like before.

But if you don't rely on the time difference in the small world for retreat, then the time it takes to sort out the principles of the world and transform it into something of your own is astronomical.

"I don't really want to practice right now. Let me rest for a few hundred years first..."

Zheng Shu waved his hand, took out an eye mask from his personal space, put it on his face, and lay down leisurely.

One day, on a certain street in Hershalemz Lot.

A pedestrian unexpectedly discovered that the shop next to him suddenly started to move like building blocks.

Before anyone else could react, the entire street suddenly spread out like building blocks, and then reorganized again.

Some unlucky ones fell into the gaps between the building blocks during the reorganization. After the building blocks were reassembled, they could only disappear into the ground with a fleeting and pitiful scream.

Others who survived were staring blankly at the skyscrapers that suddenly appeared in front of them.

At the same time, a message was sent to all parts of the world.

All the national leaders who saw this message couldn't help but spit out liquid from their mouths, and some even couldn't help but curse.


Stephen, who was drinking coffee, looked at the information on the computer and couldn't help but spit out the coffee in one gulp, spraying Klaus next to him half of his body.

"Ah! I'm sorry Klaus, but look...what's going on?!"

Klaus sat calmly on the chair, took the towel handed over by Butler Gilbert, wiped the computer and his body, and then looked at the message from Stephen.

Just taking a glance, Klaus's pupils couldn't help but shrink: "This... the once-disappeared peculiar auction exhibition Zuludis Auction Exhibition has been resurrected?!

Moreover, what they are auctioning this time is actually a world-destroying instrument: Kalops Gu? This kind of thing is actually going to be displayed and auctioned? ! ! "

When Butler Gilbert heard this, he couldn't help but look at the computer in his young master's hand: "Now... something big has happened!"

"Something big has happened now!!"

Crunch! !

Amidst the harsh braking sound, a heavy truck full of cargo collided with a giant worm that suddenly emerged from the middle of the road.

Klaus's master, "Super Lucky Abrams" just glanced at the accident happening around him out of habit, and then continued to walk towards the person in front of him to pick up the plane.

"Ah, something big has indeed happened, but it is now." Zapp looked at the man in front of him who was covered in curses with a dead look on his face.

As soon as the opponent got off the plane, he had already caused an air crash and four traffic accidents, causing countless losses. It was simply a walking natural disaster.

"What?" Abrams took another look at the accident behind him, then shook his head, "Oh, although this situation is also quite shocking, it is nothing compared to the Kalops human Gu!"

"Human... Gu?" Leo, who came to pick up the plane, looked at the others blankly.

Jed also served as a knowledge popularizer as always: "Do you know about Gu poison?"

"I've heard of it, it seems to be a kind of curse in ancient Chinese legends?"

"Yes, the basic concept is probably to put hundreds of centipedes, scorpions and other poisonous creatures in a jar and let them bite each other, and then the one that survives in the end can be called Gu.

If it's a snake, it's a snake Gu, if it's a mouse, it's a mouse Gu, so the human Gu is the human version of that..."


Leo swallowed his saliva involuntarily. Even though Jed only gave a brief description, he could still imagine the horrible scene and understood the cruelty of this thing even more.

Abrams also seemed quite anxious: "Now is not the time to be afraid. The problem is that one of the world's collapse tools is actually being sold as an auction item with a price!"

"Is it troublesome?" Leo's brain has been a little out of order because of the horror of the human Gu.

"Of course it is troublesome! That is to say, whether it is the dictator of a rogue country or the leader of an international terrorist organization, or the brainless tycoon and other wealthy people who don't know where they came from, or even the GAFA Four Horsemen (referring to the four giants Google, Amazon, Facebook and Apple)...

Each of them can use money to buy a way to destroy the world!!"

"It sounds really incredible." Zapp seemed a little indifferent to this, "But for such a dangerous thing, can those big countries really allow this auction to go on?"

"If it were an ordinary person, he would definitely not defy the suppression of so many countries..." Abrams sighed helplessly.

"The problem is that even the guy who is willing to auction the world-destroying equipment, do you think a madman like this will really give up the auction because of a little threat?!"

Leo, Zapp and Jade raised their heads, recalling the various madmen they had met in Hersharemz, and then shook their heads tacitly.



On the rooftop, the wind was howling.

Inspector Daniel Lo looked at the skyscraper hidden in the thick fog in the distance, and his tone was full of heaviness:

"As expected at the beginning, the other party refused the request to stop the auction. Now the United States has entered the fifth level of defense emergency and issued a national emergency statement."

"What's the reason?" Stephen asked on the side.

"You actually want to find a reason for this madman in this city? There is no reason! If you have to say it, it's probably because he wants to revive his auction." Inspector Daniel Lo said unhappily.

Stephen covered his face helplessly: "Although I've gotten used to it, every time I meet such a madman, I feel helpless."

"In short, the US government has now begun a comprehensive investigation."

"In front of the Erchongguanmen Bridge?"

"Well, looking at the posture, it seems that they don't want to let any problematic buyers in."

"Doesn't that mean they don't plan to let anyone in? Which buyer who wants to buy certified things is not problematic?" Stephen laughed sarcastically, and then asked worriedly, "Aren't you worried that they will bid online?"

"That guy is just a madman, not a fool. If he does this, he will be blocked on a national scale. In addition, there will definitely be some computer geniuses who like to spoof and hack in to take advantage of this opportunity. The Zuludiz Auction Show is indeed elusive, but there are many people who are better than them on the Internet." Daniel Luo, the police chief, smiled coldly.

"Oh, that's why the exhibitors are required to attend the event on site." Stephen nodded in understanding.

Daniel Lowe sighed again: "However, the US government's methods alone cannot achieve a perfect blockade."

"Well, snakes have their own ways, and rats have their own ways. As long as you are willing to spend money and take a little risk, there are many ways to enter the city. Especially when the two gatekeepers let it go, it is not difficult to get in.

In fact, according to our intelligence, several gangsters have already infiltrated Hersharemz."

"What actions are you going to take?"

"Libra has too few people, we plan to go to the auction site first." Stephen told the truth, "We are now adjusting our manpower. At this stage, all the staff have been dispatched, and we have asked the Werewolf Unit to collect intelligence together."

"Can you share that intelligence with our police?" Daniel Lowe seemed a little embarrassed.

But he also had to admit that in terms of collecting intelligence, the Werewolf Bureau is almost the world's top level.

"If the police are willing to provide us with assistance..." Stephen did not refuse.


After a moment of silence, Daniel Lo suddenly asked, "Can I trust you?"

Stephen smiled, "After so many collaborations, I thought we were already acquaintances... Just kidding, same here. But now you should know our purpose, right?"




"Oh? Was the riot in Hersharemz another prank you guys made?"

In the gathering space of the Thirteen Kings...or should we say the gathering space of the superior beings now, Zheng Shu was chewing delicious food while watching the recent events played in a pile of photo frames not far away.

This time, the "World Collapse Equipment Auction Event" appeared too abruptly, which made Zheng Shu smell a familiar smell.

"Unfortunately, this time it was really not us who did it."

Feimto rarely took his cane, but walked in slowly from outside with his hands behind his back.

"Kalops Human Gu...We released that thing a long time ago, but there has been no news. It was a complete accident that the auction could get this."

Next to Zheng Shu, Yalijira shrank in a wide chair, as if she had no interest: "The smell of gunpowder is getting stronger and stronger. I wonder how many people will die this time. Can it be tens of thousands?"

Hearing her tone, Zheng Shu couldn't help but shudder, and felt a layer of goose bumps on his back.

"What happened to her recently?"

"It seems that she went to see her boyfriend again some time ago, but it doesn't look like the result is very good."

Feimto came to Zheng Shu and whispered a few words, then looked at Yalijira with a serious face:

"Yalijira, this is the sadness of mankind. Even if millions of lives are sacrificed, you can't expect them to learn many lessons. The low cost performance is shocking.

However, even so, they can still move forward little by little, which is also very annoying-it would be much easier to fall directly."

Looking at the picture frame, a group of wealthy people with unimaginable wealth struggled through various methods to sneak into the city of Hersharemz.

Some lunatics even folded their bodies into another dimension just to avoid the blockade.

Seeing these people's efforts, Feimuto couldn't help but shout with joy:

"But this is not bad, show your abilities to the fullest, if it's as simple as I want, I won't let you go!"


In the party space, under the shining of endless stars, a group of demons and monsters raised their wine glasses and shouted happily and excitedly.

They are looking forward to humans, as usual, using their lives as sacrifices to offer them joy.

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