Skill kasegi wa kishou-shu ni yori

Chapter 3 - Skill Kasegi 3 Spirit Arts

Skill Kasegi 3

Spirit Arts

”–Hey, wake up! It’s time for gym!”

As if to interrupt my fading consciousness, I hear the voice of my childhood friend from afar.

Fourth period PE was just at an unpleasant time when the sun was at its peak.

Or so it was supposed to be–

”Haa., good morning …eh? Is it raining?”

When I looked outside, I saw that the sky was covered with rain clouds and light rain was constantly pouring down on the ground.

I woke up after every period, and I remembered vividly that it wasn’t raining at the beginning of third period, but I didn’t know if it had started raining at some point.

”It started raining while Shinya was asleep. More importantly, I think the rain made it a little cooler in the gym, didn’t it?”

”Well, yeah…”

The gym on a hot day is nothing but hell.

If it were an air-conditioned gym, there would be no problem, but this school is not equipped with such luxuries.

”Forget about that, Shinya, hurry and change into our gym clothes. There are only four minutes left before the bell.

”Ah, seriously! Thanks, I’ll change quickly!”

It’s too good of a childhood friend to take the trouble to wake me up when I was asleep.

Thinking about this, I hurriedly changed into my gym clothes, and at the same time, I changed my shoes from my jacket to my gym shoes and walked quickly to the gym.

Recently, the girls have been playing “softball” outside and the boys have been playing “necromancy” for PE, but due to the weather, today was the only day the boys and girls were all together in the gym.

Seeing this makes me feel hot and bothered in a different way from the intense heat.

”It looks like we’ll be splitting the gym in half today. It looks like we’re going to have to split the gym in half today, so it looks like we’ll only be doing the ‘Origin Arts'[1] once per person. ……”

The handsome man standing next to me was quite depressed, his shoulders slumped blatantly.

Well, I’m having a lot of fun in my “Spirit Arts” class, so I know that feeling is painful, but it can’t be helped for today.

Because it’s raining outside.

”Well then, I guess I’ll take the “Spirit Arts” class seriously as promised. It’s not too hot in the gym, and I’ve had a well-deserved nap. I’m in perfect condition!” (Shinya)

”Well, okay, I’m asking you to go easy on me…….” (Kanato)

As I jerk my shoulders, Kanato smiles while saying so.

”Spirit Arts” is like “Judo” in Japan.

If you ask me what makes it different from Judo, I would say that there is no fixed type and that you can use the Life Core.

The inside of this gymnasium is covered with a special ward, which is controlled by the ward so that it cannot generate enough power to collapse the gymnasium.

In other words, if you stay in this space, you can use the Life Core to your heart’s content.

”Hey, boys, gather around. Girls, go over there!”

Tayama-sensei, the physical education teacher, emerges from the gym staff room and pushes the girls away from the net as if to get rid of them.

The female students then followed, chatting and laughing as they followed the teacher in charge of girls, who peeked out from behind Tayama-sensei.

”Okay, so today’s class is on “Spirit Arts”. As you know, the gym is shared with the girls, so we can’t spend that much time per group. So let’s get started!”

The boys hummed in disappointment, “What, really?”, but that soon died down and we boys started our preparatory exercises as planned.

The preparatory exercises didn’t take long, and then we paired up in pairs.

The order of the practical “Spirit Arts” was randomly decided by Tayama-sensei, and Kanato and I were the third pair from the beginning.

”All right, first group, let’s get started. ——“

We sat on the sidelines of the gym and watched the practice until it was our turn, which is quite boring.

I have nothing better to do than to view my classmates’ “Spirit Art”.

”Shinya, It’s boring…….”

”Yeah, It sure is…….”

I wish there was something I could learn from my classmate’s “Spirit Art,” but after all, I don’t think I could get anything out of it just by watching.

After all, in a class like “Spirit Art”, or any other class where you have to move your body, you can’t acquire the skills without practicing.

Well, that said, all we can do is wait our turn.

”Oh, by the way, how did the ‘love affair survey’ go?”

”What’s with that out of the blue. I wasn’t particularly happy about that.”

”Is that so? I thought for sure there would be at least one. ……”

”There was one, though, and that was my sister Hiyomi. She wrote down my name because she didn’t find anyone she liked.”

”Oh, so…..”

Kanato said with a hand on his chin, looking somewhat unconvinced, but this handsome childhood friend seemed to have completely forgotten that people are not always popular.

Well, I’m the one who will be sad if I point it out, so I never say it.

”So, how did it go for Kanato? There must have been a lot of them.”

”No, it wasn’t that many. There were, I think, about a hundred?”

”Aren’t you just making fun of the unpopular me?”

He says he’s got a hundred favors. No matter how you look at it that’s a lot of favors!

It’s true that Kanato is handsome and kind to everyone, so it’s not impossible, but a hundred people is too greedy.

Even as a joke, I’d like to take away five of them.

”But it’s not a big number when you consider the percentage of the whole school. I’m sure there are a lot more people have bigger values than me.”

”You’re so popular that you’re losing your sense of popularity. Scary, scary.”

”Err, I think you’d normally think of it as how many people like you based on the overall percentage…….”

”No, I don’t usually calculate the popularity rate from the overall percentage.

I continued my story, letting out a sigh at my popular crazy childhood friend who was thinking worriedly with her arms crossed.

”So will you eventually end up with one of them?” (Shinya)

”Well, it’s not that simple, you know. I already have someone in mind.” (Kanato)

”Is that so? Is she from our class?”

”No, I don’t even know where she is, let alone what class she’s in.”

”You, might that be you can see the red thread of fate…?”

”The red thread of fate? That’s a new word for me. Is it any different from ordinary thread?”

”No, don’t take it seriously! You’re embarrassing me!”

It was at that very moment that I couldn’t help but make a tsukkomi to Kanato, who was taking the cheap provocation seriously.

A fireball made from the “Life Core” of the guys from the previous group was about to hit a female student standing by the net.

”It’s dangerous! Quick, run!”

Tayama-sensei had instructed the girls to hurry up and leave, but there was no way they could make it in time.

Because by the time the girls realized the presence of the fire bomb, it was already ten meters away from them—-

Suddenly it happened, and the girl is not in a situation where she could move stupidly.

—-then I’ve got no choice but to move!

Without a second’s hesitation, I used two of my seven abilities on the flaming bullet.

The instantaneous speed of my enhanced body easily surpasses the speed of the flaming bullet, and I step in between the girl and the flaming bullet, and immediately use another Life Core.

I held my hand over the approaching fireball, and immediately after the fireball touched my hand, it simply disappeared as if nothing had happened.

Well, if you want to be precise, I’ve absorbed it as my sustenance.

”You’re always having ‘Life Core’ outbursts, aren’t you? Shouldn’t you be a little more aware of your surroundings?”

”Wow, sorry, Shinya, thanks to you I was saved……”

When I approached and blamed the boy who was responsible, he seemed surprised and grateful.

Well, I’m also surprised since I just used the ‘Life Core’ which I had never used before.

By the way, my [Combined]’s seven hidden effects are:

[Spirits Augmentation] : A substantial increase in “Life Core”

[Spirits Absorption] : Absorbs other ‘Life Core’ to restores your own ‘Life Core’.

[Physical Enhancement] : All physical abilities are greatly increased.

[Thought Transference]: Allows you to send thoughts to the applicable person.

[Separate Body]: By consuming ‘Life Core’ it is possible to create a separate body

[Reproduce]: It is possible to copy the touched ‘Life Core’.

”?????”: ????

And well, these are my usable powers that have no consistency whatsoever, but for some reason, I couldn’t use one of it.

I’m sure I have a Life Core with seven effects inside me, but I haven’t used it in seventeen years, probably because I haven’t met the conditions to activate it.

Aside from one useless powers, what I used just now was, of course, “physical enhancement” and “spirit absorption”.

Not to mention the “physical enhancement” that will extend your physical abilities, the other ability to absorb other’s life core to restore one’s own ‘Spirit Absorption’ is a very useful ability that is quite well known.

”Oh, Asaumi…! You did a great job, thank you for saving them.”

”No, I was just doing what I had to do, so don’t worry about thanking me.”

”Thank you so much, Asaumi!”

Tayama-sensei and the girls thanked me, but I didn’t want to make them feel uncomfortable any more than they already did, so I kept my cool and told them I was fine.

Well, it’s because my back is itching a lot to be thanked for something I didn’t do much of.

”But Shinya, how did you manage to move so quickly? Even swallowing a flaming bullet, who the hell are you?”

”Do I look like a non-human creature to you, Kanato? Besides, it’s not our turn yet, so let’s get the hell out of here.”

After saying that, I was about to take Kanato back to the wall again when Tayama-sensei grabbed me by the shoulder and forced me to be still.

”Just in time for you guys to be next. We’re running out of time, so let’s get to it.”

After saying that, Tayama-sensei went back to his pipe chair, which was at a distance.

I noticed that the two people in front of me who had been doing the “Spirit Arts” had moved to the side of the gym.

”Well then, Shinya. Let’s have a match right away! How about the loser buys a loaf of bread from the store?”

”…I won’t flinch if you complain later, okay?”

It’s fourth period now, and my stomach is getting a little low, so to be honest, having Kanato buy me something is a big deal.

That’s why I really need to do some serious “Spirit Arts” training with Kanato.

Also for the sake of free bread—

”— Then, let’s start!”

Kanato signaled the start of the training, and our “Spirit Arts” training began.

The heat in the gymnasium reached its peak in inverse proportion to the amount of time it took to perform the “Spirit Arts”, even though it took less than fifteen minutes per group.

This is because Kanato’s and mine’s “Spirit Arts” was being performed at a speed that was an order of magnitude faster than the previous two groups.

Not only were the boys who were taking Spirit Arts lesson, but even the girls who were supposed to be playing basketball on the other side of the net were throwing all sorts of cheers our way.

Well, it goes without saying that most of the female students are only cheering for Kanato.

”—After all, Shinya is a great guy. It’s to the point where I wonder why you’re not popular.”

Kanato, who has retreated slightly after taking my spinning kick, tells me with amusement as he scratches up his damp bangs.

”Oh, can I take that as your own kind of provocation?”

”Provocation, yeah. Shinya’s seriousness is nothing like this, right? I thought maybe if I provoked you, you’ll take it a little more seriously.”

”Well, then—- let’s get a little serious.”

If I use the full power of the Life Core that has six effects in it, this match would surely be over in the blink of an eye.

Normally, I would have settled the matter immediately since the free bread was at stake, but I had a reason not to take it seriously.

——Yes, because this moment is so much fun.

Kanato must have been training every day to really try to beat me.

Even as a novice, I could see that he had grown to be a much different person than the other students.

I’d like to know how you can grow so much in such a short period of time, just three or four days, when there were no physical education.

I focus all my attention and use “Spirits Augmentation”.

This was the first time I had used it on Kanato, as I had only used “Phyisical Enhancement” in our previous “Spirits Art” battles.

It is a very simple ability that greatly increases all physical abilities, but it goes without saying that you can strengthen your body through the Life Core.

In other words, if the ability to “Spirits Augmentation” is added to it——

”——Amazing, I didn’t know you could still increase your physical abilities. ……”

As soon as he saw my appearance, Kanato said with an ambiguous expression, as if he was surprised or pleased.

A dark-colored, distorted bruise on the left side of my face that looks as if it has been cut open.

Whenever I use the “Spirits Augmentation”, the dark bruises appear as if they cannot be contained within my body.

The amount increased by the “Spirits Augmentation” will be added to the “Physical Enhancement”, and I take up an attacking stance towards Kanato.

”You’re not going to give up, are you?”

When I asked him about it, Kanato smiled fearlessly and attacked right after.

I guess this action shows Kanato’s own answer.

I lowered my upper body to catch my foot and break my stance, dodging all the fist blows that were aimed in a straight line.

And at this moment, I never missed the smile on Kanato’s face, as if he was sure he was going to win.

As soon as I lowered my upper body, Kanato grabbed my head as if he was holding it firmly in place.

”Shinya, I’ll take the victory mark today!”

It took about a second for the knee to hit me in the face after Kanato said that.

For me, with my “Physical Enhancement” and “Spirit Augmentation”, Even that one second will felt like ten-second.

Kanato’s knee kick is fast enough to get the win, but that’s only if it’s another guy.

If you want to attack me now, you’ll have to increase the speed of your attacks.

”I’ll win this thing….. huh?”

I catch Kanato’s victorious knee with my bare hand and immediately deploys his next attack after shaking off the hands that hold my head in place.

Kanato’s upper body was supported only by his left leg.

It would be extremely easy to catch his foot and make him fall, but if he tried to escape, he would be able to adjust his stance.

Yes, so at a speed that doesn’t even give you that fleeting thought——

”Kanato, I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to win this for the sake of the bread you’ll buy!”

The attack aimed at his feet exploded beautifully, and Kanato, who had completely lost his stance, fell from his back as if he were diving to the floor, and I quickly put my fist on his chest.

”——This is the end, I guess.”

Then Kanato, stretched out in a large figure, opens his lips in resignation.

”I’m beat, I give up. It’s my lost.”

In the next moment, a roar of applause from both men and women echoed loudly in the gym.

I deactivate the two Life Cores and withdraw my fist from Kanato’s chest and hold out my hand instead.

”I guess I’m no match for Shinya.”

While saying this, Kanato takes my hand without hesitation.

”No, not at all. That last blow would have definitely killed me if I hadn’t been ‘enhanced’.”

”Does that mean I’ve grown up a bit?”

”I think you’ve grown a lot, if not a little. If I don’t take this next one seriously, I’ll be in trouble.”

While the two of us were talking about such trivial matters, Tayama-sensei came up to us to give us a review of the “Spirit Arts” we had just performed.

”You’ve both grown up a lot, haven’t you? Especially you, Kanba [2], your movements were so lean and perfect that I didn’t need to point them out!”

”Thank you very much.”

”Also, Asaumi. When it comes to the use of the Life Core, even your teachers can’t match you, but you’re relying on your powers a little too much. If you train your body in an incapacitated state, you’ll be able to grow even more!”

”Thank you very much.”

”Then let’s switch to the next group! Next group, come over here!”

While Tayama-sensei called for the next group, Kanato and I moved to the side of the gym again.

Then we passed the time by chatting until class was over.

By the way, he does treat me a loaf of bread from the store.

Author’s Note :

Translator’s Note :

[1] I thinks it’s a typo in the raws since it only appears once, but let’s see some next chapters first — 生源術 ‘Origin Arts’ instead of the usual 生霊術 ‘Spirit Arts’

[2] His full name is ‘Kanato Kanba’ with Kanba as his family name.

Changed the MC’s and other character’s ‘Life Core’ seven powers to ‘Life Core’ seven effects so that it matches with the kanji 効力

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