Skill kasegi wa kishou-shu ni yori

Chapter 6 - Skill Kasegi 6 Scripture of The Beginning

Skill Kasegi 6

Scripture of The Beginning

After finishing dinner and getting ready for bed, I was lying on my back on my bed, thinking about Asumi’s words.

—— I’ve never hit anyone before, so why did I do it without hesitation?

From the side, it looks like Asumi was right, I just hit him emotionally.

I was definitely feeling a lot of resentment towards the pick-up group.

But I’m sure there have been plenty of situations like that in my life.

And yet, Why did I——why did ‘you’ hit someone?

I don’t know. No matter how much I asked myself, I couldn’t figure it out, even though it was about myself.

”Damn, isn’t that mean I’m the same like those guys…..!”

I will never forgive myself to be lumped in with the pick-up people who can only hurt people by letting their emotions get the better of them.

I didn’t like it, so I pulled the covers over my head and tried to slip into a dream to escape reality.

It’s obvious that running away isn’t going to solve anything. ——

I don’t know how much time has passed since then.

With Asumi’s words whirling around in my head, I couldn’t go to sleep even if I wanted to.

I guess it’s because somewhere in the back of my mind I’m anxious, not knowing what I’m going to say to her tomorrow.

The human body is really inconvenient when it’s in distress.

——After all, I was an emotional person….

The moment my stuck head couldn’t come up with any other conclusion——

Karan, Karan, Karan Karan…….

The clear sound of a bell echoed in my ears even though I was supposed to be covered by a futon.

It’s not natural by any stretch of the imagination, so why?

I feel my constricted mind suddenly ease——

I peeled back the covers and looked around to see what the bell sound was.

Then I saw a single, shiny, golden bell hanging on the doorknob of the door.

”Was it Hiyomi? No, but there was no sign of her coming to my room…….”

The question inevitably arises, “So who put that bell on the doorknob?” and if I think about it, the most likely scenario is that it was Hiyomi.

In the meantime, the bell on the door was unnaturally glowing and gradually disappearing to trails of star dust.

It wasn’t long after that strange thing happened.

The shards of the bell that had turned into stardust converged on a single point, slowly revealing themselves from the ball of light that had become a golden nugget.

A beautiful girl wearing a black hat that looked like a cassock and a frilly black suit with a disproportionate skirt.

’Mailman’ would be a word that matches her description.

The small chestnut-colored bag hanging from her shoulder and the green designs all over her body gave off a strange glow, dimly illuminating my room.

”You, you’re……!”

I know her——this beautiful girl. There’s no way I could mistake her.

Because I’ve been living under the same roof with her in front of me for sixteen long years. ——

Then the girl with eyes slanted downward and medium black hair smiled and slowly opened her cherry-red lips.

”I come to deliver the [Good Tidings]~.”

”Wait, what are you doing in my room…… Hiyomi?”

I said her name in a dumbfounded state.

I’m going to say this first, I don’t remember asking for a cosplay party, okay?

Hiyomi then tilted her head and answered my question.

”I just said it, I’m here to deliver the Good Tidings, okay?”

”No, what I’m asking is about that costume!”

”Aah, by the way, I haven’t told Nii-san yet, have I?”

Hiyomi spun around on the spot and revealed six pure white wings from her back.

It’s as if I don’t understand what’s happening right in front of my eyes.

”I——have the power of [Gabriel].” [1]


”I said, I have the power of a [Divine Spirit] inside me~”

”No, no, no, wait, wait a moment!”

I couldn’t grasp the situation and yelped.

What? What? The power of the Divine Spirit resides within Hiyomi? Since when? Why?

It is said that the “Divine Spirit” is a power possessed by a “rare existence” that exists rarely among the races, and its power is said to be enough to overturn the rules of the world.

Why does Hiyomi have such non-standard strength?

A number of questions run through my mind.

For now, let’s ask them one by one to understand the situation.

Otherwise, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to understand it now.

”Hi, Hiyomi, are you human…..?”

”Yeah, I’m human, though?”

When I asked her fearfully, Hiyomi’s answer came back to me more easily than I expected.

”O, okay, then why do you have the power of the divine spirit in you….?”

”Even if you ask me why, I don’t know either.”

”A-allright, then——“

”Oh, wait a minute!”

I was about to ask one question at a time to get a better understanding of the situation, when Hiyomi suddenly urged me to be still.

When I looked at Hiyomi to see what was going on, I saw that she had turned into stardust from her feet and was gradually disappearing.

”Wha-! Hiyomi, your leg!”

”Hm, I know, the me now have limited time after all~”

While I looked panicked, Hiyomi, who was about to disappear, was extremely calm.

I couldn’t help but wonder how she could be so calm when she was about to disappear.

Hiyomi, who was gradually disappearing from underneath her feet, still spelled out the words with the same expression on her face.

”The me now is the materialization of a mind that separated from the original person. One of the powers of [Gabriel] is to deliver the [Good Tidings] to people—-If I were to explain it simply, It would be the ability to foresee changes that will become the world’s scripture and deliver them to the recipient.”

”Recipient……so you’re saying that you appeared before me because you foresaw something that concerns me ……?”

”I told you in the beginning isn’t I. I’m here to deliver Good Tidings.”

Hiyomi’s volitional body cross her arms and puff out her cheeks in anger.

But I’m finally getting a general idea of what’s going on.

The girl in front of me is a volitional body that was born from Hiyomi, and the reason she suddenly appeared was because she had a “Good Tidings” for me.

However, the fundamental question of why [Gabriel] resides in Hiyomi’s body remains unclear.

While I was pondering this, Hiyomi’s body was slowly disappearing. ——

”Then, I’ll give Nii-san’s Good Tidings——.”

Then the words that came out of Hiyomi’s mouth hit me as if I had been hit on the head.

”——In a few short years, you’ll be tied with a wife reincarnated from the next life…..”

”Wha? What that supposed to——“

As I was about to say this, Hiyomi’s volitional body completely disappeared from my room, leaving behind many mysteries.

”Just now, what’s that meaning, being tied with a wife reincarnated from the next life……”

I spit out a few words into the quiet room.

Tied to should means “marrying” huh…..–I mean, isn’t it too early for me to get married!?

Moreover, it’s not as if I know what kind of change such personal circumstances will bring about in the world.

”It should means that my wife in the next life will be reincarnated over here and I’ll be able to connect with her to bring about change in the world isn’t it…”

I tried to put it all to a simple summary, but it still didn’t make sense.

Speaking of not knowing what it means, the same goes for the dream I had last night.

Could it be that the woman who appeared in my dream last night is my wife in the next life?

”I mean, no way that’d be true…..”

I want to throw away my ridiculous delusions on the spot and ask Hiyomi, who had merged with her separated mind, about the “Good Tidings”, but the short hand of the clock was showing “2”.

I’m sure Hiyomi is in a dream right now…….–hmm?

I think I just have noticed something important..

”Isn’t the separation of mind due to Hiyomi’s consciousness being cut off from this world?”

If that logic is correct, then Hiyomi is now at ——

When I came to this conclusion, I ran out of my room and carefully checked Hiyomi’s room.

The door was slightly ajar, but only slightly.

Apparently my instincts were right, because I didn’t need to listen closely to hear the sound of water coming from the living room.

I slowly made my way to the living room and found Hiyomi there as well.

”Hiyomi, are you awake?”

”Oh, yeah. I got up because I was thirsty.”

Hiyomi was holding a glass full of water in her hand, and judging from the volume of water, it seemed that she ‘had just’ woken up.

Yes, the timing of the disappearance of Hiyomi’s volitional body and the timing of her waking up coincided perfectly.

That means, I have no choice but to be conviced.

”Hey, Hiyomi, what was that just now?”

”Eh? About what?”

Hiyomi rolls her eyes and asks me back.

I don’t know, Hiyomi’s reaction caught me off guard.

”Th, that, just now a Hiyomi that is not Hiyomi came to me with a ‘Good Tidings’ or something like that…….”

”…..For now, let me ask Nii-san one thing, okay?”

Hiyomi then continued her words with a rather confused expression on her face.

”—–What is Good Tidings?”

Author’s Note :

Translator’s Note :

[1] Gabriel has a kanji that roughly means Divine Scripture. It has furigana, so it is intended by the Author to have it read as ‘Gabriel’.

The current chapter title is the same as the ‘Arc’ title, in case you don’t realize it yet.

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