Looking at my grandfather's messy bedroom, I felt pain and anger, my heart was so sinister that it made me want to go berserk. No matter what, I didn't expect that someone would come to my grandfather's room to steal from him on his death.

However, Grandpa was a thrifty man. There was nothing valuable in the room. Other than the bedding and clothes, there was almost nothing else. The only mysterious thing was the things in the wooden box.

I remembered that when I brought my grandfather home, I immediately left his wooden chest here. However, right now, this box is already completely empty. I originally wanted to keep it as a souvenir, but I never thought that I would have lost it all before even taking a look.

I sat down weakly and looked around, tears streaming down my face.

But at this moment, I suddenly saw a hint of bright red in the corner. Walking up to take a look, it turned out to be a wad of bills, with over ten thousand pieces scattered on the ground, wrapped together with the messy bedding.

"How could this be?" I was shocked. So much money and the bedding together, I can't believe that the damn thief didn't see it. Then, why didn't the thief steal the money?

When I thought of this, my heart thumped, and without saying anything further, I started to carefully tidy up the room. I wanted to confirm what I had lost, but after organizing everything, I couldn't help but feel a little dejected, because even I didn't know what was inside my grandfather's room.

However, I am certain that this thief definitely did not come for money, because, when I was packing my grandfather's things, I discovered a jade pendant. I have already seen it once when I was very young, it should be worth some money, but this jade pendant was thrown aside.

But if thieves don't do it for money, then why?

After cleaning up my grandfather's room, I sat in my room in a daze as I thought about this matter carefully. In the end, my gaze fell on my grandfather's wooden chest.

Could it be that the thief was after his grandfather's' Fan Yin '?

I shook my head as I thought about it. I wasn't too sure. Even though my grandfather's Wolf Bristle was valuable, it was so valuable that it would attract the attention of thieves.

Or was it the copper bowl and the compass?

In any case, in my opinion, the copper bowl and compass must be quite old. I don't know if they were worth the money, but if the thief really did want the money, then he shouldn't leave behind the money he just needed to take them, right?

I couldn't figure it out!


Just at this moment, a light and mournful cat cry sounded by his ear.

I turned my head to look and saw a completely black cat with green eyes sitting beside me. It had emerald eyes that were looking straight at me.

To be honest, I don't like cats, especially black cats, because on our side, black cats are ominous and mournful.

But now that Grandpa is gone, isn't this black cat reporting for funeral? I sat there powerlessly, not in the mood to pay any attention to it, and lowered my head to think about the theft at home.


Just as I was about to get up and kick the black cat out of my sight, I heard a rustling sound from all around me, as if thousands of bugs were crawling across the ground.

At the same time, the black cat's fur suddenly exploded, its tail standing erect like an antenna. It no longer looked at me, but turned to the other side, its front paws continuously digging into the ground while letting out low growls from time to time, as if it was about to face a great enemy.

I was shocked and instinctively looked back.

However, it was fine if she didn't look at it. When she saw me, she was immediately startled.

This sound was like the tidewater flowing. It was not the sound of insects crawling, but the sound of countless strange snakes.

These snakes were pitch-black in color and did not have the slightest bit of luster. They stuck to the ground like shadows. Their two soybean-like eyes emitted an evil light that made my scalp go numb. My entire body felt cold and I found it difficult to breathe.

More importantly, there isn't just one of these strange snakes. There are countless of them densely packed on the ground, surrounding me and the black cat like a tidal wave. In just a short moment, they formed a circle less than two meters in length.

The black cat screeched once more and stuck close to my side. It was only at this moment that I came back to my senses. There was no time to be afraid in front of me, but rather, it was time to think of a way to escape.

With that in mind, I immediately looked around me. Since there were so many snakes coming at me so quickly, I wasn't prepared at all. The only weapon I could use was the wooden chair underneath me!

Thus, I didn't stop there. I lifted up the wooden chair and ruthlessly smashed towards the snake tide, and with a few muffled sounds, the black snake that was hit didn't die, instead, it only twitched a few times before coming at me as if nothing had happened. The pitch-black snake letter was like an arrow that had taken my life.

However, it was this slowness that made the black snake bounce up like a black bolt of lightning and charge straight towards my face. Its speed was surprisingly fast.

Seeing that the black snake was already within reach, I didn't have any time to react at all. The triangular head seemed to grow bigger and bigger in my eyes, while my sinister little eyes seemed to be filled with an extremely human-like excitement.

"Crap!" I screamed out instinctively. Despair and fear flooded my heart and I knew that I would be bitten by this weird snake soon.


At the same time, a black shadow flashed by. Before I could see it clearly, the deadly black snake had already disappeared from my sight. When I looked back, I saw that the black cat had already bitten the black snake and pushed it to the ground.

"The black cat came to save me?" I glanced at the black cat, but didn't have time to think about it. I grabbed the chair legs that had been smashed apart, and started sweeping through the snake tide like a madman.

However, there were an astonishing amount of snakes. I didn't know where they came from all of a sudden. I had no way to escape at all, and my attacks became increasingly numb.

These black snakes seem to be extremely afraid of the black cat. Usually, as long as it growls, the black snakes will retreat a little and keep the encirclement within a certain range. This is also the reason why I am able to catch my breath.

However, when ants crush elephants to death, my manpower would sometimes be poor. After a battle, I was finally bitten quite a few times by these snakes. My whole body started to feel cold, and a wave of dizziness gradually came over.

Needless to say, this strange snake was definitely poisonous. By the time I realised what was happening, it was already too late. My vision went black and I slowly fell to the ground.

After an unknown period of time, I only heard a "weng" sound, and a huge wave of air swept past my face, causing it to go numb. I thought that something had happened, so I forced myself to open my eyes to take a look, only to see a black cat slowly approaching my face. I didn't know if it was just an illusion, but I actually felt the black cat's emerald eyes reveal an expression of concern as it extended its tongue and slowly licked my face.

To be honest, I didn't really like this kind of furry creature since I was young. However, when this black cat licked me, it gave me an inexplicable feeling of comfort. Even my numbed body showed signs of recovery after being bitten by the strange snake.

"Thank you!"

I weakly snorted.

But the black cat didn't respond. She continued to lick me until I fell asleep.

In my dreams, I dreamed of my grandfather holding me. His face was filled with love as he gently caressed me, just like how I did when I was young. I opened my mouth to speak to him, but I couldn't make a single sound.

"Missing, take good care of yourself." After a long time, my grandfather softly said this sentence, and then gently put me down and left. His body was like light, and he walked further and further away until he completely disappeared.

I desperately wanted to keep him, just like a baby in a swaddle, reluctant and helpless, but it was as if there was a strand of air stuck in my throat, unable to shout out.

"Grandpa!" When I finally shouted out, my body trembled. When I opened my eyes, I found that the sun had already risen. As for me, I was lying on my grandfather's bed.

"What's going on? Why did I come to bed? " I fell into a daze. I couldn't tell if the black cat incident was real or fake.

I immediately looked down at my own body. I was startled when I saw countless small red spots on my body. It looked like I had been bitten by a mosquito. When I looked carefully, I saw two tiny teeth marks on each small red dot!

The black serpent was actually real?

I rubbed my nose and came back to my senses. When I turned around, I saw that the walls and floor of my grandfather's room were filled with large black marks, so I suppressed the fear in my heart and got off the bed. I got close to one of the spots and smelled it.

"Where are the black snakes?"

I blankly stared at the ink in my hand. I felt as though I was in an endless nightmare and couldn't wake up no matter what.

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