As I walked out of the car I remembered how I ended up in this situation. -FLASHBACK- I was a valliant warrior, killing my enemies on the battlefield like stepping on ants. I was drenched in blood with my warhammer bashing skulls left and right. Im kidding, I was laying on my couch playing persona 5. I had just restarted because it had been such a long time since I played and I didn't want to continue my old save.I wanted the full experience. I was in the attic and when I tried to leave, the fucking cat morgana wouldn't let me leave the fucking room. I was pissed even though it was my third time playing it was absolutely obnoxious. I was determined to finish the game this time. I don't know why, but this time that stupid cat ignited some hidden fury in me. I was mad, annoyed, hot, hungry. So many feels at the same time. And then I exploded. I unleashed my anger on the unsuspecting TV. I threw my controller and fucking bashed it. I also cursed the fucking cat. That was when my landlord arrived to check the ruckus. He just entered my appartment without knocking. On impulse I took the baseball bat and smashed his skull. And then panic. Absolute panic. I was shitting my pants rethinking every life decision I ever took. I had to hide the body. My life couldn't end like this. Going to jail for life, never getting married or having kid And then survival mode kicked in. My body acted on its on dragging my landlord's corpse in the bathroom. Then, despair, I told myself what's the point. I will probably be caught and jailed anyway. I decided. I had to end it on my own. I filled the bathtub with water got my lovely toaster and sat in the water with it. As I fried like a chicken that will end up in a kfc bucket, I remembered the feeling of bashing my landlord's skull and the little moment of ecstasy I felt. I think I'm a fucking psychopath were my last thoughts.

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