Sky coffin

Chapter 125 Weird female ghost

After Wu Xi felt the change in my aura, he looked at me in surprise.

He exclaimed: "Are you a ghost agent?!"

When she heard the word ghost, the female ghost took a few steps back in fear, her beautiful eyes full of surprise.

" are not human?!"

The female ghost screamed at me.

I shook my head and said, "I am human, but you are not."

The female ghost was trembling all over, and she kept shaking her head.

"No! You are not a human! You are a ghost! You are a ghost!"

I sighed helplessly. It seemed that the female ghost in front of me hadn't realized the fact that she was dead.

I stretched out my hand and said, "Let me help you remember how you died."

I stepped forward suddenly, stretched out my index finger and touched the female ghost's forehead.

A cold light penetrated from my fingertips into the female ghost's eyebrows.

The female ghost froze on the spot for an instant, her eyes becoming dull.

As an agent of ghosts, it is easy for me to make dead ghosts recall what happened during their lives.

The female ghost's eyes kept changing.

From surprise at the beginning, to confusion, to panic, and finally to despair.

She stretched out her hand and stared blankly at her palm.

"I...I'm dead?"

It seems that the female ghost has recalled her death.

I nodded and said, "Yes, you are dead."

When the female ghost heard this, she squatted on the ground and cried, hugging her head.

"I...I'm only 20 years old this year! How could I die! I still have a lot of things to do!"

I sighed and said to the female ghost: "Death is inevitable for everyone. Death does not mean the end, it is a new beginning. Reincarnate."

The female ghost squatted on the ground to vent her grief.

I didn't stop her. After a while, she stood up and asked, "Will I...become a pig in the next life?"

The corners of my mouth twitched slightly. This was a good question. To be honest, I didn’t know.

I shook my head.

The female ghost continued to ask: "Then can I see my parents again?"

I shook my head again.

The female ghost continued to ask: "Then can I still go home?"

I continued to shake my head.

The female ghost asked several questions in succession, all of which she could not answer as a ghost.

This is normal. After death, what people think about most is their parents and relatives.

The female ghost may have realized that this was no longer possible.

The next few questions she asked shocked me.

"Can I have hot pot again?"

"Can I take my cosmetics with me?"

"Can I take my bad boss with me?"

She asked a lot of such unique questions, but I was just silent. I really didn’t know what these girls were thinking.

Seeing that I didn't answer her, she asked with some displeasure: "Then what can I do now?"

I slowly uttered four words.


The female ghost sighed and said, "Then take me away."

I have to admire the character of the female ghost. One second she was still crying, and the next second she became very nervous.

I summoned the gates of Hades.

The female ghost looked at the dark door, hesitated, and walked in towards the door of the underworld.

But something strange happened. The female ghost failed to enter the gate of the underworld smoothly.

Instead, he was isolated by an invisible force.

Seeing this scene, I frowned instantly.

Unable to enter the gates of Hades?

That is to say, the female ghost’s life span has not expired, and the underworld will not accept her!

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