Sky coffin

Chapter 131 The 132nd Ancient Well

In the ancient well, the water is churning.

It seemed like something was coming out of the water.

I frowned, what on earth is in this ancient well?

The well water was churning more and more violently, like boiling hot water, bubbling and bubbling.

Suddenly, a round thing floated up from the bottom of the well.

I took a closer look and was shocked.

That round thing turned out to be a soaked and rotten human head!

The well water continued to churn, followed by the second, third, and fourth...

Countless heads tumbled out of the well.

It's densely packed and very penetrating.

I felt more and more horrified.

Is this still the City God’s Temple? !

This is simply purgatory on earth!

The cries came from the mouths of these heads.

As heads tumbled out from the bottom of the well, the cries became more permeable and desolate.

Their cries contained deep unwillingness and sadness.

There is definitely something wrong with this City God’s Temple!

And this City God is not a good god either!

Tap tap tap...

Suddenly there was dull footsteps behind me.

I was shocked and instantly recalled a sentence.

That is, the two of them did not look at the well.

I'm alone now, so I'm not as guarded.

But don't forget, there is another person in this City God's Temple.

That's the Taoist priest I knocked unconscious!

I turned around suddenly and saw that the Taoist priest had come behind me, and he had already stretched out his hands to me.

My expression condensed and I quickly hid aside.

However, he was pushed by the Taoist priest and staggered, almost falling into the bottom of the well.

I quickly stabilized my body and distanced myself from the Taoist priest.


The Taoist priest had a sullen face and laughed horribly at me.

"I haven't met such an interesting little guy for a long time!"

I didn't say anything, and I was holding Lei Jue's seal with my right hand behind my back.

"Your life is very special! Kill you! Dedicate your soul to the City God, he will definitely like it!"

Through this sentence, I can already confirm it.

This City God is a false god!

On the surface, he looks bright and upright!

But behind the scenes, he instructed Taoist priests to kill innocent people, take their lives, and eat their souls!

The Taoist priest pressed towards me step by step, and I backed away step by step.

Black mist emanated from the Taoist priest.

Still an evil way!

This is bad!

I'm not sure I can beat the opponent without sneak attacks.

If you are not careful, you may lose your life!

The Taoist priest waved his hand, and the big willow tree next to him rustled non-stop, and the hanged ghosts were released one by one.

"Fuck him! Kill him!"

The hanged ghosts rushed towards me without any hesitation.

Seeing this scene, I no longer hesitated. I pinched Lei Jue's right hand and slapped it towards the Taoist priest.

The lightning flashed, and the crackling sound resounded in the air.

The Taoist priest did not expect that I would suddenly attack. He raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth and waved the dust in his hand.

The whisk tail instantly became extremely hard, like a sharp sword.

The fly whisk came towards me and collided with the Thunder Jue in my right hand.

With a bang, I was instantly knocked out.

I struggled to stand up, this evil old man was really powerful!

Now I am no match for him.


"Boy, you can't run away this time!"

I then considered whether I should use my bloody hands to separate the soul from the body and then crush it.

Just then, I heard a roar.

"Your Grandpa Wu is here!"

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