Sky coffin

Chapter 142 Three Talismans

But why was he at a disadvantage when facing the papermaker Mr. Pan?

Xu Tianxuan itself is a mystery.

I don't know anything about her.

I know nothing about his strength, life experience, or background.

In my impression, Xu Tianxuan always looks calm at all times, not panicking or afraid of trouble, as if everything is under her control.

"Liu Su, please keep the talismans I gave you."

I suddenly remembered the talisman that Xu Tianxuan asked Mr. Wu to hand over to me.

I took out the three talismans from my pocket.

One yellow talisman, one red talisman, and one black talisman.

There are five kinds of talismans: blue, yellow, red, white and black.

Green is wood and belongs to the east, yellow is earth and belongs to China, red is fire and belongs to the south, white is gold and belongs to the west and black is water and belongs to the north.

Talismans of different colors also represent different functions.

The color of commonly used talismans is yellow because they are easy to draw and have many uses.

As for the thunder talisman, it can be used on talismans of any color.

The effect is the same. As for the power of the thunder talisman, it depends on the cultivation level of the person who draws the talisman.

"Master, what are these three talismans used for?"

Xu Tianxuan stretched out his slender hand, pointed at the yellow talisman and said, "This talisman is a life-hiding talisman that can conceal a person's fate."

"You give this talisman to Xia Xi, so that it can cover up her destiny."

I nodded.

Xia Xi is the star of the sheep, and Xia Xi's grandfather is the false star of the sheep.

Now the source of the evil star believes that the real Sheep Star is Xia Jingming.

It would be very troublesome if the source of the evil star discovered that Xia Xi was the real Sheep Star.

Xu Tianxuan pointed to the red talisman and said: "This talisman is the Lihuo Talisman, and its function can kill evil spirits."

Lihuo Talisman!

I've seen this kind of talisman in books before.

This is the first-class talisman from Longhu Mountain.

Most people can't draw it.

I suddenly remembered the statue of Zhang Tianshi enshrined on the second floor of Jiyuntang.

Could it be that... Xu Tianxuan came out of Longhu Mountain?

But Xu Tianxuan's next words completely dispelled my idea.

"The black talisman is a corpse control talisman. Gu Ming thought it has the effect of controlling corpses and manipulating corpses."

Most people who use corpse control talismans are corpse exorcists.

And this talisman is also a secret that is not passed down by the corpse exorcists. How Xu Tianxuan obtained this talisman is unknown to me.

Xu Tianxuan looked at me, and his voice suddenly became gentle, which made me slightly stunned.

"Liu Su, your brain should know when to use these three talismans."

Are you praising me for being smart?

After Xu Tianxuan said this, she was about to turn around and leave. When she walked to the door, her steps stagnated, and she suddenly turned around and said: "The affairs of Tianfu City God are not that troublesome, but the real trouble is Wudeng Alley. I will wait for a while." I will contact Xiang Yi to discuss how to resolve this matter."

It’s a lightless alley again.

Xiang Yi also said that this matter was very troublesome.

Now Xu Tianxuan said this again.

I couldn't help but wonder what kind of existence I had provoked.

After Xu Tianxuan said this, he left.

I looked at Xu Tianxuan's back and let out a long sigh.

Lightless alley! Lightless alley!

What kind of existence is there?

Although I went there once, I only felt that I had only lifted one layer of its veil, and its true appearance was still vague and confusing.

I lay on the bed, looked at the ceiling, and fell asleep again.

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