Sky coffin

Chapter 146 The stars hold the moon

Soon, night falls.

Ruohong had already arrived at the coffin shop in the evening.

Wu Xi opened the door for her, but unexpectedly, Ruohong was shocked when she saw Wu Xi for the first time.

"Sister, are you interested in learning singing from me?"

Wu Xi broke through his defense instantly and shouted in his broken voice: "I am a man! A pure man!"

Hearing this, Ruohong's expression began to distort, and her world view probably collapsed.

How can a man be as beautiful as a woman?

However, Ruohong is also a person who has seen many big scenes. She calmed down and started talking about business with us.

A few of us sat in the coffin shop, waiting for Painted Skin Ghost to arrive.

I had already told Ruohong and others about the Painted Skin Ghost pretending to look like my second uncle.

Because, in this operation, I must eliminate the Painted Skin Ghost.

The moment Painted Skin Ghost loses its use value, it is his death!

Boom, boom, boom.

There was a dull knock on the door.

Three long and two short.

The Painted Skin Ghost is here.

I opened the door and Painted Skin Ghost was standing in front of the door.

"Good nephew, let's go."

I nodded and greeted everyone in the room to prepare for the funeral.

Because two coffins were needed, the number of coffin bearers was increased to eight.

Due to the special nature of coffin bearers, they are never one person, but a small team.

Four people form a team to carry a coffin.

These people are all disciples of Mr. Wu. Logically speaking, the inheritance of coffin bearers is from direct lineage.

But in Wu Xi's lineage, Wu Xi is the only one who meets the qualifications of a coffin bearer.

Therefore, Mr. Wu could only accept a few outer disciples.

Because the place we were going to was a bit far away, we had to find two trucks to pull the two coffins to a place closer to their destination, and then carry the coffins.

Under the night, two hearses moved slowly through the city.

The street scene receded, the lights followed, and soon our group drove out of the city.

The scenery on both sides of the window began to change.

From the high-rise buildings and neon lights in the beginning, it has now become a lonely tree in the wilderness and the chirping of cicadas.

And my heart slowly sank as the scene outside the window changed.

The hearse stopped in a wilderness, and several coffin bearers carried the coffin down under Wu Xi's command.

Then the hearse sped off, kicking up clouds of dust.

I came to Painted Skin Ghost and asked, "Second Uncle, it's time to tell us our destination this time, right?"

Painted Skin Ghost chuckled, pointed to the mountains not far away and said, "That's where we are going."

I looked in the direction Painted Skin Ghost pointed.

The moonlight pours down from the night sky, coating the mountains and fields with a layer of silver.

If it were daytime, I would still be able to see why, but now it's nighttime and it's impossible to see anything fishy.

But I found something strange.

That is, the moonlight scattered everywhere is actually converging in one direction.

I looked up at the stars in the sky, and I was keenly aware that the scattered stars appeared neatly above the mountain.

This is... the stars holding the moon!

Sure enough, there must be a big tomb in the mountain in front of you.

Ruohong came to my side and asked in a low voice: "Did you see anything?"

I nodded and said, "There is a big tomb."

I looked at Wu Xi, who was wearing a ghost mask and directing the coffin bearers to carry the coffin.

His kind of appearance would make the devil feel easy to bully if he met one.

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