Sky coffin

Chapter 150 No one will blame you

"Liu Su..."

I was slightly startled. This voice was...Xu Tianxuan!

"No one can blame you! You've done a great job."

"When you are tired, suffering, and can't hold on any longer, just tell me."

"I will always be by your side..."

I have never heard such a gentle voice from Xu Tianxuan.

Her voice is like a trickle of water in the mountains, slowly flowing through people's hearts.

It is like the warm sunshine of the ancient city, shining into people's hearts, bringing warmth and touching.

I suddenly woke up!

I almost got into trouble with these ghosts!

This is the most deceptive ghost I have ever seen. Every word he speaks can penetrate your heart.

The mother's spiteful roar was still there.

This time, without any hesitation, I raised the Jingxiao in my hand and pierced my mother's heart directly!


There is no way I can hit the same trick a second time!

The other four water ghosts disguised as my relatives rushed towards me with their teeth and claws.

With a stern look on my face, I raised the Jingxiao in my hand and pierced their hearts directly.

The miserable howl resounded through the night sky.

My hand holding Jingxiao trembled slightly.

When my right foot stepped on the ground, the sounds in my ears disappeared instantly, and the endless environment returned to its previous state of bright moon, barren mountains and wild ridges.

I turned my head and looked at the Ruohong people on the bridge.

They were already only seven or eight meters away from me.

Soon, they came to me.

The coffin-carrying team also successfully crossed the bridge.

Ruohong came to me, patted my shoulder and said, "Liu Su, it's okay! Do you know how many water ghosts were behind you just now?"

Thinking of the noisy footsteps behind me, I felt a sense of fear.

Seeing that I didn't answer her, Ruohong said to herself: "What a guy! There are hundreds of them! They are so densely packed together! It's scary!"

One hundred?

This should be Ruohong's approximate estimate.

The bridge is not big. If you walk closely, it should be able to accommodate hundreds of water ghosts.

The strange river and the drowned water ghost made my heart slowly sink.

This happened to me as soon as I got here, but what happens after that?

I looked at Xia Xi and found that her delicate body was shaking non-stop. I came to her and asked, "Are you okay?"

Xia Xi nodded and said, "It's okay."

I sighed. The situation just now was a bit difficult for an ordinary person like Xia Xi to accept.

When the Painted Skin Ghost saw this scene, he said on the side: "Have all Xia Jingming's descendants degenerated into this? Are they afraid of seeing a ghost like this?"

I looked at Painted Skin Ghost, slowly narrowed my eyes, and asked, "Second Uncle, what do you mean by this?"

The painted-skinned ghost was slightly startled, and quickly changed the topic with a haha, and said: "What I mean is that Xia Jingming is also a business tycoon after all, and the temperament of future generations will not be like this!"

"Let's go quickly!"

After saying that, Painted Skin Ghost stepped forward in a hurry.

I looked at Painted Skin Ghost's back and raised a sneer at the corner of my mouth.

What Painted Skin Ghost just said made me very concerned.

I don't know the relationship between Painted Skin Ghost and Xia Jingming, but one thing is for sure, the relationship between one person and one ghost is definitely unusual.

Xia Jingming's descendants have fallen like this... What does this sentence mean?

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