Sky coffin

Chapter 166 Entering the Channel

That is, the power of the Lihuo Talisman is simply too great.

These paper villagers were running around like crazy, setting fire to wherever they passed.

Because this village is made of paper, ordinary fire can't do anything, but Lihuo is different.

The fire shot straight into the sky, illuminating the entire night sky. Through the sea of ​​fire, I saw that Wu Xi and others had arrived behind the big locust tree.

Seeing this, I breathed a long sigh of relief.

But there is another problem before me, that is, how should I escape.

I looked around, and everything I saw was red. I took a deep breath, held my breath and rushed towards the sea of ​​​​fire.

The fire burned all over my body, burning every inch of my skin, and my clothes were instantly ignited.

I was burned by flames when I was a child, and I still remember that time vividly.

But this time Li Huo was more painful than the last time.

Although I held my breath, the smell of burning paper still penetrated my nose.

The scorching flames kept burning my eyes, making them dry and painful, and my tears couldn't stop flowing down.

I tried my best and ran with all my strength.

Soon, I rushed out of the sea of ​​​​fire, and a cool breeze hit me, dispelling the burning sensation in my body.

But the flames on my clothes continued to burn. I fell to the ground and rolled wildly, trying to extinguish the flames on my body.

At this moment, I heard a scream.


The next moment, I felt like I was being whipped hard by something striped.

I raised my head and saw Ruohong waving a long whip, hitting me again and again.

"Ruohong! You Biao! How do you put out the fire with a whip?"

Ruohong was startled for a moment, then subconsciously stuck out her tongue and said, "Sorry, I was too anxious."

She put away the whip, then stretched out her slender hands to extinguish the flames on my body.

In addition, she also picked up the dirt from the ground and threw it on me.

While we were struggling to put out the fire, Wu Xi's broken voice sounded in my ears.

"You, Grandpa Wu, are here too!"

I saw Wu Xi holding a wooden stick and hitting me.

I quickly stood up, waved my hands repeatedly, and said, "No, no, no! The fire is out!"

Wu Xi paused, put away the stick, and said, "It was destroyed pretty quickly."

The corners of my mouth twitched slightly. How could these two people be more powerful than the other?

I don’t seem to have any grudge against them, right?

I turned around and glanced at the sea of ​​​​fire behind me, and instantly looked shocked.

The sea of ​​​​fire spread extremely quickly and was about to reach behind me.

"Let's go!"

After that, the three of us ran towards the big locust tree.

Entering the dark entrance, the burning sensation disappeared instantly, replaced by a cold wind.

I leaned against the cave wall and gasped for air.

Prick, prick, prick...

The sound of burning fire came from outside.

I frowned. Was the big locust tree burned?

Wu Xi lit the oil lamp, and there was some light in the dark environment.

"It's not a good time to stay here. Let's leave quickly."

I said to everyone.

Everyone nodded.

The entryway is a large space and the walls on both sides are also made of stone bricks.

The passage is downward as a whole, so walking is not that strenuous. The coffin bearers carry two coffins one after the other, leaving a lot of space on both sides.

The further down you go, the lower the temperature becomes and the colder it gets.

Ruohong looked at my burned and tattered clothes, hesitated, and said to Wu Xi: "You! Take off your coat and let Liu Su wear it?!"

Wu Xi was stunned, the beautiful eyes under the grimace mask were full of doubts.

"Why? I'm still cold!"

Ruohong raised her fist, Wu Xi sighed, could only take off his coat, and handed it to me reluctantly.

I said thank you and put it on.

Xia Xi asked with concern: "Liu Su, are you okay?"

I shook my head and said, "It's okay."

While a few of us were talking, the passage suddenly opened up, and a wide space came into view.

Wu Xi raised the oil lamp in his hand and illuminated the environment in front of him.

In the dim light, I suddenly noticed the top of the cave wall.

Wait...what is that?

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