Sky coffin

Chapter 177 You are not Liu Su

"Xia Xi, what are you talking about? I'm Liu Su!"

Xia Xi's frightened voice came from the darkness.

"No! You're not! How could Liu Su have long hair?!"

Long hair?

I touched my hair subconsciously.

It didn't matter when I touched it, it instantly made me break out in a cold sweat.

My hair, which was not long, turned into silky hair.

"Xia Xi, don't panic, something must have gone wrong."

After saying this, I was stunned for a moment.

This...what's going on? !

My voice turned into a female voice!

And I seem to have heard this female voice somewhere.

I actually couldn't remember it for a while.

Xia Xi's voice became more and more frightened and frightened.

"You are not Liu Su, you... you are Su Luo!"

Xia Xi's words reminded me.

My speaking voice at this moment is exactly the same as Su Luo!

"You killed my sister and are you going to kill me now?"

Xia Xi's emotions gradually started to get out of control, and she yelled at me heartbreakingly.

I quickly said: "Xia Xi, calm down! Calm down! Don't be fooled by the surface! There must be something wrong here."

It was pitch dark in the coffin, and I couldn't judge Xia Xi's condition at this time.

When a person is extremely scared, he will do some extreme things to vent his fear.

If Xia Xi's emotions are not comforted in time, it may cause a lot of trouble.

I took a deep breath and continued to explain: "Xia Xi, calm down and think about it carefully. If I am really Su Luo, how did I get here?"

I tried to calm Xia Xi's emotions with rational analysis.

But this method seems so feeble at this moment.

Xia Xi couldn't listen at all.

She kept repeating one sentence.

"You killed my sister, and now you are coming to kill me..."

Xia Xi's emotions had obviously reached the edge of collapse.

It seemed that words could no longer calm him down.

The only option was to knock Xia Xi unconscious so that she would calm down.

I judged from Xia Xi's voice that she was curled up on the coffin wall at this moment.

I tentatively stretched out my hand towards Xia Xi, trying to further determine the position of Xia Xi's neck.

But this action completely caused Xia Xi to collapse.

"Do not move!"

Xia Xi yelled at me hoarsely.


A gloomy energy spread from Xia Xi's body.


Something went wrong with Xia Xi too!

She seemed to be affected by some inexplicable force and became like this.

My expression condensed, and I slashed in the direction of the sound with my hand knife.

I originally thought that this blow would definitely hit, but what I never expected was that Xia Xi suddenly rose up and attacked me before I could take action.

I only felt my neck being pinched hard by Xia Xi's hand.

The feeling of suffocation came towards me. I wanted to struggle, but I found that I couldn't move.

This feeling is like a ghost on the bed. Your consciousness and senses are still there, but you can't make any movements.

This is terrible. Could it be possible that I could just watch Xia Xi strangle me to death?

"I won't let you hurt me again! I want to avenge my sister!"

Xia Xi's hands were like iron pliers, squeezing my neck tightly.

The yin energy in her body is getting heavier and heavier, which makes me more convinced that something is wrong with Xia Xi.

As time went by, Xia Xi's strength in her hands never diminished.

Due to the massive lack of oxygen, my head swelled, my mouth opened wide, and my consciousness gradually became blurred.

I wanted to struggle, but the feeling of being trapped in bed still existed.

Xia Xi started to laugh ferociously.

"Kill you! Kill you! Then I can live! Live!"

Finally, I lost consciousness amidst Xia Xi's ferocious laughter.

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