Sky coffin

Chapter 180 Soul Extraction and Body Transfer

I am very familiar with that coffin, both in terms of material and pattern.

It's the double coffin!

I'm so happy!

I don't know why the double coffin appears here.

But since the double coffin appears here, it means that the soul-suppressing coffin is also here!

Thinking of this, I no longer hesitated, grabbed the vines on the cliff and climbed up.

There are many vines of this kind and they are very strong.

In addition to the uneven cliff, I quickly climbed to the double coffin.

The double coffin is placed in the same environment as one containing an animal carcass.

It is also located between the cliffs.

I bent down and entered the gap, then pushed the lid of the double coffin out.

With a plop, the lid of the double coffin fell to the ground.

Xia Xi's pretty face caught my eye.

"Xia Xi!"

I shouted in surprise.

But Xia Xi remained unmoved.

She closed her eyes tightly, as if she had fallen asleep.

I was stunned for a moment, and a bad premonition came to my mind.

At this moment, I suddenly noticed the person lying next to Xia Xi.

That was me!

Seeing this scene, I suddenly realized!

In order to verify my inner suspicion, I stretched out my hand and put my middle finger and index finger under Xia Xi's nose.

Sure enough, no breathing!

In this case, everything is explained clearly.

Xia Xi and I were just out of body.

As for why the double coffin and the body appear here, it is also easy to explain.

The root cause of all this was the array arranged by Xu Tianxuan.

To enter the Celestial Coffin, one must be in the soul state.

And Xu Tianxuan extracted our souls, and then used the magic circle to transfer our bodies into the sky coffin.

If I remember correctly, the magic circle is called Soul Extraction and Body Transfer.

Using the magic circle as a guide and the coffin as the mouth, the two of us are transported here.

The double coffin in real life still exists, and this double coffin is the passage connecting real life and the celestial coffin!

I looked at my body and let out a long sigh of relief.

Then he stretched out his right hand and activated the soul-stealing blood hand.

Scarlet blood instantly spread to my entire arm.

Just when I wanted to re-enter my body through my bloody hands, a black shadow struck me and entered my body before me.

Before I could react, I saw my body slowly opening its eyes, opening its mouth slightly and letting out the low roar of a wild wolf.

I looked shocked, I was actually killed by a wolf!

Rub rub rub rub!

"I" actually jumped out of the coffin.

"I" got down on all fours, his eyes became very ferocious, and he bared his teeth and growled at me.

I don't know what words to use to describe my mood at this moment.

The other you is lying on the ground in the posture of a wolf, grinning at you, this feeling is terrible.

The "I" who had been seized by the wolf leaned forward, as if he was about to pounce at any time.

My expression condensed, and I rushed in front of "me" in one stride.

"I", possessed by the wolf soul, dodged aside.

I missed the blow and continued to confront the wolf soul.

It was so afraid of my right hand that it didn't dare to attack.

Fortunately, the wolf can't climb, so it can't leave this gap.

As long as I seize the opportunity to separate the wolf soul from my body, then I can take back my body.

I stretched out my blood-covered right hand in front of me and formed a seal of the Nine Layers of Thunder Jue.

In an instant, thunder and lightning flashed in my palm. What surprised me was that the blood on my right arm spread to the lightning.

The blue thunder and lightning turned into blood red!

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