Sky coffin

Chapter 200 Another person dies

These two words are extremely majestic.

At this moment, Hua Xiu clearly displayed the domineering power of the royal family.

The old man stepped back, trembling all over, his eyes full of fear.

This fear comes from deep within the soul.

At this time, Xu Tianxuan also stood up. She came to my side, drew a talisman in the void, and the golden light shone on her fingertips. The next second, a corpse-suppressing talisman appeared in front of my eyes.

Xu Tianxuan waved his hand, and the golden talisman instantly hit the old man.

The golden light penetrated the old man's body. The old man's mouth opened wide, and a bloody mist spurted out from his mouth.

What a shame!

Then the old man's body softened and he collapsed to the ground.

I lifted the old man's body and placed it again in the coffin.

Then he helped Zhang Ke back to the room.

"Master, how is he?"

"Don't worry, his life is saved."

Xu Tianxuan replied.

I breathed a long sigh of relief. Fortunately, Zhang Ke was not dead.

In fact, without Zhang Ke's mother's obstruction, Xu Tianxuan could have solved the old man's risk of corpse transformation during the day.

This kind of thing wouldn't happen at night.

After that, Xu Tianxuan and Hua Xiu did not leave, but instead guarded Zhang Ke with me.

The next day, Zhang Ke woke up. He looked around in confusion and asked, "What's wrong with me?"

I briefly told Zhang Ke what happened last night.

He let out a long sigh of relief when he heard that the matter had been resolved.

Xu Tianxuan said on the side: "I will accompany the funeral procession to the funeral later, and you will stay with him. As long as the old man is successfully buried, no one will die again."

I nodded. Zhang Ke was really not suitable to go with him in this situation.

The funeral procession gathered in front of Zhang's house. They had no idea what happened last night.

The funeral procession left the house and headed west along the highway. Paper money was scattered all over the street.

At noon, Xu Tianxuan returned safely. Looking at her expression, I knew that nothing strange happened during the funeral.

I stepped forward and asked in a low voice: "Master, should everything be fine now?"

Xu Tianxuan nodded and replied: "We will stay here for one more night. Then I will use a spell to hide Zhang Ke's destiny, and then we can go back."

I let out a long sigh of relief.

As long as Zhang Ke's destiny is hidden, the Double-Faced Buddha of Good and Evil will not find Zhang Ke, and his plan will fail.

After handling the old man's funeral, the Zhang family sat around the table and had dinner, and Xu Tianxuan and I were also sitting among them.

The atmosphere of the entire dinner was a bit strange and solemn.

After finishing the meal, Mr. Zhang’s wife suddenly answered a phone call. After she answered the call, she screamed “ah” and fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth.

Everyone was panicked for a moment. Boss Zhang pinched people and sprayed cold water on them. After a lot of tossing, Boss Zhang's wife finally woke up.

" harmed our son!"

Boss Zhang’s wife shouted at the top of her lungs.

I froze in place for a moment, thinking of the grimace I saw last night. Could it be that Boss Zhang's son was already dead at that time?

The next words of Mr. Zhang’s wife confirmed my suspicion.

"I said let our son come back! But you didn't! He encountered a landslide on the way back to school! He's dead!"

Boss Zhang's son chose to go back to school because of Boss Zhang's words, but the train tickets back to school were sold out.

He had no choice but to take the bus, and then encountered a landslide, and no one on the bus survived.

Boss Zhang was completely stunned.

After experiencing the pain of losing his father, and now the pain of losing his son, wave after wave of grief hit him. With a roar, he grabbed the ax outside the house and rushed towards the old lady's room.

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