Sky coffin

Chapter 527 The special abilities of Qijue Mengdie

Qijue Mengdie walked out of the cave.

The monsters outside burst out, all surrounding Qijue Mengdie.

The number of monsters is overwhelming, and the area is as dark as the dark clouds before a heavy rain.

Qijue Mengdie showed no fear, she slowly spread her chubby little hands.

A colorful mist emerged from her palm.

The mist particles are distinct, and each one is shining with dazzling light, just like a rainbow descending on the world after the rain.

The seven-colored mist floated in the air and soon surrounded the monsters.

Just when I was wondering what Qijue Mengdie was going to do, Liu Hanxuan's surprised voice came to my ears.

"She's putting these monsters to sleep!"

"It seems that the legend is true. Qijue Mengdie really has the ability to travel through dreams!"

Xu Tianxuan told me before.

The Qijue Dream Butterfly is the butterfly in the allusion of Zhuang Zhou’s Dream Butterfly.

I didn't expect this to be true.

When the seven-colored mist shrouded the monsters, I could clearly see the sleepiness on their ugly faces.

Immediately afterwards, a monster fell to the ground, followed by the second, the third...

After a while, the monsters surrounding the cave all fell into a deep sleep.

I was surprised to see it.

Qijue Mengdie came to me with her tired body, and she said to me: "Don't forget what you promised me."

As soon as he finished speaking, a dazzling seven-color light burst out from Qijue Mengdie's body.

After the light dissipated, the Qijue Mengdie returned to its true form and disappeared between my eyebrows. The butterfly mark appeared again on my neck.

The matter has been resolved, and I cannot continue to delay here.

Xiang Liu Hanxuan confirmed the location of the dragon, and then rushed towards the direction of the dragon without stopping.

Not long after walking, a huge and magnificent palace appeared in front of me.

The palace occupies a large area, with flying pavilions and flowing elixirs, and is magnificent, but the tone of the entire palace is indeed gray and white, just like the feeling affected by old-fashioned TV broadcasts.

Extremely terrifying and eerie.

I looked around cautiously and saw nothing unusual.

"He...he's inside, wait a careful."

Liu Hanxuan told me.

But I noticed something was wrong and asked, "What's wrong with you? Your voice sounds weak."

Liu Hanxuan's voice was not as gentle as before, now she sounded like a terminally ill old man.

"I...I don't know. It's probably a side effect of swallowing the dragon bone."

I nodded without saying anything.

I walked cautiously towards the palace.

But the moment I stepped into the palace, a dark wind blew out of thin air, making me tremble subconsciously.

At this moment, several figures appeared in front of me.

I took a closer look, and my expression instantly became extremely solemn.

There were five people standing in front of me... It's inappropriate to call them people, they should be monsters.

These five monsters all have human bodies, but also have animal characteristics.

The first one has the head of a mouse and is covered with black hair.

The second one has a snake head and a human body, with scales covering the surface of the skin.

The same is true for several others, namely fox, hedgehog, weasel...

The five great immortal families!

They exuded a permeating demonic aura, and their eyes were full of malice and ferocity.

"Yun Xiaozi! You are finally here! You have trapped us here for so long! We can finally take revenge today!"

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