Sky coffin

Chapter 543 Red and White Demons

In the past, the street lights on both sides of the funeral street would emit dim light.

Today, the whole street was dark, without any light.

Even the shops on both sides didn't reveal any light.

Silence, darkness, and cold... filled this street.

The three of us stopped at the street corner and stood there for a while. After a while, Xu Tianxuan said, "Let's go."

I nodded, and then the three of us walked in the direction of Jiyuntang.

The whole street was so quiet that we could only hear the footsteps of the three of us.

After walking for a while, I realized something was wrong.

Jiyuntang is at the end of the funeral street. Logically speaking, you can walk there in just over a minute.

But we have been walking for about three minutes now, and it feels like we are still standing still.

At this moment, a sharp suona sound suddenly came from the darkness.

The sound of the suona rises and falls with pauses, as if it is telling or crying, which is very penetrating.

The source of the sound is directly in front of us.

The pale moonlight poured down, but when it shone on the street, it looked very dim.

At this moment, I suddenly saw a flash of bright red out of the corner of my eye.

The dull sound of footsteps mixed with the sound of suona reached my ears.

The whole street suddenly diffused white misty smoke, and being in it felt like being in a fairyland.

The footsteps and the sound of the suona got closer and closer, and one figure after another came into my sight.

I looked intently, my pupils dilated and contracted instantly, and I saw people wearing red clothes walking out one after another in the darkness of the street.

The color of the red clothes is very bright, as if it is really dyed red with blood, which is particularly dazzling.

In addition, these people in red are surrounding a red sedan chair.

They were walking and jumping, and their movements were very stiff and weird, making people sweat in their hearts.

Seeing this scene, Su Xuan next to her whispered: "Red evil spirit!"

As soon as she finished speaking, there was another suona sound behind us.

The suona sound behind him was different from the one in front of him. It was filled with endless sadness and the tone was also very harsh. It made people feel like crying.

I looked back, and it didn't matter. I was stunned for a moment.

I saw a team appearing behind me.

But they are not a wedding party!

But a funeral!

Their faces were pale and ashen, and their eyes were full of sadness. Each of them was wearing a pale white mourning dress, a bamboo hat on their head, and a raincoat.

A dark coffin was carried by several people, but there was a person sitting on the coffin.

That person is also dressed like everyone else.

Two teams are slowly approaching us.

Seeing this scene, I secretly screamed.

Four words emerged in my heart.

Red and white demons!

Grandpa once told me that red and white evil spirits are a forbidden technique in sweaters.

To form the White Devil, only water ghosts with extremely high moral character can wear bamboo hats and coir raincoats.

The red evil spirit refers to the bride who died during the wedding and is very resentful.

When the two meet, they will form red and white demons.

Anyone who encounters the red and white demons will either die or be injured.

Xu Tianxuan and Su Xuan frowned and showed no reaction.

I saw that the two of them had no intention of taking action, so I could only keep calm.

The red and white demons got closer and closer, and finally passed in front of us. Then, the two teams dispersed and surrounded us.

Then he twisted his stiff body and danced an extremely charming dance.

For a time, paper money and red paper were flying all over the sky.

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