Sky coffin

Chapter 581 Take action

The Taoist priest slowly closed his eyes, slowly clasped his hands together, and then quickly kneaded the secret formula while chanting: "Lin, Bing, Du, Zhe..."

Golden light slowly spread around the Taoist priest.

The speed of his seal formation was extremely fast, which dazzled everyone who saw it.

When a Taoist priest casts a spell, he will recite the spell with his mouth and press the seal with his hand to cast the spell.

You can tell from the speed of the Taoist priest's seal formation that he is very powerful.

However, for me, performing Taoist magic doesn't have to be so troublesome at all.

Because the secret talisman is there, as long as I am strong, I can decide the number and power of the talismans as I wish.

Following the Taoist priest's movements, a golden Bagua array appeared in front of him.

He opened his eyes suddenly, held up the sword technique with his right hand, shouted loudly, and the golden Bagua array broke through the air and enveloped the Shroud Ghost King.

Immediately afterwards, the Bagua array began to rotate slowly, and countless golden rays of light shot towards the Shroud Ghost King like bullets.

I suddenly discovered that the attack of this golden light was not illogical. Every beam of golden light went straight to the acupuncture points of the Shroud Ghost King.

The golden light penetrated into the acupuncture points of the Shroud Ghost King, instantly blocking the Shroud Ghost King's movements.

Seeing this, I controlled the sea of ​​ghosts and surrounded the shroud ghost king layer by layer.

The Yin soldiers and generals appeared, raised their weapons and attacked the Ghost King.

Even with the blood blessing of the soul-stealing blood hand, Yin Bing Yin will not cause much harm to the Shroud Ghost King.

The Ghost King is the king of the ghost world in the Six Paths. He is the one who rules one side. If it is really so easy to eliminate, it would not be worthy of the title of Ghost King.

However, with my current strength, it is still possible to seriously injure the Ghost King.

I took a deep breath, pinched the seal of the God-inviting Mantra, and silently recited the spell in my heart.

A cool white light slowly appeared on my body.

The white light became more and more dazzling, and after a moment, a tyrannical force filled every part of my body.

A cold air burst out from my body.

Zhang Shiyi and others looked at me with horror on their faces.

Tao Wen even screamed: "Go out?!"

Immediately afterwards, Liu Hanxuan's voice sounded in my mind.

"Liu Su, what happened?"

I briefly described the current situation to Liu Hanxuan.

After hearing this, Liu Hanxuan said, "Okay, I will lend you my power."

As soon as I finished speaking, something changed in me.

White scales emerged from my body layer by layer, as if I was wearing a piece of silver-white armor. Even my pupils changed and turned into snake pupils.

I held it in the air, and the golden heart sword appeared in my hand.

While holding the sword in my right hand, I picked up the Nine Layers Thunder Jue.


The dull thunder sounded out of thin air, and dark clouds rolled in the night sky and gathered above my head at an extremely fast speed.

In an instant, there were bursts of thunder and thunder and lightning in the sky.

I said that the nine-level thunder technique was superimposed to the fifth level, and purple lightning gathered in my palm and spread to the body of the Heart Sword.

At the same time, a thunder exploded from the sky, and purple thunder and lightning tore through the night sky.

I raised the sword in my hand and shouted loudly, the thunder from the sky gathered above my head, its power was enough to destroy the heaven and the earth.

Everyone on the turtle's back looked at me in surprise, and Zhang Shiyi was so shocked that he couldn't even close his mouth.

Perhaps, he never expected that my strength would improve so quickly in such a short period of time.

I looked stern and slashed hard at the Shroud Ghost King with the sword in my hand.

At the same time, the purple sky thunder hovering in the sky and the purple lightning in my hand gathered together and struck towards the Shroud Ghost King.

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