Sky coffin

Chapter 588 Strange Flame

Before I could react, I felt bound by countless roots and then stagnated in mid-air.

"Liu Su!"

Miao Fengluan shouted at me anxiously.

I quickly replied: "Don't worry! You must ensure your own safety first. I have a way to escape."

Miao Fengluan bit her red lips lightly, her eyes as bright as stars were full of worry.

Before I could continue the conversation, the slender roots on the tree's roots wrapped me heavily, and even my mouth was tightly wrapped by the roots.

I was like a mummy at the moment, unable to even move a finger.

The slender roots on the body were bundled tighter and tighter, and bone-chilling pain spread from everywhere on the body.

Puff... Puff...

The roots penetrated deep into my flesh like steel wires, and scarlet blood slowly flowed along the roots.

We can't go on like this, we have to find a way to break free.

Otherwise, I will definitely die here.

I recited the Golden Light Mantra silently in my heart, trying to use the power of the Golden Light Mantra to break free.

But I found that the power in my body was draining away rapidly, as if it was being sucked away.

These roots...are absorbing my power and devouring my vitality!

Thinking of this, my heart froze.

At this moment, a strange feeling spread from the bottom of my heart to all parts of my body.

I felt like my skin was getting hot, accompanied by a bone-chilling coldness.

As time went by, the burning sensation on my body became stronger and stronger, and it felt like my whole body was on fire.


There was a sudden sound of something burning in my ears.

Immediately afterwards, I felt that the roots that bound me were slowly relaxing.

The next moment, the roots between my eyes were burned to ashes.

I looked at my body, and it didn't matter. I was stunned for a moment.

I saw that the roots wrapping my body were ignited by crimson flames.

And these flames seemed to spread out of my body.

The flames were a coquettish crimson color, clearly flames, but with a bone-chilling coldness.

Just facing this flame can give people chills.

Soon, the crimson flames burned off the roots, and then, I felt like my body was empty and I fell straight towards the water.

With a splash, I fell heavily into the water.

I stabilized my body and swam toward the water.

When my head came out of the water, I was completely shocked. The crimson flames fell into the water in mid-air and were still burning without being extinguished.

What is the origin of this flame?

Before I could figure out the situation in front of me, a slender white jade hand stretched out in front of my eyes.

I took a closer look and saw that it was Miao Fengluan.

Miao Fengluan didn't know when she jumped off the old turtle's back.

She grabbed my shoulder and led me to swim in the direction of the old turtle.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here to save you."

This is the first time I have seen such a strong Miao Fengluan. In the past, she has always been weak and well-behaved.

But now, the look in her eyes was indeed extremely determined.

Miao Fengluan came here in a hurry, because all the strength in my body was drained by the Immortal Mingshu, and just swimming to the surface of the water had already consumed the rest of my strength.

Soon, Miao Fengluan and I swam to the old turtle.

Miao Fengluan was pulling me along this way. If I had to rely on myself, I would never be able to swim here.

Zhang Shiyi and Ruo Honglian pulled me and Miao Fengluan up.

I fell on the back of the old turtle and gasped for air. I calmed down for a while and looked around. I found that the ghosts in the trees were keeping a certain distance from us and looking at me with horror on their faces.

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