Sky coffin

Chapter 600 Fierce battle with hundreds of ghosts

The Soul Hooking Rope sped through the air, and then there was a puffing sound in the air.

I looked closely and saw that the hook had actually penetrated Li Gui's pipa bone.

When I saw this scene, I no longer hesitated to summon the ghost sea.

The mighty black ocean set off huge waves behind me, and I stood under the ghost sea.

Yin soldiers wearing armor emerged from the sea of ​​ghosts.

I summoned my heart sword and pointed it at hundreds of ghosts.

After the Yin soldiers received the order, they rushed toward the hundred ghosts along with the sea of ​​ghosts.


The sea of ​​ghosts instantly submerged hundreds of ghosts, and then fought with them.

I looked at the three evil spirits suspended in mid-air.

His expression condensed, and the crimson flame instantly enveloped the Heart Sword.

I jumped up and appeared in mid-air with the power of Nine Eyes Heavenly Realm. I raised my heart sword and slashed at Rakshasa.

Rakshasa's body flashed and quickly disappeared from the spot.

His speed is extremely fast and cannot be caught with the naked eye.

I only felt the strong wind roaring behind me. I turned around suddenly and saw Rakshasa appearing behind me, already extending its claws towards me.

At the same time, crimson flames appeared out of thin air, spread to Rakshasa's livid ghost hands, and then began to burn violently.

The Rakshasa let out a miserable howl, and then I saw the formed Yin Qi surrounding the flames, and then detached from his body.

Demons, monsters, and two ghosts have also come behind me.

I couldn't care about what was behind me at all, just when the demon and the two ghosts wanted to pierce my chest with their ghost hands.

A figure flashed past my eyes and rushed straight behind me.

Bang bang bang!

Two muffled sounds directly knocked the ghosts and ghosts to the ground.

I turned my head and took a closer look, it was Xiang Yi!

Xiang Yi and I fell back to back on the ground.

Rakshasa, demon, demon, and three ghosts surrounded the two of us.

As for the hundred ghosts, they have been restrained by the Yin soldiers in the sea of ​​ghosts and cannot break through for the time being.

I squeezed the spell in my hand, and the five heavenly secrets surrounded the three ghosts.

The Five Elements Array unfolds, and the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth move around.

Countless vines spread out from the wooden runes, binding the three ghosts tightly.

At the same time, the ground beneath our feet still sank and turned into a quagmire. Only the place where Xiang Yi and I stood was intact.

The three ghosts were stuck in the quagmire. Fiery fire appeared and baked the quagmire. In a moment, the quagmire was baked hard.

The three fierce ghosts were deeply imprisoned by vines and solid quagmire.

Seeing this situation, I squeezed the Thunder Jue in my hand, used the Heart Sword to guide the Thunder Jue, and superimposed the nine levels of Thunder Jue to the fourth level.

My expression condensed, and I swung my sword down. Thunder and lightning condensed on the tip of the Heart Sword, and then fell from the sky.


The powerful thunderbolt submerged the three ghosts with its power of destroying the heaven and the earth.

Xiang Yi and I took a step back and stared closely at the three ghosts in the quagmire.

I have a hunch that these three ghosts are not so easy to deal with.

Sure enough, three fierce ghosts rushed out of the quagmire.

However, they all suffered more or less injuries.

Xiang Yi looked solemn and said in a serious tone: "It's really difficult!"

At this moment, a bloody light suddenly flashed above his head, and then dropped at an extremely fast speed.

The bloody light finally gathered at the corner of the bloody magic circle.

The magic circle started to move, and the three ghosts looked at each other, and then attacked in three directions.

Xiang Yi looked shocked and said: "Hurry! Stop them quickly! We can't let them sacrifice the formation eye!"

Before Xiang Yi finished speaking, I had already taken action.

I can't stop the three evil ghosts, but I should still be able to stop one.

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