Sky coffin

Chapter 69 Two Xia Xi!

Xia Xi spoke again.

"Liu Su, I'm really scared, can you hug me?"

When Xia Xi said this, tears were shining in her beautiful eyes, looking pitiful.

I believe that no man can bear the sight of a beautiful woman looking at you like rain.

Although I was confused, I still unconsciously approached Xia Xi.

When Xia Xi saw me coming, she opened her slender arms and was about to take me into her arms.

But at this moment, I suddenly felt a bone-chilling chill from Xia Xi's body.

I took a few steps back, feeling that Xia Xi's situation was a little strange.

At this moment, Xia Xi stood up suddenly and threw herself into my arms.

A chill instantly spread throughout my body.

Before I could react, Xia Xi's red lips suddenly kissed me.

At this time, my mind was chaotic and confused.

But the instinct in my heart told me that something was wrong with Xia Xi.

I quickly turned my head to the side, and Xia Xi kissed the air.

I pushed Xia Xi away and asked coldly: "What do you want to do?!"

Xia Xi bit her lip lightly, looking pitiful. She wiped her tears and sobbed: "You don't have to treat me like this if you don't like me, right?"

This sentence completely let me know that the Xia Xi in front of me was definitely not the real Xia Xi.

Although my contact time with Xia Xi was short, I also know what kind of woman she is.

She is a woman who likes to keep her emotions inside.

Otherwise it would be impossible to sit alone on a bench and cry.

Unless there is no other way, she will vent her emotions.

There is another reason why I am so sure.

That's because Xia Xi and I have only known each other for a long time. How could we fall in love?

I pinched the seal of the Nine Layers Thunder Jue.

Suddenly, a person rushed in from the darkness.

It's the man who just ran out!

When the man saw this scene in front of him, he was stunned again.

He pointed at Xia Xi and said, "How come there are two of you!"

Two summer evenings!

The man yelled at Xia Xi at the top of his lungs: "Who the hell are you! I want to leave here! I want to leave here!"

"I don't want those burial objects anymore! I don't want them anymore!"

Hearing this sentence, I instantly understood the purpose of the man coming here.

Any talk of worshiping his mother is a lie!

His real purpose was the burial objects in the coffin.

You must know that the dead in Yizhuang also have burial objects.

And it’s worth a lot of money, no matter who left it.

There are two possibilities. The first one is left by the family of the deceased.

Yizhuang is just a place to park the body, and it will be buried in the end.

Therefore, the family members of the deceased will place funerary objects in the coffin.

The second situation is that the deceased kept it himself.

They knew that their time was running out, so they left the burial objects with the bodyguards in Yizhuang.

After death, let the bodyguard place the body in the coffin.

And it is impossible for the corpse guardian to embezzle the funerary objects.

Because every line has its own rules.

If you break the rules, you will be punished by God.

Therefore, the bodyguards will not embezzle the funerary objects at all.

Also, I care a lot about what men say.

Two summer evenings.

Could it be that the person in front of me is a ghost?

I suddenly heard the words Xu Tianxuan told me, don't trust anyone, because they may not be human.

So when was Xia Xi transferred?

Could it be that the moment he was pulled into the darkness by ghost hands?

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