Sky coffin

Chapter 98 Jumping out of the car

The speed is indeed too fast.

And there are no vehicles or pedestrians on the entire road.

The paper car is like a wild horse galloping on the road.

"Then what should we do?"

Ruohong asked anxiously.

What to do now, I don’t know.

In this case, there is no way to stop the out-of-control car. The most terrible thing is that the flames burning on the driver's body have spread to the entire front row.

It won't take long for it to burn to the back row.

The fate that awaits Ruohong and me is either to be thrown to death or to be burned to death.

I focused my gaze on the bushes on either side of the road.

An idea instantly came to mind.

I quickly said: "Jump out of the car and jump into the bushes!"

This is the only way right now.

The bushes on the roadside should be able to slow down the force of the jump and prevent the two of us from being injured.

Ruohong nodded very seriously, but what she said next made me break my guard instantly.

"Youjump, Ijump!"

The corners of my mouth twitched slightly, and I couldn't hold it back anymore, so I said, "Sister! What time has it been? Are you still in the mood to joke! Dance now!"

Ruohong stuck out her tongue.

I didn't expect Ruohong to be so good.

Ruohong straightened up, saw the opportunity and jumped out.

She plunged into the bushes nearby, and she didn't know whether she was injured.

Just after she finished jumping, I arched my body and prepared to take off. Just as I was about to jump out, I felt my ankles being grabbed tightly.

I looked back and was shocked.

The person grabbing me was none other than the driver who was almost burned out.

The driver's body was burning with fire, except for his right hand.

And he used his remaining right hand to hold my ankle tightly.

I calmed down and kicked hard, but the paper driver still held my ankle tightly.

I drew my mahogany sword and cut off his arm directly, but when I looked at the roadside, I found that there were no bushes anymore.

This is bad!

After just a short delay, I missed the best opportunity to jump out of the car.

The paper car drove into the bridge. Looking at the rolling river not far away, I felt anxious, arched my body and jumped.

I swear this jump took all my strength.

I crossed the guardrail and descended rapidly towards the river.

I closed my eyes subconsciously, and with a splash I was submerged into the cold river water, and there was no sound in my ears.

I adjusted my posture and swam towards the river.

With my efforts, my head finally came out of the river.

I gasped for air. The cold river water kept stimulating my brain. I took a deep breath and swam towards the shore.

Fortunately I can swim, otherwise it would be terrible.

After landing, I sat on the ground and gasped for air.

I looked up at the guardrail on the bridge, and I couldn't help but feel a little scared. If I had used less strength just now, I might have hit the guardrail head-on and died without knowing how. When I looked again, the paper car had disappeared.

I rested for a while, stood up, and walked towards the road.

Because I was soaked all over and the biting night wind blew, I couldn't help but tremble.

Not long after I left, I heard someone calling my name again in front of me.

I stopped and was slightly startled. I carefully identified the voice calling me. It was Ruohong!

Ruohong hurriedly ran out of the darkness.

When I saw Ruohong safe and sound, I breathed a long sigh of relief.

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