Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1034: System stingy

   However, to his surprise, sitting in the well and watching the sky, they actually won the SS-level first kill in one fell swoop.

"I just hate that I hesitated at the time and didn't change the SS-level first kill reward. Now I let this guy pick up a bargain. It's really a misstep to the Nth power! But I am happy to see you can't think of a reason. , I really stumped you once, and I still have a sense of accomplishment. Forgive you for never expecting it, this setting is that I want to deliberately punish you! The more you think that the main strategy of the game should not be so selfish, I have to Go the other way, let you know that there are absolutely no absolutes in this world."

Although    kicked Tiannong Jingsui and expressed regret, the upward arc of his mouth betrayed him. Obviously he is extremely excited now.

   If everyone in the Guild of Riding Clouds saw it, they would doubt that Jing Tian and Ki Tian Nong Jing were in the same family at this time. Their smiles that rose to a strange arc were exactly the same!

"I'm doing it! Is the system jealous of our power? Use this shattered thing to prevaricate us, the attribute is not as good as the 30-level purple equipment. Frog, you quickly explain to me, you insidious behind the scenes, what? What's in your mind? Is pitting the player the highest pursuit in your life?" Luo Xia seized the opportunity and buryed it.

   "Uh... I really don't have a clue this time."

   Sit Jing Guantian and shook his head, seeming a little helpless. If you let the drunkard know, he would be very happy to follow the trend and laugh.

   "Oh? Officials can't see through it? It seems that this setting itself is a bug-like existence. The slave family will submit it to the customer service, maybe there will be a reward!"

   Liu Yaya's enchanting voice was filled with pity and incomprehension.

   "Yes, GM elder sister, please talk to a colleague, this must be a BUG, ​​I want a black quality weapon reward, preferably two at a time!"

   Two pieces at a time?

   Others also want a magical blueprint, but you alien is better, just want a finished weapon?

   Do you think that people on Earth are hospitable, so you treat you as an alien?

   It's really a brain-dead from the generations, and I got tens of thousands of pills!

"Hero, don't think too much. What's the big deal? Isn't it that our luck is relatively bad? The equipment grades created by this blueprint fluctuate greatly. It may be that the previous fortunes have been exhausted, so this time it will explode. It's unpopular. Everything is the power of Internet celebrities!" Lin Yumian casually comforted.

   If it runs out, Jingtian has exhausted everyone's fortune, right?

   When did the key Jingtian become an Internet celebrity?

  Don't say, sitting in Guantian is also considered a small celebrity in the game, and it is also considered a half-net celebrity.

   Rarely, what Lin Yumian said this time is still reasonable!

   "That's right, brother, I think it's because we have too many people this time, and the system is stingy. You see, if he doesn't sting, one person will give us three or four black rank weapons, it will not be bleeding!"

   The expressions on everyone's faces at this time are as ugly as their dead mothers. Will the system sting?

   The key point is that you are getting too much. You just wanted two, but now it’s doubled...

Jing Tian heard a flash of light in his mind. He really wanted to take a kiss with [Don’t eat mice]. He immediately regained his former style and said indifferently: “I understand, maybe it’s because the level 35 dungeon allows substitutes to enter, and the reward is issued. It has been improved, but I am afraid that some players will deliberately take the player to use the first pass subsidy, or to use the first kill reward, so deliberately set up this kind of fluctuating quality magic blueprint. This kind of fluctuating magic blueprint can secretly control the level of equipment. , If the player’s equipment is generally higher than the orange rank, I am afraid that we will create most of the explosive products. On the contrary, the game is balanced and harmonious, considering our poor equipment level, even if it is a copy, it is a substitute or no effort. Existence, so the real grade of equipment has been reduced."

   "Isn't this a pitfall? We are working so hard. In the end, because our equipment is relatively poor, we have reduced our rewards?"

   This setting sounds a bit unexplainable, is this reward also for the weak

   "Oh? So, we have to wait for our black weapon to build it? Also, wait for the bug feedback result first?"

   "That's right, maybe when we appraise it now, the NPC will directly judge us a drop, who are we going to cry? It's better to say after we have enough magic cores." Zhao Jiaxue dare not joking with the magic drawing in his hand.

"I'm doing it! No wonder I will identify the drawing of the degraded product. It does make sense, but according to Jing Tian, ​​the moment we get the drawing, the system has actually given the grade, even if we struggle, this real product The rank already exists in the database. So even if the equipment ranks of the world players are generally improved, there will be no impact. Since you are here, it is better to entrust it directly. I think submitting the setting as a BUG, ​​the system will not leave us at all of."

"Hero, in fact, I have entrusted it to the master smelter just now, but my drawings are intact, the last time it is a black weapon, it seems that my luck is still quite strong." Lin Yumian said casually, as if already invisible Won another game in the game.

   You said earlier, do I still use it here to make inferences?

   It was like a slap in the face.

   So, Jing Tian stopped blocking everyone, and everyone commissioned the appraisal of the drawings they obtained.

   "Oh yeah, I am also Black Wu Meow!"

  "Black Yun Yiyi said coldly.

   "Oh? The slave house is also black."


   "Uh... mine is also Kuro Wu."

   Jingtian was the last one to submit a commission. For him, these results are not just a slap in the face? First release https://https://

   Why are all Kurotake?

   Jing Tian was puzzled: After all, according to his previous theory, everyone's equipment level is relatively low, and most of everyone's black magic drawings should be downgraded!

   One or two black weapons would be great, but now everyone is black!

   Kicking Tiannongjing, this old fox really doesn't play cards according to his routine!

   That's right, at this moment, Kicking Tian Nong Jing watched the conversation among several people, secretly smirking and sitting Jing Tian's arrogance.

   But I have to say that there is nothing wrong with sitting in the well and watching the sky conjecture. This principle will indeed apply to subsequent copies, but this principle should not affect the first kill reward.

   After all, the first kill reward is special, and the number of 8 people is not enough to trigger the system's automatic adjustment of equipment level mechanism. At least ten people should be right.

   Forgive me for sitting in the well and watching the sky and scratching the brain cells, but I can't figure out all of this. After all, under the special intervention of kicking the sky and the sky, it is like setting up an extra-large smoke bomb.

   "That's right, the result of the test is out, it's time to cash it out, frog, you lose, how do you correct your three views?" Zhao Jiaxue even put on a very serious tone.


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