Sky Dungeon

Chapter 104: Corpse

   At this moment, the countdown to close the copy has ended, the system prompts:! You have completed the copy of "Nether Wolf King" and received rewards: some experience and some dungeon points.

There are dungeon points, and there are quite a lot of them, which is about the equivalent of two or three hours of monsters. Special dungeons can’t choose to resurrect after they die. The four people also get dungeon rewards when they die. The principle of customs clearance is the same.

The five of them were overjoyed. Jing Tian took a look at the time and it was almost 18 o’clock, so he arranged: “I need to go to Xinghua Village. Let’s first consign the eliminated weapons to the smelting hall, and then they can eat offline. , Let's continue after dinner."

Everyone agreed that there were 25 blue weapons in the equipment they replaced. I believe that most players will reach level 25 in two days. Although it is not too expensive to sell, 3000 thousand gold coins should not be a problem. , This is another good income, it will definitely be worthless in the future if it is not sold now.

Although the price of level 2 magic core has fallen, it costs 1500 gold coins for one piece. After all, the market demand is still quite large now. Compared with the price of at least 3 level 2 magic cores required to build a level 25 blue weapon, 3000 Gold coins are definitely very cost-effective. Although building weapons by yourself may have a very small probability of character explosions and create orange weapons, is it necessary to pay for a weapon like level 25?

   At this moment, Yun Yiyi, who was lying on the bottom of Jingtianxia, ​​began to put on exquisite crystal sandals, holding VR equipment, and sneaking back to his room while everyone was not paying attention. She and Jing Tian have developed a tacit understanding of finding something for everyone to do before going offline, deliberately creating a gap so that Yun Yiyi can go back safely.

After everyone was busy, they said goodbye to Jing Tian and went offline. Yun Yiyi and Zhao Jiaxue naturally went out of the room to prepare a vegetable and fruit platter for weight loss meals. Luo Xia looked at their movements with helplessness and took them out of the cabinet silently. Four cups of instant noodles boiled hot water.

Jing Tian was left in the game. He was running straight to the Xinghua Village on the outskirts of the city. It seemed that he was the only one who completed the inexplicable task. Looking back, the task seems to be a huge copy, because the players without the task stepped on it. When I entered the surrounding area of ​​Xinghua Village, I couldn't see the wolves at all. Naturally, I also included the view of the sky from the well.

Think about it. At that time, there was not even a redundant NPC in the village in the dungeon, but after completing the task, the NPCs of the old and the young in the village were very active, making wine, drying food, drying food, and playing and playing with children. The village runs all over, a harmonious and beautiful village. This is the village scenery that the system wants to present to the player. This is also a drug introduction for the combination of tourism and games.

In addition, when sitting in Jingguantian walked into Xinghua Village again, suddenly a middle-aged man with the appearance of a guard stepped forward and said, "Oh, you are the young man who helped us fight off the wolves last time. The village chief seems to have something. Tricky thing, you are here at the right time, please help our village again."

After    finished speaking, he gave Jing Tian a map marker, which marked the residence of the village.

Jing Tian thought briefly about it: At that time, he was doing the task with the King of the Sword Cavalry. If he went to the village chief now, would it affect the mission or the reward? Let's find the village chief together.

Therefore, Jing Tian gave up the idea of ​​picking up the task now, and he went to the NPC who sold the wine to talk. He had already asked for 1,600 gold coins from the other four people, and was going to buy 2000 almonds of Xinghua Village in one go. When he voiced input When purchasing a quantity of 2000, he was surprised to find that the total price was not 2000 gold coins, but 1800 gold coins, followed by a small line of notes: acquaintance purchases, 10% discount for more than 1000 altars.

   The system even offers discounts, which really saves money and benefits for players. Jing Tian did not hesitate to change the purchase amount to 2500, a total of 2250 gold coins.

   After Jing Tian paid the money, he realized: This system is still profitable! It looks like a discount, but it's actually a pit! Originally, I only planned to buy 2,000 gold coins of wine, but with such a discount, I spent another 250, which is a good 250. Is this mocking myself? I was overcast by the game planner again.

I feel that this designer is specially calculating the Huaxia people. What are the characteristics of our Huaxia people? If you don’t buy the right ones, you only buy the cheap ones. As long as you see the cheaper ones, you can buy more. The psychological trouble of taking advantage always leads to extravagance and waste. The things that can't be broken after eating too much are repeated in every family almost every day.

Thinking of this, Jing Tian immediately remembered the shelf life. If he was planning this detail, he would definitely set different discounts for this wine. The more you buy, the greater the discount, and then add an item to the wine instructions. The three-day shelf life makes those who want to take advantage of it can't use it up, and cry for a few days.

   Jingtian unconsciously opened the package and checked the instructions for the Xinghuacun wine he bought just now. Fortunately, there was no expiration date set.

   However, I can’t ask a few people for another AA system after spending an extra 250 yuan. This is not justified. While Jing Tian thought, he manipulated the character and walked back to the city.

After dinner, I went back to Aiyusi and the five people started the special action to collect points. Zhao Jiaxue also named this action: "Pick Up Corpse". Why did you give it such a name? Asked in a puzzled manner.

Just listen to Zhao Jiaxue’s explanation: “Don’t you know that many beautiful women fell asleep as soon as they got out of the bar after being drunk. At this time, some men pretended to be the other party’s husband or boyfriend to help them. At this moment, I can’t open my eyes anymore. Some of them talked about the place where they lived alone, and were sent back, and then the man had a relationship with the woman and fled. This is corpses! No wonder you are still single, no point How dare you make a girl? If you succeed tonight, you must sing the national anthem to thank this girl for her guidance."

   Ghost will thank you! The ghost is going to try it! It's not a dirty woman, this kind of thing is better than anyone else!

   "Then they are not afraid of being caught?" Yang Miaomiao asked curiously.

"Those men are clever and well-measured, and even record videos of women's excitement. Some even ask the women if they love themselves, and some may say love in a vague way, and then record the video of stuffing money into the woman's wallet. , Of course, it costs two hundred yuan at a time to prove that it is a paid behavior with the cooperation of the other party, and after the incident, it will be cleaned up before running. In the end, many women woke up the next day thinking that they had a spring dream. Even if you find that someone has done something to her, how can you find the person? Even if you find that person through community monitoring, they will take out the edited video. If you say love and enjoyment, you can blame her for being in a bad mood and willing. Now I regret it. If not, I will say that she seduce two hundred yuan once, at most it is a prostitute. Women may also be regarded as missteps. Women who dislike prostitution for less money, are there any evidence that women can severely punish them?" Zhao Jiaxue Time is like an accomplice who does no evil.

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