Sky Dungeon

Chapter 109: Looks like a dead soul

"Well, you'll be fine if you are alive. I promised my uncle to come and see you free. But..." The beautiful woman just wanted to go on, but Jing Tian waved her hand and pushed her jade hand away impatiently: "Since I see, you can go back."

"However, you'd better not have any relationship beyond friendship with the cohabiting person, including the man. You should be clear about my method. Although I don't want to use it, you are my man after all. You still can't change this fact. . If I want to let go, I can let it go, otherwise you will never escape.” The woman insisted on saying this with a bit of displeasure, and then drove away.

  What will happen to the fat man with ghosts!

   "Warlord!" Jing Tian's face was heavy, and he spit out two words viciously. He knew clearly that he couldn't escape, and he didn't even need to hide his name. He just couldn't figure out why he hadn't found himself in these years, but he suddenly showed up today.

   If other people don’t know their own situation, they just don’t want to know for the time being. If they want to know, how can they not know? Thinking of this, Jing Tian had to wonder if the game transfer of Sky Dungeon was also a conspiracy? To stop the conspiracy to live independently? In order to return to Jing's house with a shy old face and continue to be a puppet master?

   In the end, Jing Tian shook his teeth, and said in his heart: It is ridiculous! No matter who it is, I will take it back after all.

   After eating and playing the game, the few people did not meet the King of Sword and Cavalry. She seems to have a life rhythm that does not match everyone. After all, there is a gap between them: time difference. So the four of them asked not to eat the mouse, and went to use the dungeon equipment again.

Of course, it’s impossible for Goddess of Luck to stand on Zhao Jiaxue’s side every time, and she doesn’t find out if the orange installment rate of the dungeon has been changed secretly. After picking up the green equipment consecutively, it is replaced by everyone taking turns to try their luck. No more orange outfits were dropped for them, but fortunately, there are blue outfits, which can also improve everyone's equipment.

   However, everyone seems to be out of shape today, especially Jing Tian, ​​who unexpectedly made several fatal mistakes, resulting in the dungeon's best score only A, even the S of the day before.

   Everyone didn't say anything. S and A are no different. Unless they score a high score for SS, they can get more rewards. As a result, everyone went to the 6th floor of the dungeon to pick up corpses, and passed by the 5th floor. Compared with the previous day, the number of players on the 5th floor was much larger. Although you may not try to encounter the attack of the demons, compared to the wild, everyone seems to have understood that the experience and rewards of the dungeon are more cost-effective.

Especially the magic core. Although several people got the magic core yesterday, only the king of swordsman got a level 3 magic core, and everyone else only got the second level magic core. It can be seen that the explosion rate of the advanced magic core increases with The increase in the level shows a downward trend.

Of course, even though it is a level 2 magic core, it also made a few people in the team happy. Although the blue weapon has not been sold yet, as soon as it went online today, I received a system notification. All the level 2 magic cores on consignment yesterday were sold. One is empty, one is 1,000 gold, and everyone has an income of three or four thousand. After all, the magic core is not a publicly acquired item of the team. It needs ROLL points every time. Yesterday, the people in the team seemed to have a tacit understanding. Later, I chose to give up, so that the team will not have any differences.

However, it seems that Jing Tian is really out of state today. Yun Yiyi’s monster pulling technique was obviously inspired by the King of Sword Cavalry yesterday, and she has improved a lot. With practical actions, she has proved that she is not weaker than the King of Sword Cavalry’s operational awareness. .

However, Jing Tian, ​​who was in charge of the drunk monster, made a serious mistake in a cooperation. Before the Xinghua Village wine was released, he was hit by seven or eight monsters and was directly sent back to the ground. resurrection.

   Of course, the others didn’t get much better, and then they were sent back to the city in embarrassment.

"Frog, are you uncomfortable?" Zhao Jiaxue asked caringly. In fact, a few people discovered his strangeness during Jingtian's breakfast. On weekdays, he would never be taciturn, but today he has very few words. Even less than what Yun Yiyi said.

   It's a lie to not care! Jing Tian didn't want to think about it, but in the morning the scene of the warlord girl coming to find her, she popped out from time to time. What she said was more like a nightmare entangled in Jing Tian's brain cells.

   Jingtian didn't respond for a while, and just as he continued to wander, a cold and slippery slender hand was placed on his forehead. Yun Yiyi put his other hand on his forehead and cared: "No fever. Jing Tian, ​​what's wrong with you, don't fail to respond to those who care about you, it will make everyone sad."

   It was the first time that Jingtian heard Yun Yiyi's gentle voice, and the voice seemed to contain the smell of love. Yun Yiyi always cherishes words like gold, but now it is uncharacteristically.

It was also Yun Yiyi's hand and a word. Jing Tian seemed to have found the light of dawn from the chaos. He muttered in his heart: "Life is not satisfactory in this world, the Ming Dynasty will give out a fart!" Apologizes: "Sorry I did get distracted. I met an old person today and brought back memories that were not particularly pleasant."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but they did not ask who that person was very tacitly. Everyone has a past. Some people’s pasts are infinitely beautiful, and some people’s pasts are unbearable to look back, no matter what kind of Jingtian’s past belongs to. I believe he is not willing to mention it to everyone.

   Moreover, there is a very similar existence among them, that is Yun Yiyi. Yun Yiyi never mentions her family and the past. Everyone also concludes that her cold personality has a lot to do with her past.

   "Frog, look at your unwillingness, didn't you make your sister's belly bigger, right?" Zhao Jiaxue's thoughts are still so jumping, even the jokes are so dirty.

   If you want to make it bigger, you have to make it bigger first! Jing Tian cursed fiercely in his heart, but of course he honestly said indifferently: "In addition to having physical contact with your two women in recent years, who else have I had with?"

   "It's pretty much the same. Don't look like someone owes you millions. Looking at your meal in the morning, you think you are menstruating." Zhao Jiaxue smiled with some relief.

   "Don't tell me, my hemorrhoids are still not hemorrhoids, and they bleed this morning." Jing Tian didn't care that there was an outsider Yang Miaomiao in the team, so he could answer whatever he could.

   "Disgusting! Okay, okay, I will continue to pick up corpses later!" Zhao Jiaxue seemed to be the captain now.

   "Take a break, you cook." Yun Yiyi said coldly.

"Haha, Yiyi, you still remember what happened yesterday, it's indeed almost twelve o'clock, then go offline." Zhao Jiaxue said embarrassedly, originally wanted to brush the blame for a while, when everyone was hungry, just deal with it. It seems that my small plan has been ruined again...


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