Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1100: Turn to the sky

   Fortunately, before the King of Sword Qi, enough attributes have been improved. While the attack is greatly improved, the blood value is also amazing. Otherwise, the backlash effect produced by the Demon Sword alone will be enough to kill the King of Sword Cavalry in a flash.

   Jingtian was cold and sweaty, and his heart was bitter: Can't you stop using the magic sword?

   Are you going to perform a suicide attack?

   However, seeing Yu Yan's next operation, Jing Tian immediately affirmed the answer to this question in his heart. This is a suicide attack!

   That’s right, the King of Sword Cavalry has used [Magic Sword·Fengxing Tianxia]!

   Every time he watched the King of Sword Cavalry use this skill, Jing Tian was holding a cold sweat in his heart. After all, while he was injured, the damage to himself was also amazing.

   At this time, it was no longer a cold sweat, but a sigh!

A large thundercloud suddenly appeared in this palace inexplicably. In the next moment, the wind and cloud suddenly changed, and a black tornado was formed forcibly and enveloping the king of swordsman. With the storm generated by the magic sword, the unlucky one is naturally the sword master. He Shield Saint, their blood line was looted frantically by the storm, until the blood trough was completely emptied.

   "2 to 1, I'm ahead."

   Jingtian glanced at the blood tank of the King of the Sword and Cavalry. He didn't understand how the second disease was showing off. As long as the enemy just gave you a knife, you would be dead!

   That’s right, you are really the same as you die!

"Ah, what a nice guy, I reward you, I will reward you for being one of the new ten saints! It's a pity that three saint kings died and one is missing. If you have one more person, you won't have to trouble this king anymore. Now. Three Kings of Demon Animal Husbandry, defeat them!"

As soon as the voice fell, [Devil King] [Shepherd King] [Skill King] took a step forward and directly chanted the skills. That's it for the Demon King and Shuwang. How come you, the Shepherd King, do you want to join in the fun? Resurrection skills fail?

   Could it be said that the ten saint kings can also be resurrected?

  Lalfa said that just now, is it just paralyzing us, let us relax our guard?

   Yes, if you are Ralf, you will be so insidious!

   Jingtian always feels that he needs to interrupt, otherwise there may be a tragedy, and drawing out the crossbow is a three-shot!

However, just when the three consecutive shots were about to hit the three of them, the [Spear King] moved, and he directly charged in front of the three of them, and used an inexplicable skill to block the three consecutive shots. Come down!

   What about 3V2, how did it become 4V2? Do you NPC still have morals?

  You just don’t play the cards by kicking Tiannongjing?

   As a Mao slave, he didn't listen to Ralf's command and acted without authorization?

   After a breath, Jing Tian could only watch Mr. Mu's skill rate effect, with some frustration and hesitation in his eyes.

   However, King Mu turned out to only resort to one note: [Shen Guangpu Zhao]!

   Uh... your blood line is hidden, shining your sister!

   really scared me in a cold sweat!

   Are you afraid that we hurt too much, or are there any big tricks?

   Before Jing Tian's complaints were over, the next moment, Shuwang's skills were activated, and it was indeed the alchemist's [Overlord Spear]!

Fortunately, this kind of linear skill is easier for Jing Tian to evade. Jing Tian was only a side flash and got out of the linear damage area, but before he landed, the Demon King’s arc attack was directly sprayed over, and it turned out to be [ Thor's Chain]!

   If it is before level 40, it is inevitable to sit and watch the sky, but at this time, the corner of Jing Tian's mouth rises, and he shouts, "Piston step!"

   In the next instant, sitting on the well and watching the sky directly seemed to have evaporated, disappearing to the current position, and the Thunder God Chain was emptied!

   Piston step: Let the general dodge all attacks and negative effects instantly, and withdraw a long distance back, and then rush to the original position where the piston step was launched one second later.

   This is the general's special control avoidance skill, and it is not against the sky. You must know that most of the other professions at level 40 will obtain strong control control skills, which is better than the piston step.

   That's right, now sitting in the well and watching the sky has appeared in the place where Thor's chain was thrown into the air before, and the crossbow in his hand is continuously spitting out skills. This time, the gunmaster has no skills to open the crossbow arrows, and the crossbow arrows interrupted the singing of the Demon King and Shuwang.

  At the same time, the King of Sword Cavalry was unbearable and left behind. He had already detoured around and posted the Demon King, Shu King, and Shepherd King. Raising his hand was a note: the wind!

   Sha Feng successfully interrupted the singing of the three people again.

   Sitting in the well and watching the sky, in order to narrow the battle circle, a [Breaking Dawn] flew the Spear Saint to the other three kings, and the Spear Saint's body fell on the Mu Wang, once again interrupting her chanting.

   Needless to say, the two continuously greeted the group attack skills in their hands. After such a greeting, the two people were a little embarrassed to find that the group attack skills were not enough!

Seeing Pastor Shennong raising the scepter in his hand, Jing Tian reluctantly let out a "turning to the sky", and the bone-refining halberd in Jing Guantian's hand slammed at the king Mu. While the bone-refining halberd cut away the body of Mu Wang, she unexpectedly moved her. The scepter in his hand was knocked out!

   I saw the scepter flying fast to the ceiling of the tall palace, and inexplicably plunged into the ceiling!

   That’s to the sky] This is also one of the general's level 40 skills, with the special effect of knocking weapons into the air.

  If the terrain is indoors, the weapon will be embedded in the ceiling for a short time.

   If the terrain is outdoors, the weapon will fall around and the weapon holder needs to pick it up again to cast professional skills.

   This is a restricted skill that goes beyond the movement control skills!

   Yes, skills can’t completely control the enemy, but knocking the enemy’s weapons into the air is a restriction, limiting the enemy’s next battle!

   The tiger whose tooth has been pulled, and see how the tiger is still struggling.

   The most powerful way for this group of four is to have the support of Pastor Shennong. If you do not restrain the killing of Pastor Shennong, then this battle will be defeated.

   However, three minutes later, Sit Jing Guantian and the King of Sword Cavalry reappeared at the resurrection point.

   That's right, the two were killed again!

   "3 to 1, I continue to lead."

"Uh... that Pastor Shennong clearly should count the human head as my head. If I didn't use my skills to fly the scepter, how could we still have a chance to kill Pastor Shennong with an attack? Besides, the other three attacked all. It’s aimed at me! This is a fighter that I bought at my sacrifice. Even if we count the heads, we should split them equally, right?"

   "Pseudo mother, mother-in-law. 3 to 1, less nonsense, follow my steps and continue, my holy sword will take you through the demons!"

   As expected, there is no way to reason with the second disease!

   Before returning to the throne, Ralf looked a little helpless, but still displayed the [Ten Kings] with a playful mentality.


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