Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1108: 1 night summit

"Yes, we will not disclose any information from the guild. After all, we don't want money in this world. We don't want all the props and coins in the game. We can be self-sufficient. We will not take your tasks. , Bring us if you need it, and play your own without us!"

   This is really the highest state of pretending to be compelling: to be forced to know what to do!

   Can you be self-sufficient?

   Take 10 million gold coins to prove it!

   Have no desire for money?

   Even Jing Tian, ​​who ran away from the rich, dare not say that. After all, as long as you live in this world, you must deal with money. Even if you don’t want to get lost in money, you can’t move without money.

   Do you two girls live in a place where you can't even spend money?

   Jingtian has always lived by the principle of "cherishing money and not loving money", and definitely has not reached the realm of treating money as dung. In many cases, he also needs to consider whether to spend too much.

   If the ugly chick and the beautiful auntie really don’t want money, then either the money is too much to be breathtaking, or they are isolated from society, in a paradise, and completely lost the need to use money.

   Obviously, the possibility of being isolated is almost zero.

   If they isolate their sisters, then why let them play games?

   Is it a kitten raised by a local tyrant?

   But they have no desire for money, how could they be willing to be kept in captivity?

   Obviously, these two eldest ladies must have a good background!

   Maybe it’s a lady, a little princess who can’t go out...

   Of course, it is also possible that it is from Ten Yi Company, someone sent by Kicking Tiannongjing to monitor him!

   In this case, they may also have no desires and desires, and may even be people with medical conditions!

   If you are seriously ill and bedridden, then it is possible that they have no desire for money. They only want to live!

   "Yaya, investigate them."

   "Oh? The Nujia is already doing it."

   No loss is a fiancee, love rivals are not sloppy at all, Liu Yaya has already started investigating the two in the first place!

   "Okay, after reaching an agreement, the second stage of judgment will be carried out. As I said, our guild only recruits elite players. Do you have any way to prove your strength?"

Jing Tian definitely didn’t think that two unnamed rats could play any tricks. Even if they were singled out, as long as they were able to fight in the guild, they would definitely not lose to their two little girls. Although their weapons were in a state of life, they In the eyes of everyone in Jing Tian, ​​these were just two ordinary Ziwu, and there was nothing special.

   Now Ziwu is a rotten street thing, and it is impossible to tell what level of weapon it is after being transformed into life.

   "Is the ranking okay?"

   The ugly chick seemed a little excited because she reacted half a beat faster than her sister, and there was a hint of joy in her clear voice.


   Everyone was taken aback. I just watched the rankings of various professions yesterday. The names of Ugly Girl and Beautiful Auntie have never been seen. Wouldn't the rankings she said were not professional rankings, but what other rankings?

   Just as he was thinking, Yang Miaomiao screamed: "Oh my God, the ugly girl is level 40, Mow!"

what? Level 40?

  What are you kidding?

Yesterday everyone just watched the ranking list, let alone level 40, there is not even one at level 39, other world first echelon players have just reached the threshold of level 38, and the leaders of the Riding Cloud Guild have only led by 40.8. . Starting

   If it hadn't been for the first kill of the L-level 35 dungeon yesterday and opened some experience gaps, Jing Tian would really worry that other players would just catch up.

   As a result, it has only been a day, and some players are already level 40. Isn’t this an international joke?

   Since the game was launched, what are Jing Tian and the others working hard for?

   How could someone catch up in minutes?

   Is there any quick-up method now, but I have not received any news?

   If there is, then it must be the back door made by kicking the patio, right?

   "Yes, we are already level 40.9, we will be level 41 soon, how about it, are we considered elite?"

   The clear voice is like a slap on the faces of Jing Tian, ​​and it hurts!

Jing Tian couldn't hide the shock in his heart, and said indifferently: "Impossible, add a friend screenshot to show me." Then, he submitted a friend application while checking the rank ranking list. [Ugly little girl] really appeared in the summoner. The top position of the profession, and [Don’t Eat Rats], who was originally the No. 1 shaman profession, has now replaced Xian with [Beautiful Lady]!

   What’s even more shocking is that Mei Auntie, who just applied through a friend, has posted a screenshot of the game. In the screenshot, the character level of [Mei Auntie] is surprisingly 40.9!

   Jingtian is completely dumbfounded, and it seems to confirm the sentence: You work hard and do your best, maybe it is not as good as others do it casually!

   There are people outside the world, there are gods outside the sky!

  Is it wrong? It must be an insider of Tengyi Company who tampered with the game data!

"it is true?"

   Yun Yiyi has discovered Jing Tian's anomaly. If it is fake, how could he be silent?

   Life is not satisfactory, the Ming Dynasty gave out a fart!

   Jingtian, of course, cannot deny the failure, so he said with an uneasy heart: "It's true." First published https://https://

   "Oh my God, I actually pulled me off the throne! No way, beautiful lady, from today, you are my competitor in this life!"

   Yang Miaomiao realized that he had been pulled off the altar.

"Hey... Idiot brother, my sister has discovered it a long time I just feel afraid that you can't accept it, so I didn't tell you for a while. Didn't you watch the World Channel, have you already exploded? This The two women came out overnight, and many people are complaining about bugs. It seems that they will be disappointed again."

   Feelings Yang Mimi had already known it!

   Why don’t you tell me such an important thing?

  If it was arranged by Tenyi, how could it be possible to find out the bug?

   "Uh... I think you also think it's incredible. You think this is a bug, so I didn't say it?"

   "Xia Xia, the frog bullies me..."

   "I'm doing it! Dare to bully my wife, wait for the frog, I'll kick your door now!"

   "Don't make trouble. You two beauties who climbed to the top overnight, do you have any adventures in the game?"

   "Yes, but this is our secret and cannot be revealed."

   Beautiful lady tactfully refused to disclose any news.

Even if there is a quick escalation adventure method, it does not mean that it can be copied. If the two of them do not say it, it may be to prevent everyone from going astray, or even misunderstand that they are not honest and deliberately telling others false information, and simply kill them as personal secrets. , Perhaps more understandable.

   What's more, at the beginning, it was easy to reach an understanding, and Jing Tian would naturally not ask.

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