Sky Dungeon

Chapter 111: Relatively safe areas are not safe!

"Yes, and several major league camps in the world are slowly forming. National professional players headed by a certain country have a clear trend of turning to the demons. Of course, they also include the United Kingdom. And the Cambridge game research community will soon follow the country. The alliance formed and was forced to disband, the information needed to upgrade my game will also be greatly reduced, so I will follow you to upgrade, you are the encyclopedia of this game." Yu Yan seems to stare at Jing Tian and tell her plan .

"You have seen a lot of world politics, are there any alliance players in the game? Is it really going to start the third world war in the game?" Jing Tian tutted, but his forehead slipped a few drops of cold sweat. In fact, all of this was once reflected in his game planning books, but it was once considered by everyone to be nothing more than a fantasy. His sweat at this time was not cold sweat, but a kind of excited sweat, which was a kind of decaying. , It is impossible to sweat for success.

"You don't believe it? But yes, China, as the game's operating country, should have reached an agreement with other countries, and will never guide its players to favor any camp, so there should not be any voices in China that choose all tribal alliances or demons, China Maybe he will play the role of adjuster in the game, and will never directly participate in the competition, otherwise the world player confrontation situation that has finally formed will fall apart." Yu Yan's elegant voice carries a trace of perseverance.

   "Your guess is really interesting, but no matter who prevents us from reaching the Sky God Realm, we will step on their faces!" An extremely strange arc rose from the corner of Jing Tian's mouth.

   "Your remarks are not so fake, I like them." Yu Yan said gracefully and naturally.

   "Wow... I sprinkled dog food!" Yang Miaomiao was the first to booze.

   Yun Yiyi and Zhao Jiaxue were even more angry, and they had already used their characters to block Zuijing Guantian's body, while Luo Xia was still thinking about digesting the somewhat explosive and shocking information just now.

With the addition of the King of Sword Cavalry, Jing Tian also walked out of the morning haze, and the team's monster spawning efficiency was significantly improved. The King of Sword Cavalry played the role of attracting monsters. It was not Yun Yiyi wanted her to perform, but Jing Tian told her: "Let the guy who didn't pay for the wine take more effort!"

It may also be that most players at level 25 have begun to attack the copy of "Dry Water Curtain Cave". There is no team from the Tri-Clan Alliance to upgrade the monsters on the 6th floor, but Jing Tian and the others are not happy to see this situation. You must know that the demons can be randomly teleported to the field leveling area of ​​the Tri-Clan Alliance or the dungeon based on their level!

   They met the demons in the process of spawning monsters today. Fortunately, it was only a solo player that was able to easily repel it.

   If you encounter a whole team of Demon players, then Jing Tian and the others will probably be sent back to Alliance City. After all, they will be attacked by monsters and players at the same time. If the wine jar is not placed in time, then the situation will naturally lead to tragedy.

After thinking about it, Jing Tian decided to let the king of swordsman reduce the number of monsters, and try to ensure that even if the demons come sneak attacks, they can also withdraw and retreat, although this cautious play significantly reduces the monster spawning. However, with Jingtian’s operational awareness, the reduction in the number of monsters will inevitably increase the accuracy of their attacks. In a sense, the decline in their monster spawning efficiency is only rare.

Subsequently, the facts proved the correctness of Jingtian’s idea again. After brushing the monsters in the depths of the 6th floor of the dungeon for 2 hours, Jingtian and the others still encountered a team of players from the Demon Race. They took advantage of Jingtian. Just after holding a few ghost wolves, he took the initiative to launch an attack, and Jing Tian commanded everyone to retreat quickly and strategically.

   After all, the maze on the 6th floor of the dungeon is still intricate. Without extensive control skills, it would be difficult to catch up with them.

The five demon players seem to be not long-range group control professions, and they were interrupted by a wave of actions by Jing Tian and their long-range attacks. Although they can follow the footsteps of the ghost wolf to chase and kill them, but the ghost wolf drinks unconvincingly. Going down to the Xinghua Village, which was conveniently placed in Jingtian, the speed attribute dropped drastically in the hangover state. The demon team had no choice but to watch them disappear into the dark passage of the dungeon.

   Fortunately, this team of demons players didn't pay much attention to Xinghuacun wine. All being ghost wolves is just because of their special skills.

Jing Tian's strategic retreat was not easy, and many ghost wolves were attracted along the way. Jing Tian left Xinghua Village easily, and tried to stop the ghost wolves temporarily. In the depths of the dungeon, there are some hidden relative safety. District, this was accidentally discovered by Jing Tian when they were hunting monsters yesterday.

Once hiding in these relatively safe areas, the monsters will leave the battle directly. Jing Tian guessed that this is a dungeon safe area deliberately planned by the game's main strategy. If a demonic attack occurs, the tri-racial alliance can reach these hidden safe areas. Adjust your combat power Fight to the death with Mozu.

   Yes, these relative safe areas are not safe! There is no absolute safety zone in Sky Dungeon. As long as the Demon players are strong enough, they can bloodbath the Alliance City. What's more, the temporary rest point in this dungeon?

   "Are you chasing you?" Luo Xia gasped, as if it wasn't a game character who was running just now, but like herself in reality.

   "No." Yun Yiyi observed very carefully.

   "I'm doing it! Originally wanted to kill them with a carbine, did we have to run just now? We are one more person." Luo Xia used to be a member of the society, fighting and running around was shameful to him.

"There were 5 ghost wolves just now, and it’s not clear what the other party’s configuration is. Even if we have a level advantage and a number advantage, we may not be able to guarantee the safety of all the staff. At that time, you should practice pastor or medical Buddha. It may not be impossible to force them to kill." Jing Tian said neither salty nor indifferent.

   "I'm doing it! I despise with ten toes! Why don't you practice Pastor Shennong, you will feel it for thousands of years, so it fits you."

   "Brother Tian, ​​why didn't you let me practice pastor meow?" Yang Miaomiao suddenly asked. It was Jing Tian who suggested that he choose the profession of guarding shaman.

"The growth of the mental power of the cats is relatively weak. Pastor Shennong has high requirements for spiritual power, while the guardian shaman does not have high requirements for spiritual power, and there is no need to improve spiritual power. There are more ways to play." Jing Tian slowly explained , But the mentality was muttering: I didn't expect you to be interested in Wannian Sui. I had known that I had let you demolish the second generation to become a racially trained Pastor Shennong, mistakes and mistakes. But then, is this alien willing to give up the cat race?

   "Ah, you don't need to add mental energy? But I have added some more, what should I do?" Yang Miao's voice was full of regret.


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