Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1115: 3 consecutive championships!

The players in the audience raised their arms and shouted, asking for the extension of the game. However, time is waiting for no one. The stipulated end time is the end of the game, and there is no change at all. 

   In fact, even if the main strategy of the game Kick Tiannongjing wants to change the rules and extend the time of the game, it is too late!

   You must know that a game is a game. Many things can only be played according to the written rules. Unless the server time is stopped, the game can only go to the end.

   Before the guilds launched an offensive, the system announced the end of the seventh guild competition!

In the next period of time, various guilds launched fierce discussions, guessing who will win the championship of this tournament. Obviously, this time you have to fight for points to determine the victory, and the key question is here in the Cloud Riding Guild, whether the devil kills Players who counted as riding points, if they count, wouldn't the Riding Cloud Guild destroy more than ten guilds in succession, and that is naturally a well-deserved champion.

   Obviously, most players are filled with outrage when they think of such an ending. They naturally have a trace of justice and hope that Tengyi can give everyone a fair and fair.

However, you must know that the demon is a neutral creature, and when summoned, there is no faction, and no affiliation. If it is not counted as the points of the Cloud Riding Guild, the ranking of the Cloud Riding Guild will inevitably drop, and if it is not discussed whether it will rank first from the bottom. The loss of Sunshan's name is an inevitable result.

  Thinking about this, many people's expressions became gloat. They seemed to see the scene of the Cloud Riding Guild lifting a rock and smashing their own feet, and even saw their backs leaving the field sadly after their defeat.

   However, when the results were announced, everyone was still "indefinitely falling down and drooling", and even the audience who supported the Riding Clouds and Falling Snow Guild screamed...

   That's right, the Guild of Riding Clouds and Falling Snow has won three consecutive championships!

However, it seems to know that the player will slobber the champion of this competition, and the system quickly gave a special explanation: "The main skill of the demon summoner is the demon summoning. If the summoned demon kills the player, the points will not be counted. The demon summoner is unfair and violates the value of the profession."

   Is this hyping the demon summoner?

   Is this giving the Demon Summoner the privilege and hope?

Indeed, at this time, the corner of the mouth of Kicking Tiannong Jing's mouth raised a weird arc, and he said to himself: "Jing Tian, ​​I didn't expect your kid to have a hand, and it broke the game I set. However, I want to borrow it. Take your east wind and blow the profession of Demon Summoner."

That’s right, Jing Tian didn’t expect that kicking Tian Nongjing would easily buckle the three consecutive crowns on the head of Riding Cloud Guild. At the very least, he should also perform a special point conversion, such as calculating the devil’s points at 50%. , Neither can let the profession of Demon Summoner be cool, nor can it let the Cloud Riding Guild win the championship.

Or, to manually come out to correct the results of the competition, give the rap expert a special MVP reward and title, and directly remove the title of the champion of the cloud riding guild. This is also in line with the rules of the game. After all, Tengyi Company Have the right to supervise the fairness of the game and punish players and guilds who exploit the loopholes.

However, kicking the Tiannongjing not only gave Qiyun Luoxue three consecutive championships, but also asked the host Lina Li to make a special statement on the spot, and gave a special introduction to the Demon Summoner, which clearly meant to push the Demon Summoner as a professional god. Altar!

   This is definitely a big pit, kicking the Tiannongjing is a big transfer bonus!

That's right, no one cares about riding the cloud and falling snow for three consecutive championships. The most discussed in the game of various guild players is the Demon Summoner. Some unwilling people, without considering it, directly transferred to the Demon Summoner. Master, so no matter, in the streets and alleys, you can see players summon demons.

   Fortunately, the demons summoned in these special scenes are peaceful and indestructible, and there are time and number restrictions, otherwise the safe zone will definitely become a Castlevania!

However, the wild is different. Many players start to imitate the gameplay of rap experts, so that in the wild you can see 3-5 demons wandering in teams. Many players of the same level are attacked by these demons from time to time, so the world A wave of anti-demon summoners broke out on the channel.

These demon summoners feel bitter, and they finally changed their jobs to become demon summoners. They have not yet practiced the skills of summoning the demon army, but they have attracted a lot of infamy. Some players who were killed by the devil directly attacked in the killing mode to vent their anger. Summoner player.

   So, the wave of the demon summoner's pursuit soon turned into an ebb tide, and disappeared.

   However, as the waves rushed into the sand, those who could not bear their loneliness changed jobs to other professions. Only some solo players persisted. Some guilds also cultivated their own demon summoners for special needs.

   Yes, the potential of the Demon Summoner is still very large. Although it is useless in the instance, it is worth a try in creating chaos and creating some natural demon barriers!

   You must know that only one rap expert can complete the deployment of the demon army. If multiple demon summoners work together to summon at the same time, they can definitely create a powerful demon army in a short time.

Although this demon army cannot be commanded and controlled by players, it has other uses. For example, it can be used to create a trap, so that the enemy will be trapped in a circle of demon, and it is difficult to escape quickly, especially to trap the demon players. That's great!

   In short, the profession of Demon Summoner is not as cold as before. Although there is no vigorous revolution, it has sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain...

   In the 8th Guild Tournament, Qiyun Luoxue failed to defend his title to complete four consecutive championships.

On the one hand, it was calculated by the game’s main strategy. On the other hand, the professional skills and equipment levels of other guild players have been relatively improved. The advantages of the cloud riding guild have no longer been spit out, and finally only won the fifth place. The ranking can only be regarded as so-so.

   However, after this guild hegemony competition, the super leveling kings of the Riding Cloud Guild have officially entered the 45th level.

   There are many things that can be done at level 45, such as the ancient battlefield, but it is a pity that Jing Tian has not collected the key fragments.

   In addition, I can finally challenge the first kill of level 40 dungeon and above S level.

   As the difficulty of level 40 dungeon has been greatly increased, the Cloud Riding Guild only won the first kill of S-level, and since then it has been dying, and has made no achievements.

   Although the players of the world's major guilds exhausted their methods, they failed to win the SS-level first kill.

  《(Sky Dungeon)》

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