Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1120: Prerequisites 【Breakthrough】

Naturally, Jing Tian only talked about the shortcomings and not the advantages at all.

   However, if you don’t look at the free photos, Jing Tian is not as disgusted as before.

   Of course, this is something later, so we won’t repeat it.

   After level 50, everyone in Qiyun will face a new challenge, which is a professional task.

   Mention of professional missions makes all players angry. If you are at level 45 to do a level 45 professional mission, you will definitely die, and even the members of the Guild of Riding Clouds have hit a wall.

Even the pre-task [Break Through Self] can’t get through, because the player is facing a 60-level self-mirror, and the fighting method is the same as himself. This is the smart npc generated by the system’s record of the player’s daily gameplay, the player The 45th level tried to defeat the 60th level, but the confidence was basically ground into **** powder.

   That's right, it's a pit set up by Kicking Tiannongjing, and it's a pit that is thousands of miles away!

Don’t think that Nangong Lingxi can use the spirit puppet to crush her own mirror image. You should know that when she went to [Break Through Self], she was completely dumbfounded, and the npc directly threw out the same number of spirit puppets and gave her Here comes a super blew team!

   She even suspected that she couldn't break through this level when she was level 50. Sometimes being too strong is like burying herself a big hole!

  Very evil kicking the Tianlongjing, this is simply another means to calculate the players with strong comprehensive strength, and then reduce the level of combat effectiveness among players.

   That's right, if players with high levels are ahead of a lot in terms of skills, low-level players really can't get mixed up!

   Therefore, using professional tasks to limit the skill coefficient has become a means of kicking the patio.

   If you do not complete the vocational task, even if you can learn level 40 vocational skills, the power of the skills is limited.

   After all, professional players are still not the mainstream. Most people have their own careers and it is impossible to get into the game all day long like professional players.

   Then, the game needs to maintain a delicate balance.

   Without this balance, the growth of new players and the maintenance of old players will become a huge problem.

After level 50, Jing Tian went to test. As expected, the level 60 Sit Jing Guantian Intelligent Mirror NPC does not have the level 50 professional skills, and the skill level still stays at the level 45 stage. Then this gives everyone a glimmer of hope to break through with the skill difference. .

   This can be regarded as a brand new lesson for everyone by kicking the Tiannongjing, letting everyone fully realize the beauty and power of level 50 vocational skills.

   Despite this, the more comprehensive the player, the more difficult it is to break through. After three consecutive attempts, none of them can complete this pre-task.

After all, the level is 10 levels worse, and the damage of skills is relatively attenuated, and the equipment of the smart npc is obviously level 60, which arouses everyone's desire to level up, thinking that one day they can wear such cool equipment , The whole body exudes two dazzling golden and red halos.

That’s right, the player mirror at level 60 not only has the red-grade equipment built by the 6th magic core, but also the golden-grade equipment built by the 7th magic core. This is one of the important reasons why Jingtian and the others cannot break through. .

  Although they have more skills, the difference in equipment and damage caused them to lose again and again.

   is really a blood boiled and desperate pre-task. If you want to pass, you can only upgrade and replace the equipment!

It seems that you can only hibernate and improve your own strength. Now the output of level 6 magic cores on the market can almost be described as treasures, the explosion rate is extremely low, and the level 6 magic cores collected by everyone in the cloud riding guild are only One, it is obviously unrealistic to build red quality equipment to complete the task of "break through self".

   can only wait until the player level generally reaches the 50 mark, and the 6 level magic core is mass-produced.

   That's right, this is also an important measure to balance the player's strength gap.

   Half a month later, the breathless night under the night finally came news, preparing to hold an ancient battlefield research meeting that day.

   However, unexpectedly, the Alliance Guild's [Sky God Lantern Guild] suddenly changed his mind and refused to participate in this research meeting.

   The specific reason seems to be that the players who have fragments don't know why they are not online these days, and it seems that they are lost.

So the five guilds chose an area near the sea of ​​chaos to meet, and started a seminar on six pieces of ancient battlefield secret key fragments. That day all guild players who could come to join in the fun came to join in the fun, and the Demon players even did not hesitate to launch The demon invasion mission, of course, is only the Pve’s demon invasion, the purpose is only to open a gap and let various guilds flood into the hinterland of the alliance.

This is the first peace day in the history of Sky Dungeon. Many Alliance players and Demon players gather together like a battle between two armies. With a river as the dividing line, the world players are separated from the north and the south. Standing in the camp, the scene cannot be described as grand.

   If it is a player who is not sure what happened, he must think that the alliance and the demons have engaged in a large-scale vow to fight a male and female!

   It's a pity, after careful observation, it was discovered that there was no smell of fire here. Both parties seemed to be just watching the show. It seemed like a few players between the two armies were negotiating.

   All players are looking forward to the ancient battlefields that will be opened next, and they can explore new discoveries on the new map. Maybe they will have some adventures on their heads.

   However, the result was a bit disappointing. Although six players with key fragments from the ancient battlefield gathered together and studied for more than an hour, they did not trigger any pre-tasks and received no system prompts.

   "There must be one missing piece that can't be turned on. What is the situation with the people on the heavenly lamp, can it be impossible to contact in reality?"

   "Damn it, I got the props but didn't go online anymore. This is really bad for the game!"

   This made the management of the guilds have to point the finger at the Heavenly Lantern Guild, after all, someone needs to come back for this.

  The Heavenly Lantern Guild was also acquainted. No one was sent to join in the fun on this day, because they were afraid that the Chinese Guild forces would use the matter as a gun and directly fired at the guild members.

   Now the question is, if the player who has the secret key fragment of the ancient battlefield never goes online, will the ancient battlefield permanently fail to open?

Jing Tian naturally has the answer in his mind. He believes that soon, the system will flash a key fragment. As long as the system is so smart, as long as the system detects that the player is holding an important item and is not online for a long time, it will affect the progress of the game, and he will naturally correct it. If it is not good, the fragments in the player's hands will be destroyed directly.

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