Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1126: Recalling the Spring Festival this year

   That’s right, the strategy of the Sky Cloud Ladder is not to say that the player will never return, and you cannot return to the continent of Aiyinsi until the completion of the strategy.

   Every time they climb a certain distance, the trial will be triggered. After the trial is over, the player can return to the Aiyinsi Continent to rest, replenish the spirit and climb the ladder to accept a new trial.

   However, there are still demons who will not let go of this opportunity to attack the Cloud Riding Guild. They have chosen to invade, and they have named Qiyun Luoxue to declare war.

Soon, someone on the World Channel uttered: "You can't declare war. The Cloud Riding Guild has used holiday protection. It's true that you can ascend to the sky in one step. Waiting for you to drop the level. "

   "Oh, someone really declared war, it's really shameless."

   "The demons don't want b-face too much. If you can't complete the trial, it will hinder others from trying."

   "How much shadow does Qiyun Luoxue give you?"

   "The people of the demons can't get up by themselves, and they have to stop our alliance from attacking the sky ladder. It's really despicable!"

   "It's as dark as the crows in the world, and the demons are all indiscriminate things."

   "You guess you don't want a b-face. It was obviously your alliance players suggested that we invade. You are afraid of it. You can't kill with a knife. You have to take a bite!"

  ...Another war of words has begun, and it is really endless, and endless saliva rolls. The Lord didn't say a word, why are you pinching?

   That's right, every new year, Jingtian is reluctant to use the holiday protection function of the guild residence, but now it is used.

   Thinking back to the Spring Festival this year, almost everyone in Kukai Garden never returned to their homes. There is no difference in holidays and weekdays.

   It is Zhao Jiaxue who went back to her home for the New Year as usual, behaving very much like a good baby.

  According to Zhao Jiaxue's self-introduction, she comes from some scholarly family, with very strict family education and many rules, so she has the opportunity and qualification to marry a wealthy family.

   Although I don't know if this guy has a chance to marry a rich family, but in terms of qualifications, it's obviously out of play.

   What kind of scholarly family, the family education is very strict. Look at Yumian, Nanlingxi, and Liu Yaya. If you don’t say anything, you won’t return. You don’t need the rules of a housekeeper. This is the real wayward lady!

   After the Spring Festival, everyone received a New Year gift carefully prepared by Jing Tian.

After all, there is no difference between the Spring Festival and Valentine’s Day. Jing Tian deliberately played a trick to give New Year’s gifts to everyone on Valentine’s Day. This not only satisfies the girls’ desire to receive gifts on Valentine’s Day, but also has another grandiose heart. The perfect reason for daikon.

What Liu Yaya accidentally received was a unique hairpin. Jing Tian naturally noticed that she liked it very much, especially the cylindrical blue and white porcelain hairpin that she wore on weekdays. It seemed that in Jing Tian’s impression, she never took it. Have come down.

   Because of this, this issuance card looks a bit old.

   So, Jing Tian searched the online second-hand market and found a card that was exactly the same, and it was almost brand new.

   I have to say that it is a kind of fate and miracle that someone would sell such a card that has been extinct for more than a decade, but the price is too high, but Jing Tian still bought it directly.

   What shocked Nan Lingxi was that Liu Yaya actually accepted the issuance card and asked Jing Tian to wear it for herself as if to show off in public.

   To be honest, it’s not the first time Jing Tian helped Liu Yaya wear a hairpin. He was always enslaved by Liu Yaya when he was in elementary school, so his actions on Valentine’s Day also seemed very skillful, making the girls jealous.

   Of course Nan Lingxi was shocked. She didn't expect Liu Yaya to accept the present Jingtian's gift. Could it be that Liu Yaya's heart had undergone subtle changes? Has the patio that she thought about day and night replaced by Jingtian?

   However, Nan Lingxi got the answer soon.

It’s impossible to replace it. When Jing Tian stretched out her hand to remove the hairpin of some years, Liu Yaya grabbed the card with a thunderous hand, as if she was protecting her beloved love, and she was unwilling to let Jing Tian. Touch easily.

   Jingtian was a little embarrassed. She obviously helped Liu Yaya wear it when she was a child. Why is she so defensive of herself now?

   As if afraid of replacing the old with the new?

   Is there any story about this old hairpin?

   Liu Yaya obviously felt the embarrassment on Jing Tian's face, and said with a slight smile, "Oh? This one was also given to me by the official, so I want to wear the two together."

  I gave this too?

   Jingtian has never asked the origin of issuing the card, but he can be 10,000% sure that he has never sent it!

   Wait, is it given in kindergarten?

   I don’t have any impression of myself now, which is really ironic!

   Wear them together?

   Nan Lingxi's eyes became suspicious, and she didn't understand what Liu Yaya was thinking.

   Do you want to take it all?

The New Year gift Nan Lingxi received was a non-metal woven colorful necklace. Jing Tian had seen a retro photo box hung around her neck for a while, but since her hospitalization, she has not seen Nan Lingxi wear it again. , The natural guess is that it was damaged in that incident.

   Therefore, Jing Tian bought this very special colorful necklace. The non-metallic texture is more skin-friendly and non-allergic, and there is a photo box woven with colorful threads at the bottom of the necklace.

As long as the original photos of Nanlingxi are still there, they can be changed to this brand new photo However, what embarrassed Jingtian is that Nanlingxi directly posted on Jingtian's body. The maid took a photo on the spot, printed it out quickly, and put it directly into this brand new photo box.

   It was clearly not planned like this!

   Can't you put that old photo on board this new ship?

   Didn’t you cherish the original old photos very much before?

   Why did you change your mind so easily?

  Luoxia received an air ticket, and the address of the air ticket turned out to be the city where Yang Mimi is located, so the intention is naturally self-explanatory.

   Luoxia glanced at the boarding time of the ticket, scolded Jing Tian a few words, hurriedly packed his things and rushed to the airport.

When    was leaving the house, Luo Xia still did not forget to scold, "I'm doing it! If I can't catch the plane, you must bury the frog alive!"

   Other people also received the exquisite gift Jing Tian prepared on the same day. Although the gift itself is not invaluable, it touched everyone's heart deeply.

Especially for Jiuqianxun, Jing Tian didn't know where to get her mother's photo. This made Jiuqian's tour like a treasure, and judging from the photos, if Jiuqianxun removed the scorn, it would be dignified with the photos. The generous woman looks like it is printed in a mill.

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