Sky Dungeon

Chapter 114: 1 canary flying a kite

   Jingtian didn't know why he said these words, maybe he heard from Yu Yan's voice the pain that once suffered from restraint. That's right, she must be controlled by her family, she is just a canary flying a kite! Jing Tian said to himself in his heart.

   Jingtian's words are intended to tell Yu Yan that life can be let go. As long as she dares to completely cut off the thorns that bind her, then she can live the life she wants. But what he didn't expect was that after Yu Yan heard his words, there was a wave of waves in her heart, and Jing Tian's image immediately became much taller and burly.

   Yu Yan secretly sighed in her heart at this time: she is just playing a knight in the game, but Jing Tian is an upright free knight in reality! I never wanted to leave that home, but what would happen after I left. I thought it could be changed in Cambridge, but the facts told her that I couldn't get rid of her father's control at all. Perhaps the children of ordinary people can leave, but wherever they go, they will be firmly grasped by the invisible big hand of the father. Even if it is love, it is too breathless. Even where he lives now is full of his father's minions, and they will be inseparable wherever he goes.

The two came to the Knights Temple, and each found an NPC in charge of skill learning by their profession. After purchasing the skill book, interacting with the NPC popped up a window for skill learning and upgrading. Naturally, Jing Tian learned level 30 without hesitation. The three skills of the general: Broken tendons, biting the bone, and command of the general.

   Jing Tian most values ​​is the general order, this passive skill has a vital influence on his full agility points route. First-tier General Order: Passive skills, the general's body movement speed is increased by 10%, and the evasion rate is increased by 1%.

   Although the general does not have the ability to burst speed, in terms of normal movement speed, the general of Quan Min is definitely one of the best. The general's position is to walk through the enemy's army, like a broken bamboo, advancing and retreating freely, as if entering an uninhabited state. Of course, I really want to do it. It is more difficult than that. The key is that the current level and skills are not enough to show the real power of the general.

Tendon-broken and bone-piercing skills are two single attack skills with negative states. What is the power of these two attack skills? It takes some actual measurement to know. Now the best actual measurement method is naturally Monster spawning, but everyone now has new skills. If you blindly form a group to spawn monsters on the 7th floor of the dungeon, everyone will scan the monsters in circles, and it is not easy to measure the damage data caused by different skills to the same monster, and the power of the human PK skill It will also be affected by the PVP damage formula, and sometimes the true power of the skill is not seen, so the best way is to single-player missions to test and familiarize yourself with the skills.

   made up his mind, Jing Tian notified the other five people and arranged for them to find tasks to familiarize themselves with the skills. However, the king of swordsman immediately sent a message in the team: "I want to be with you."

"Isn't all said, let alone these misunderstandings! If you have a mission together, you will have a mission together. It just so happens that there seems to be a mission from the head of Xinghua Village. Let's go and have a look." Jing Tian really didn't take Yuyan. The method has also begun to adapt to the way she speaks. If she disagrees, this guy might say something more shocking, so he will simply take the opportunity to end the mission of Xinghua Village.

   "What is the mission?" Yu Yan asked gracefully, but there was a hint of joy and curiosity in her voice.

   "I don't know, it may be a follow-up mission to the previous mission, because at that time the NPC mentioned that we killed the ghost wolf to relieve the siege."

   So, the two of them came to Xinghua Village not far from the outskirts of the Alliance City. Xinghua Village is still the same, and the NPC is busy day and night. In fact, Jing Tian planned the day and night system and weather system in the game. According to the change of day and night time and weather, the behavior of NPC will also change, and even the task will be different. However, this system is too complicated and can only be planned in the game. Realized after the second phase.

Of course, this is not the end point. In Jingtian’s concept, the production of NPCs can fully simulate a person’s daily life, with his own emotions, sorrows, sorrows, and sorrows. The things he engages in at each time period and the place where they appear are different. The tasks triggered are naturally bizarre and more lively and interesting. Of course, such intelligent AI NPCs are definitely not achievable by current technology.

"I have a mark of the position of the village head. The village head is in... that house." Sitting Jing Guantian walked towards the largest mahogany house in the village, while the King of Swordsman followed him silently. Lu Yuyan was unusually quiet, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Walking into the door of the village chief’s house, the two saw the village chief standing anxiously in the yard, fully armed, Jing Tian naturally stepped forward to talk, only to hear the village chief overjoyed: "It’s really you, it’s great. Now, I’m troubled by that tricky thing. No one can help me. You are also people in the know. If you are willing to help, that would be great."

The young village chief [fifth day] held the mountain axe tightly in his deliberately suppressed the inner waves and continued: "Last time our village’s wine transport team was attacked by monsters, although the other party The number is small, only three, but they are more ferocious fire big-eared monkeys than the ghost wolf. They have been entrenched in the mountain roads and jungles where our convoy transports wine, waiting for an opportunity to attack our convoy again. The strength of our village is still too great. Weak and unable to form a crusade team, and I ask you to take action to destroy the three monsters."

I thought it was such a difficult task. Feelings are just the fire big-eared monkey on the 7th floor of the dungeon. This monster is good at magic attacks. Although it is slightly more difficult to deal with than the physical damage monster, there are only three. It is not difficult for the two of them at level 30. The point is, is this raging big-eared monkey also a drunkard? Isn't that a lot of experience points dropped from the sky?

   So the two of them accepted the task without hesitation, and after getting the task map marker, they came to the forest outside the village.

   "Why are you so quiet?" Jing Tian asked curiously. This way Yu Yan was surprisingly quiet, making him a little uncomfortable.

   "Why, am I the kind of nonsense woman in your heart?" Yu Yan asked back gracefully.

   "It feels like you have something on your mind, don't you want to say it?"

   "Does it change by saying it? In fact, I have been thinking about what you said." Yu Yan struggled a bit, but she said it.

   "Is what I said is so profound, do you still need to think for so long as a 7 doctor?" Jing Tian asked with a little surprise and pride.

"Yes, if the reality is the same as the game, it would be nice if you can take me with me." Yu Yan's elegant voice was a little sad, and she had been expecting a knight to rescue herself from the cage, no matter that person was. Not Jingtian.


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