Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1156: Warriorization

  That’s right, it’s a continual misfortune. This great general’s signature skill, this anti-control magical skill, is the moment to give play to its greatest value.

I saw a sharp purple domineering erupted from sitting in Guan's body. The negative state on his body was instantly cleared. On the contrary, Ralfa was in a state of elimination at this time, and the transparency of the body increased little by little. Within 30 seconds, she was completely Leave this world!

  "How come this is happening, my dear husband, you are so cruel to this palace?"

  Ralfa was obviously surprised because of the lack of common sense of the game, and the voice was accompanied by continuous grievances, like a prisoner queen.

  She even forgot that she had 30 seconds left. As long as she figured out a way to kill Zaijingguan within these 30 seconds, she could still win.

   "Don't get discouraged, there are more than 20 seconds left, as long as you kill the opponent and win!"

  Don’t understand which side Yang Miaomiao is on!

  This alien will not have the confidence to defeat Ralf after seeing the skill [eliminate], so let’s wash your brain, how can you fight against others as a supporting profession!

  Are you really trying to jam a live NPC?

  You are insulting Ralf’s IQ, so you won’t be afraid that Ralf will beat you up later?

  Also, are you not afraid of Jing waiting to turn around to clean up you?

  This incident must have made him see your true colors!

   "Uh... I think you can surrender seriously this time."

  Although the mouth is like this, the body is very honest, and he still controls the sitting Jing to rush forward, obviously without the intention of hiding in the next 30 seconds.

  After all, the white bone effect of sitting on the body is still there. Just hiding in this way is too wasteful of this skill. It's better to rush up here, and maybe it can force Ralf to release some more shocking ghost skills.

  Since Ralfa has the heads-up skill of the general, she must not have strong dispelling skills or return negative skills, then doesn't she only have 30 seconds to win the game?

  So, you must rush to beat Ralfa!

  Sure enough, Ralf had no intention to give up. After all, she had surrendered once. If she surrendered again, she would be too incompetent at the bottom of the game. How could she have to fight to the end, be defeated by the player, and burst out one or two artifacts?

   "Space Warrior!"

  However, what made everyone's eyes envious of the golden light was that Ralfa turned into a warrior after performing a short-lived singing skill!

  Yes, it was warrior-like. I saw that Ralfa was covered in silver armor all over his body, and he had an inextricable weapon in his hand, a bit like scissors.

  The NPC is open, and the NPC played by the real person is even more willful. If you make a difference, you will change your profession directly!

  Moreover, you can get out of the setting of love marriage thinking, and you can use whatever weapon you want to play. After all, they are the queen of another world!

  The queen of the different world will naturally go beyond all the prisons set!

  The next second, Ralf unexpectedly opened the oversized scissors in his hand and greeted the sitting well. Is this the rhythm of melee?

   "Seven kills!"

Seven kills: Enter the state of the soul of the general, attack seven times in a row, a single target is injured, each time it will cause a short distance to the enemy, and each attack will cause the character to rush several meters, and other hostile targets in the rush route will be hit open.

Skills cannot be interrupted in the   Soul of General’s state, and they are immune to all negative effects of actions.

  Skills cannot be actively interrupted.

  This is also one of the special skills of the general. Just seven kills can be used to clear the way, break into the enemy's hinterland, and then single out the opponent's general and disrupt the opponent's layout and position.

  Jing did not dare to be careless, and directly displayed the [Seven Kills] outside the attack range, and in his opinion, there will be no accidents in this seven kills.

  You should know that if this skill is used in close proximity, it can completely knock an enemy out of the enemy's formation, which has a very powerful mobile strike effect.

However, when sitting in a well and watching at a place far away from Ralfa, you can achieve a special sprint effect. You can sprint forward for seven consecutive segments. If there is no target in the range, the attack action will be cancelled. Excellent skills.

  However, after sitting on Jing Jing to charge forward four times in a row, after the halberd stabbed Ralf with one blow, Jing found that something was wrong.

  It’s not because of anything else, it’s because this blow not only didn’t have the knock-up effect, but even the action interruption effect was immune to Ralf’s!

  Impossible, the skills that I think are foolproof have not taken effect?

how can that be possible?

  Jing immediately came up with a bold idea: should the warrior-like Ralf be immune to all negative states of action!

  Cang, earth, don’t you bring such a plug-in?

  This is going to fix me to death!

   Hadjing’s keen insight was quite sharp, and the subsequent two blows of the seven kills did not produce any negative effects. However, the big scissors in Ralf’s hand were swung frantically by her, and she launched a frantic confrontation with Sit Jing...

  No, where is the counterattack? This is obviously a unilateral sling! And it's still Ralfa hanging on his husband's well!

Two seconds after the   Seven Kills’ effect of the Soul of the General ended, every seemingly ordinary attack by Ralfa actually interrupted the well!

  Are you kidding me?

  Is this guy always performing nirvana?

  What kind of planning and setting is this? UU reading is still shameless, so you can directly add an unlimited time invincible effect to Ralfa!

But looking at the damage, Jing has a sense of crisis. It took Ralfa 6 seconds of attack to break the damage absorption of the bones. Even if she is allowed to attack like this, after 20 seconds, it must be a fall. Ralf is no doubt!

It seems that Rafa’s warriorization has not changed his attributes, he is still dominated by intelligence attributes, and his physical attack is as low as that of his grandma’s. The combo nirvana of ordinary attacks takes a while to kill himself. !

  Do you want to release control?

  Jing always has a feeling in his heart that Ralf is forcing himself to release control.

That's right, when the general was level 40, he also acquired a control ability, that is [Piston Step], but if I use it rashly now, I can't solve it if Ralf has any other killers. !

  That’s right, don’t understand, let her hit the combo!

After the bones were crushed, Ralf’s scissors cut a bright pink mosaic wound on Zuijingguan’s body with every swipe. Ten seconds later, Zuijingguan’s body was almost covered with mosaic wounds, if not for the system. The effect of the wound will be recovered, so sitting on the well will definitely become a pink mosaic person.

  《(Sky Dungeon)》 ww.29759/

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