Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1161: God implements competitive employment system

   "Under what circumstances, did not encounter a BOSS or something, how can I complete meow? This also prevents people from exploding equipment?"

  Yang Miaomiao is still a little unhappy. In his opinion, he can only be considered as the final trial by brushing himself a super BOSS and then exploding a few awesome artifacts.

   "Hey...stupid brother, this final trial is just to frighten you and frighten you. How could it be a real tiger? You are not Wu Song!"


  Scare scare?

  Completed within the specified time?

  I understand, everything is understood. It turns out that the final trial is a time-limited trial. The time-limited content is a paper tiger. I am afraid that if I hesitated at the last moment or arranged for everyone to go offline, then this final task would have failed!

I have to, Ralfa’s offline seems to be urging herself, but she can’t answer directly, and time is limited. If she gets entangled with herself, then the final trial will fail, and she will be forced to go offline. I made my choice.

  Fortunately, I chose to face the unknown fear.

  If you don’t have the courage to pass this way of God, then the way of God will abandon everyone!

  Kick Nongjing, this guy really likes to cheat people. If he doesn’t care, he may be trapped in the mud!

   "Uh... It turns out that the final mission is to arrive in the empty city within the specified time. If we hesitate, then the mission will be judged as a failure."

"What kind of a final trial, is it a trial for novices? Test whether our basic operations are in place and whether we will fall off the road? It's really fantastic. At the very least, we should add some jitter to make it more difficult. Right?" Zhao Jiaxue looked contemptuously.

"Oh? It seems that this kicking well is quite insidious. Indeed, many players hesitate before accepting the final trial, and even choose to rest and relax before challenging. After all, if the state is too bad to accept the final trial, wait for them to rest. , I’m afraid the reminder of mission failure will pop up directly and inexplicably, which will definitely surprise them."

"This profiteer thinks this is a good trial. After all, no matter how powerful a BOSS is designed, there must be a strategy. And the trial of the heart will often make people lost in the origin. I am afraid that if some common people come here. If they fail inexplicably, they will definitely consider that the problem lies here. Next time, they will find a way to break through the final trial, so that they will lose again. However, many people can't stand the temptation in their hearts and will not think about it. Rushing up, this can be regarded as telling everyone that this is a game after all, why think too much, too much thinking will make people miss the opportunity."

   "Yes, when facing the enemy, the knight should go forward bravely! My holy sword opens the way for everyone!"

  "You guys are still chatting there, come and take pictures for me, you don’t know how to appreciate such a beautiful scenery. Everything is the power of internet celebrities!"

  Everyone seemed to see Lin Yumian with an unidentified liquid overflowing from the corner of his mouth, puffing out his cheeks and shouting at them, not to mention how healed the picture.

  Sure enough, it’s a scenery party, either intoxicated by the scenery or intoxicated by the scenery juice...

"free time!"

   Well announced the conclusion of the battle of the ladder trial. These four words are what everyone needs most now.

  What kind of **** task, what is the first, now everything is not important!

  The flowery empty city, here is filled with the smell of dreams, the buildings here are unique, and the NPCs here are in every way.

  If the architectural style on the mainland of Aiyinsi was built with reference to the world's tourist attractions and culture, then the empty city must be a fairyland created by referring to the world's myths and ancient books, the crystallization of human dreams, and a beautiful world!

  All the buildings here are out of the ordinary. The images of the envoys here are very different, as if a bunch of aliens gathered in a transit station in the universe.

  Yes, just like Jing's plan back then, the empty city is the presentation of all human civilization’s fantasy about the dwelling of gods. There are not only ancient Chinese myths, but also ancient Greek myths, ancient Indian myths, Norse myths, and ancient Egyptian myths. And if the player wants to continue to upgrade in the empty city, then they have to choose the gods they support and participate in the gods' battle among the gods.

  Yes, the God in the game is not the God in some religious concepts in the real world.

  God is the seat of the ruler of the empty world, simple, similar to the president in reality.

  God implements a competitive employment system. The gods in the five mythological systems will compete in a fair competition every once in a while to determine who will succeed God in the next period of time. Do not think that the battle for God is a plain election, the so-called fair competition, it is a fierce battle of the gods!

  Jing was also indulged in the joy of victory at this time, leaving behind the question of what to upgrade, and feeling the clouds under his feet to his heart. Walking through the clouds and gambling made people feel like an illusion, as if his body had become a flying fairy, transcending things.

  Taking pictures, group photos, and videos became the theme of everyone this evening. Soon some wonderful pictures were quickly spread through the personal homepages of Yang Mimi and Lin Yumian. There is no doubt about the fact that the Riding Clouds and Falling Snow Guilds boarded the empty city.

  Although there are some special opportunities to come into contact with the buildings in the empty, this is definitely the first time a player has seen an envoy in the empty city!

  However, these ambassadors are obviously not as simple as everyone thinks. Perhaps the ambassadors here should be described as gods, and the gods here are mixed with world theology!

  Of course, seeing the news that Guiyun Luoxue Guild provokes Shangkongcheng is confirmed, some alliance presidents and demonic forces' main faces are full of solemnity.

  It is clear that Qiyun Luoxue is a guild that cannot be any longer, but it has repeatedly performed miracles.

  Fortunately, it is riding the cloud and falling snow and taking the neighbor, otherwise, it will change to other guild forces, how to promote it, and take the opportunity to recruit members!

  However, how to tackle the cloud ladder trial and how to catch up with the ranks of the members of the Cloud Riding Guild has become the most troublesome problem.

  They couldn’t imagine that if the Cloud Riding Guild were to lead the way again, then the first kill of all new instances would have to be exclusively contracted by the Riding Cloud Falling Snow Guild.

  No, it must be infiltrated, valuable strategy information must be obtained from the members of the Riding Cloud Guild, and it must be followed closely to advance to a new level ahead of other guilds!

  Almost all Union guild presidents and demons are using their heads. They want to find ways to obtain information and lock the target on the five members of the Constellation Party.

  《(Sky Dungeon)》 ww.29759/

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