Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1174: How can you fall in love with a monster?

Why can only the voice of the guys who have been tested with the guild?

   Obviously, this is an opportunity for everyone to exchange after turning into a monster by kicking Tiannongjing. You can share experience quickly and clear the level as soon as possible.

   But Jing Tian doesn't think about it at all, and has greeted the whole family who kicked Tiannongjing hundreds of times in his heart!

   Now, Jing Tian regrets that he set the player to not be able to create multiple characters at the beginning. If he can, log in to a trumpet now, can he add Ye Lanmeng as a friend?

  Why do I have to set up one account per person?

   ask the world, what is the pit? Directly teach people to stumble and jump! You have to climb out of the pits you dug in tears!

   Nowadays, you can only complete the monster trial as soon as possible, and after transforming into a human form as soon as possible, go to Jiaye Lanmeng to ask what happened!

   That’s right, now it’s clear how to do this **** ghost mission, as long as you try your best, you can definitely complete this mission as soon as possible!

   Isn’t it just playing npc monsters and killing some players?

   This little thing can't trouble me Jingtian!

Ever since, Jing Tian’s insidious brain cells worked heavily, and he carried out conspiracies to introduce alliance players into the strange group again and again. Although most of them ended in failure, a handful of victories have turned him into 22. Class one-horned archer.

   is still too slow!

Starting from the 5th floor of the dungeon, there are demons who come and go randomly. This makes the Jingtianyin Alliance players go smoothly. All you need to do is to introduce the alliance players into the ambush circle of the demons, and then encircle the alliance players with the demons. , The difficulty is greatly reduced.

   However, this will slow down the upgrade speed. After all, it is very difficult for Jing Tian to find the demon ambush circle, and most demon players are also mobile, and may not engage in ambushes.

   Only some relatively lazy players will choose to sit on the ground and make money, waiting for the alliance players to throw themselves into the net.

  Of course, there are also some female players who like to sit back and wait. After all, they are road blind...

   is not to say that the upgrade speed is slowed down because of this, but that more and more invisible experience is needed to upgrade!

After    killed several alliance players, Sitting Well Guantian's level rose again, and became a 27-level ghost wolf, refreshed on the 6th floor of the dungeon.

A new round of Yin Alliance player actions has started, but this time the weird behavior of the Nether Magic Wolf, who is incarnation of the avatar, was recorded by the player and posted on the forum. The post claimed that Tengyi had strengthened the ai of Warcraft, and Warcraft has a lower probability of cooperating. Demon players hunting alliance players.

   Sure enough, kicking Tian Nongjing can do everything!

   So, kicking Tian Nongjing just carried the black pot on his back, and there was no way to clarify, so I could only keep silent.

   However, this kind of content did not arouse the players' sympathy and attention at first. After all, everyone believed that the incident on the video was purely coincidental, and they did not encounter the same incident.

After all, compared to the players in the world, how could the more than twenty people in the Cloud Riding Guild bring this tragedy to most of the Alliance players, but only a few unlucky ghosts were shot. Even if they were shot, they still think it is purely coincidental and they did not take it. What's going on, after all, few people can meet a monster played by a real person for the second time. If they do, then their luck will really fall to the grandmother's house!

The speed of the upgrade is obviously getting slower and slower. Jing Tian has experienced three days in a torment. Fortunately, the holiday protection system of the guild’s residence was used by Jing Tian. There have been a lot of magic in the three days. The clan forces declared war on the Qiyunluoxue Guild, but they all declared defeat.

   Pay attention to the ranking list again, everyone in Riding Clouds and Falling Snow Guild still hasn't reached level 61, and their names are not even found on the ranking list. After all, there are too many full-level players.

   Therefore, some players boldly infer that everyone in the Cloud Riding Guild is on a level 60 ascension mission, and can only be upgraded to level 61 after completion.

   In other words, level 60 is still the upper limit of the level and cannot be upgraded temporarily.

   However, in the past few days, some players tried to contact the female emperor Yang Mimi and others in private messages, but found that the communication system of the other party was temporarily paralyzed, which further confirmed the speculation about the ascent mission.

In order to ensure that everyone’s mission goes smoothly, Jing Tian asked everyone not to reveal their role as a monster for the time being, so as not to increase unnecessary trouble, so these three days have been suffering for the female emperor Yang Miaomiao and Fengji Lin Yumian, the fans of the two cannot see it. They were a little anxious when they updated their pictures and videos, and bombarded them on their personal homepages.

   In the past three days, Jing Tian also tried to summon Ralfa intermittently, and the system retained the call function with Ralfa, but when Rafa saw that the request to sit and watch the sky was seen, they all responded with one or two grimace expressions and tactfully refused.

After all, Jing Tian is shameless this time. He actually wants to let Ralfa help him upgrade and transform back into a human form as soon as possible. Even if Jing Tian informs Rafa that he has an urgent matter here, he needs to change back to human form and contact someone. Player, but Ralf still refused.

  Lalfa's reason is also very speechless: "My palace is a noble person, how can I fall in love with a monster?"

Reluctantly, Jing Tian had to reveal Ye Lanmeng’s id to Raalfa, and hoped to contact the player through her, but When Rafa heard about it, he replied furiously: "You radish, do you want my palace to leave you? Since you want my palace to help you tease girls? What a daydream!"

   Jingtian didn’t even understand how Ralf knew that he was bothered. Even if he checked the other party’s basic information, he wouldn’t be so fast. Did Ralf always monitor himself in the game?

   How else would you know that I showed you a girl?

  In other words, how do you know that I asked you to contact a female player to make a girl?

   What kind of **** I am in your eyes?

  Since you monitor yourself and watch yourself die so many times, is a wife like you unqualified at all?

   If you let me know that you are really watching me, and you turn a blind eye to hearing, I must give you up!

After   , when Ren Jingtian said anything, Ralfa chose to ignore it, which made Jingtian feel a little disappointed.

   However, Jing Tian finally survived these three days before finally rising to level 60.

In the past three days, there have been more and more legends about the improvement of the monster ai, which finally aroused the curiosity and attention of some players, but I don’t know which woman is jumping in thought, and guessed on the official forum that these few refreshed highs. The ai monster is a rare species, and may be subdued by the spirit beast summoner and become a directional summon beast.

   Although this statement is not tenable at all, there are still a large number of spirit beast summoners in the dungeon looking for their traces and trying to harvest them into babies.

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