Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1178: Puppet transformation

Why are three people?

  , of course, because Tonic and Mixed Leopard are both stalkers.

Although the tonic has some regrets in his heart, fortunately, the opponent’s four spirit puppets return to the west for nothing, and there are four shadow beasts on his side to help, not to mention one of them is an intelligent shadow beast, his side is definitely not weaker than the enemy. Fang, so the tonic did not stop doing two things, and directly ordered: "Chong, take the opportunity to kill them! Protect the shadow beast!"

  The Living Great Hell Tower, King Chujiang, is not a persimmon. He even understands the truth that the evil road meets and the brave wins. Seeing the Demon players take advantage of the fire, he did not panic at all, and directly challenged and commanded: "Fight!"

   Seeing that the situation is more or less skewed towards the demon ruining force, Jing immediately used the shadow beast's skills to become invisible again, and quietly wandered towards the outside.

   At this time, the ghost will help out, do you really think you are a free thug?

   At this time, the four shadow beasts have not been taken seriously in the eyes of both sides. Even if the tonic wants to protect the AI ​​shadow beast, as long as the enemy is suppressed, can the shadow beast die?

At this moment, the Living Great Hell Tower just strummed the strings casually, a melodious tune made the magical notes float into the teammates, shattered and burst into a blue gleam at the moment it collided with the body of the teammate's character, this Obviously it is the group acceleration skill of the luthier: [Mountain and Flowing Water]!

At the same time, the body of the Black Rope Hell Tower has undergone drastic changes. Don't think that a spirit puppeteer of level 60 is still the same as that of level 30 or 40. Without the spirit puppet, it is a tiger whose teeth have been extracted, and its combat effectiveness is not as good as that of a wild cat... , Level 60 puppet masters have a perverted skill: [Puppet transformation].

  Spirit Puppet Transformation: Change yourself into a spirit puppet, and all attributes will increase sharply. In this state, you will not be able to be healed by occupational therapy.

Yes, this is a way of no return. The spirit puppet master uses this skill to start personal heroism. Not only will the body become full of metal texture like the spirit puppet, but also the support of treatment will be lost. The ending can only be heroic. .

   However, compared to a puppet master who has no power to bind a chicken and no puppet, this skill is like the last straw.

  Perhaps, someone would like to ask, since it can be transformed by the puppet, can it be restored by the puppet repairer after the transformation?

   Obviously, many puppet masters thought of this possibility, but it turned out that they came home.

   So it seems to most people that the puppet master transformed by the puppet is a wild monster with full attributes. Only basic attack skills are still his fatal flaw.

At the beginning, everyone would think so, but later players discovered that this guy is a shit-chucking stick. After the full attributes are overwhelmed, the negative immune effect is greatly increased. The skin is thick and thick, and he often comes out to disturb other people's spells and enters the enemy formation. The back garden of my own home is just so mediocre, which is really a headache.

   In other words, if you look at the puppet master, you will definitely be messed up by the opponent!

   So on how to deal with the puppet masters after the puppet transformation, the players are also divided, and they have not come up with a consistent response strategy.

  井 was very curious as to how the tonic would face it. While fleeing to the battle circle, he watched the movements of the crowd.

If you change to be yourself, you will definitely control or kill the Black Rope Hell Tower as soon as possible. After all, it’s not the first time I have played against the Blue Wolf Guild. Especially the Black Rope Hell Tower has what kind of methods, you know. Nevertheless.

  Jing thought in his mind, but was disappointed to find that the people of the ruining moon had locked the target of the attack on other characters. It seemed that he didn't care about the attack of the black rope **** building. After all, the damage value was pitiful, which made Jing secretly shook his head.

If you simply think that the black rope **** building only has ordinary weapon attack skills, it is very wrong. A large part of the puppet master’s advantage lies in the skill comprehension value. Because the puppet master needs fewer skills to upgrade, many skills are upgraded. There is not much difference between the effect of rank and non-upgrading, so that they can use their spare skill comprehension value to learn and integrate comprehension skills.

  In other words, the Hell of the Black Rope is such a special existence. The level of his character's professional skills is almost the same as that of ordinary players, but this guy's abnormality lies in his comprehension skills. He is equipped with six output comprehension skills!

I don’t know where the Black Rope Hell Tower got the news. I learned that the Level 60 Puppet Master has a special ability to strengthen himself. From the beginning, he paid special attention to the integration of comprehension skills and sought high-output comprehension skills. Coming to the Hell Building of the Black Rope, he has been criticized by the professional circles, who believes that his performance is extremely mediocre and nothing outstanding.

   There are even players of the same professional who questioned the route of the Black Rope Hell Tower to strengthen the output-type comprehension skills, and felt that his choice was inconsistent with the professional characteristics, which was really confusing and contemptuous.

In fact, being able to control four spirit puppets at the same time and use timely control commands is already a great god-level figure, but there is a super mountain in the spirit puppet master circle of Nangong Lingxi, and there will be a Nangong twelve kill at every turn, which is jaw-dropping. , Envy...

   so that Song Yuwang's performance can only seem modest.

Regarding the comprehension skill selection routine, each profession has a different route to follow. Before level 60, most puppet masters will choose to integrate skills with strong field control ability, and cooperate with the puppet to make up for the puppet’s own field control ability. Poor shortcomings, you can protect yourself at critical moments.

However, after level 60, when the Alliance Puppet Masters noticed that the Black Rope Hell Building used [Spirit Puppet Transformation] and then used the comprehension skills to instantly kill other players, the Puppet Masters realized that they might have followed the wrong person, and left. Wrong direction!

   After all, controlling multiple puppets at the same time is not something anyone can do. On the contrary, after this self-attribute is strengthened, using comprehension skills to explode injuries, the strategy of Jedi counterattack seems to be more suitable for ordinary players!

   Consciousness returns to realize, but this kind of long-term accumulation of output routes, how can plagiarism be plagiarized? At this stage, it is possible. The Black Rope Hell Tower is the number one output puppeteer in the entire league and even among players in the world.

Of course, it’s not that Jing didn’t realize the power of the output spirit puppeteer. The key is that Nan Lingxi’s female rao’s ability to operate is at the same level as the game’s whiteness. What she is best at is arranging troops. His own puppet will kill the enemy alive, instead of charging himself and using what super comprehension skills to kill the enemy.

   Everyone can only have their own suitable route, some things cannot be forced.

   Many people just copy the guide to play the game, it is easy to take the road of the game, and ignore what is their own game life.

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