Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1197: The door is not locked at all

"it is good."

   Yun Yiyi didn't ask too much. After spending so long together, she naturally saw that Liu Yaya was definitely not the kind of woman who made no mistakes. At this moment, she came to Jing Tian to find something, and it seemed to have something to do with wind chimes.

After    Yun Yiyi was awakened by the doorbell, he immediately discovered that the wind chime hadn't returned home all night last night. Could it be that something unexpected happened?

   This little girl is very cute. If there are any shortcomings, she is really reluctant, and she is also very good to herself. I don't want to lose such a friend!

   Thinking of this, she opened the door cleanly, and the anti-theft door opened directly.

Liu Yaya stepped into the room and rushed to Jingtian's bedroom without saying a word. Without even thinking about whether Jingtian could get up and open the door, he kicked directly on the door of his bedroom. The wooden door clicked with a little flying sawdust. Flying out, such a solid solid wood door was kicked open!

   Liu Yaya is really a tigress!

   After Liu Yaya and Yun Yiyi entered the bedroom, they saw Feng Chime and Jing Tian lying on the bed at a glance. However, Jing Tian was lying on the lower bunk at this time, and Feng Ling was lying on the upper bunk in a suit.

   As if nothing happened before... In fact, nothing happened.

   With such a big movement, Jing Tian also regained consciousness and woke up. He looked confused and said: "Uh...what's the situation? My door is not locked at all, so you can't be more graceful? Why do you have to be so violently demolished?"

   The door is not locked at all...

   After Liu Yaya heard this sentence, she almost fainted on the spot.

   Feelings opened the door with such a kick, and still hasn't caught the **** in the bed!

   Damn Zhao Jiaxue, if she didn't get in the way, she would definitely get the money!

   "Ling Ling?" Yun Yiyi asked coldly.

   That's right, Yun Yiyi, who cherishes his words like gold, has brought the breadth and depth of Chinese to the extreme. Just by calling the other's name, Feng Chime felt a strong chill approaching him, as if interrogating himself.

"Ah... after eavesdropping on your meeting last night, I entangled Uncle Sing to talk about my first love. I didn't expect it to be too boring and too hypnotic. After listening, I fell asleep here. I don't know if Uncle Sed has it. What do you take this opportunity to do to me?"

   would be a lie at such a small age, he must be a woman when he grows up!

Liu Yaya has resentment at this time but has nowhere to send it. She only hates the woman Zhao Jiaxue for not opening the door to herself. This delays the best opportunity to catch her junior year. Now she can only turn her anger at Jingtian: "Oh? First love? Okay, I want to hear it too. The story of first love, Jing Tian, ​​if you don’t explain things to me clearly, you will be at your own risk!"

Yun Yiyi did not understand where Liu Yaya's evil spirit came from, but she could see clearly that the ninja clothes of the wind chimes were definitely not worn so rough last night, and wind chimes had always taken a kind of transcendent seriousness, and even secretly ran to some exhibitions. At the exhibition, she has a special obsession with COS. It can be seen that the clothes she has on her body have been put on in a hurry.

  In other words, the wind chime was sleeping before taking off his coat!

   The wind chimes are lying!

   Yun Yiyi was shocked by his inference, and glanced at Jing Tian involuntarily, as if he wanted to get some evidence from Jing Tian.

   However, Jing Tian really fainted just now, and now he really woke up, his eyes are still full of the aftermath of the slap just now, a little unconscious, as if he hasn't woken up yet, there is no flaw at all.

and many more! It’s wrong if there is no flaw. The frog should wake up naturally at this time on weekdays. His biological clock is always very accurate. If the wind chimes say that the frog’s story is too boring, then it will never delay sleep, even if it is a late sleep. In two hours, the sky will be clear and the morning will be punctual.

   But why didn’t Jing Tian wake up on time this morning, and still lay in the bedroom?

   Therefore, unless Jing Tian and Feng Chime stayed up all night, or played games all night, they have not woken up yet!

   However, if lone men and women would do the firewood...

   In this way, the wind chime's messy clothes dressing method has a proper explanation.

   After trying to understand all of this, Yun Yiyi's heart is as sharp as broken porcelain, and the surrounding organs are all pierced. She is facing Jing Tian's eyes, and coldly said: "Frog?"

   Two seconds later, without seeing the following, Jing Tian said a little nervously: "What's the matter?"

   "You slept with wind chimes last night?"

   This sentence is very abrupt!

   He thought he was acting unparalleled in Jing Tian, ​​and his psychological defenses collapsed suddenly. He could not help coughing violently when he wanted to open his mouth.

   Maybe, this is God's punishment!

   The wind chime was stunned, and Liu Yaya was stunned. The two of them didn't understand how Yun Yiyi came to such a conclusion.

   What makes them speechless is: Jing Tian's performance.

   Jingtian coughed like this, which is equivalent to saying that he was exposed and poked to the point of pain. Then the matter of Feng Chime sleeping with him last night is true.

"Uh... Yiyi, don't guess randomly, it's easy to misunderstand. I'm an upright man, how can I do that kind of criminal thing?" Jing Tian, ​​who stopped coughing, immediately defended ~ ~Oh? Really, I think there is no misunderstanding at all! Otherwise, what is your guilty conscience? "

Liu Yaya’s voice seemed to have lost her reason. Before Jing Tian could hear anything wrong, Liu Yaya pushed a palm on Jing Tian’s chest. This palm came too fast, too suddenly, and the force was quite strong. No one had reacted, Jing Tian had already been pushed onto the bed, and with a "chuckle", Jing Tian's head hit the bed board heavily.

   It's not that there is no mattress on the bed, but Liu Yaya's palm is a bit too much, too hard, and the mattress does not have the slightest damping effect.

  Furthermore, when Zhao Jiaxue chose the upper and lower bunks to save money, he didn't install spring mattresses for the lower bunks, which caused Jing Tian's head to kiss the bed board so heavily.

   The wind chimes were stunned, and Yun Yiyi was stunned. They didn't understand why Liu Yaya was so angry. Is it just a prank? Does she think there is a spring mattress on this bed, which hurt Jing Tian?

   There is always something wrong with this, Liu Yaya today is too abnormal!

  In the past, even if Jing Tian had any intimate actions with other women, she had never reacted so fiercely!

   But thinking of what it would be like if his beloved man slept with another woman all night, Yun Yiyi really wanted to give Jing Tian a little bit of it. In a sense, this is Jing Tian's punishment.

  If Nan Lingxi was present at this time, he would definitely not think so. Obviously Liu Yaya deliberately borrowed from the topic to play. She had planned for a long time, but was unknown. Now it is logical to give Jing Tian such a heavy blow to the head!


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