Sky Dungeon

Chapter 120: Choose such a place of right and wrong?

Yang Miaomiao was originally disdainful of exchanging magic cores for gold coins, but after listening to the explanations of several big brothers and sisters, he probably understood that now that he sells magic cores, he can use gold coins to buy more magic cores in the future, so he too I sold the magic core I gained these days. After the sale, he was proud of making money in the game for the first time, but he did not withdraw the cash, and the real money is not really tempting for him.

   After all, more money is just a number symbol. Many rich people in China have to hide and cry for the poor all day long, but the poor are showing off their wealth every day and pretending to be forced. Because the truly rich do not need to prove that they are rich, because the numbers in the account tell everything, they have no obsession with money, they are pursuing things at other levels, and pursuing wealth at other levels. However, the real poor always want to prove that they are not poor, so how to relieve their worries is to show off their wealth! They may have nothing but money.

The reality is like this. Some people’s pursuit of money is not so unlimited and has no bottom line. Others have hundreds of thousands and want millions, tens of millions, and tens of billions. The truly rich have accumulated money. To a certain extent, I will choose a comfortable life, no longer take risks to earn more money, choose the life I like, and live the life I want. Such people are beyond reproach. They may not be well-known rich people in society, but they know how to satisfy and live better than those rich people. Yang Miaomiao belongs to this kind of person who has no unrestrained pursuit of money, and is also a real rich person.

   "Mouse, you just gave him a compromise, how do you say hello...If you count me, I won't have to pay a dime." Luo Xia also agreed with the investment.

   Needless to say, the other three girls always support Jing Tian during major events. Of course, their actions are no less than verbal expressions.

   After receiving the gold coins that everyone recharged, Jing Tian talked to [Bolosec] again, and took on the task of creating a guild and the task of spying on the evolution of the big-eared monkey. Needless to say, everyone naturally chose to complete the task of creating the guild first. The six people laughed and laughed all the way to the southwestern suburbs of the Union City, where their guild was located.

"Why did you choose such a place of right and wrong?" Yu Yan came to the destination of this trip and discovered that the location of this guild residence was quite dangerous. After all, this place was one of the borders of the Demon Realm and the Tri-Clan Alliance, and it was here. It is the only place that the Demon Realm must pass through to attack the Alliance City.

"Uh... it's cheap. The guild resident is rare and expensive. Even the small guilds here have to rush to rent it. The big guild may develop its own branch guilds, not renting the guild resident at all, wait for the big four. The residences were all bought out, and those players who wanted to establish a guild in Alliance City could not create them without our residence license in their hands. They had no choice." Jing Tian explained.

"Not only that?" Luo Xia smiled, and added: "This is a battleground for military strategists. Although it is the closest to the sea of ​​chaos and it is most likely to be destroyed by the demons, the guild funds allocated by the guild alliance should be the most, and This is the closest to the Demon Realm. Once the Demon City slaughter mission appears in the middle and late stages of the game, the guild alliance will inevitably issue an anti-invasion mission. Although there is no experience, it is a lot of contribution points. The guild located in this treasure land can naturally be the first Time to participate in the mission, the contribution will be only a lot more than other resident guild players, after all, this is the front line, the most intense battle, often the place with the most fat, the place where the war is rich."

"Yes, that's how it is. Don't expect us to hold this resident site by ourselves. We have to divide and rent out multiple sites. There will be a lot of people and power. When the demons will invade, our resident will probably be the hardest to eat. Bones." Jing Tian has a clear mind, but in fact he is still repeating a sentence in his heart: "The key is the cheapest!"

   "Okay, it should be here." Sitting on the well Guantian followed the signs on the map and walked to a place full of weeds.

   "How to hit Meow?" Yang Meowie asked excitedly.

"Divided into three groups to interrupt the action of the BOSS in turn, the mouse and I are in the first group, Yu Yan and Yiyi are in the second group, and Lao Xia and Xueer are in the third group. Switch in order, the BOSS level should be at level 35, we The output of the mouse will be attenuated, so the mouse pays attention to the blue, and the others pay attention to the rhythm of the output." Jing Tian said lightly.

   "How do you know that the boss is level 35?" Yu Yan has always been puzzled by Jing Tian's understanding of the game.

   As a result, this question was answered by Yang Miaomiao: "Tian brother is very capable and has entered the game company, so he has mastered the internal information of the game."

   Yu Yan smiled faintly after listening, and said gracefully: "It's shameless." But she didn't think Jing Tian had such an ability. There must be other reasons. Of course she couldn't be sure, it was just a woman's unique intuition.

   Jingtian and they acquiesced to Yang Miaomiao's statement. Although they knew a lot, they couldn't tell the truth about the showdown. Perhaps the things Yang Miaomiao made up were a good excuse.

"I have started to summon ancient Jingtian used the props given by the mission, and the next moment a huge red magic circle appeared on the ground, and a giant golden-eyed goat head was the first to drill out of the magic circle. , Followed by its broad arms, and its chest muscles as strong as iron, the next moment, the tall and burly crimson body stood proudly in front of everyone. When everyone was amazed by it, this golden-eyed sheep I don't know when the head demon's left and right hands each have a giant ringing drum and golden hammer!

   "Lao Xia, is there anything to pay attention to?" Jing Tian trusted Luo Xia's living database even more.

   "Be careful of its skills. Look at its blunt weapon. 80% of its skills will cause a negative state of vertigo. Be careful." Luo Xia's voice became serious.

Don’t be reminded. Just now, 6 people have already finished the buff of blood-returning buffs without eating mice. Jing Tian rushed up while sitting on Jing and watching the sky. Without eating mice and the king of sword riding, the others were ready. Long-range general attack.

   "Can't you prepare a bow and crossbow? When the normal attack is output, you must be close to the BOSS. Are you afraid that the BOSS will step on you?" Jing Tian's faint voice was slightly dissatisfied.

   "What do the pseudo-mothers know? I am the king of swordsmanship. What kind of crossbow and crossbow I use is insulting to my prestige. I will dedicate my life to kendo!"

   Sure enough, you shouldn’t reason with patients with secondary disease!

In the next second, sitting on the well and watching the sky leaped up in the sky, Fang Tianji blasted towards the boss's head. This BOSS was about two people tall, and he could barely hit the boss's head when he jumped up. In addition to the critical damage, he successfully hit the ground state.

   BOSS fell to the ground like this, it exposed the huge sheep's head to the attack range of everyone, not to mention a burst of ordinary attacks and bombardment.


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