Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1225: Would they kill meowing one voice?

Although the defending NPC will be used intermittently from several other gates, there are too many demons. They take turns to resist and are not afraid of waves of attacks from the defending NPC.

   At this time, the guild leaders of the Riding Cloud Alliance were still silent in the joy of victory, and did not pay attention to the situation in the Alliance City at all. Even if there was news of the demons slaughtering the city, most of them were passed by.

   Jingtian even discussed with Ralfa why he should use the [Space-Time Acceleration] at the bottom of the pressure box for the first time, and did not pay attention to some of the alliances in the world channel I forgot to ask for help and alerts.

"Uh... you are right. I planned from the beginning. When the demons charge for the first time, they will use space-time acceleration to completely wipe out their spirit. I even considered if their command would hurt face. If you do, fight to the end and be wiped out by us."

   "Smelly man, are you miscalculating? Sure enough, men are contemptuous!"

  The alcoholic will naturally not let go of this opportunity to lower the evaluation of Jingtian.

"It seems that the opposing commander is quite sensible and chose to escape. Otherwise, the millions of demons will be buried back to the Demon Realm in a wave, and his charge will be even greater. In this way, our prestige will be better. After thousands of miles, I believe that the enemy will not come and die for a long time. Moreover, we use space-time acceleration without hesitation, which will create an illusion for the enemy, as if space-time acceleration is not worth cherishing at all. Use it as you want. That's why the enemy will not attack us so easily!"

   "Then what is the difference if we use time acceleration at the end?"

   In the eyes of the aliens, there seems to be no difference between the two.

   "Uh... if we use time and space acceleration at a critical moment, we might really overturn."

"Hee hee, the husband is really smart. After the inexplicable defeat of the Demon Clan, he deliberately released the news about the palace, and there is evidence of the terrorist killing video. Now the Demon Clan is afraid of my existence and has gone to support other friends. I will not harass us again."

   Ralfa had also fully understood Jing Tian's strategy at this time.

   "Hmph, what do you know, Brother Jing's arrangement has a deeper psychological meaning."

   Nan Lingxi is a little dissatisfied with Ralf, after all, she is an ambiguous name when she opens her mouth.

   Besides, why did you become the woman's credit?

  Also, how could the demons choose to shrink because of the video?

   "What kind of psychological warfare, isn't it just to scare people?" Yang Miaomiao picked up the chattering box again, and he still didn't understand the twists and turns.

   Usually at this time, Yang Mimi will definitely come to pick up a sentence and satirize her brother, but it seems that she has been interacting with fans since she updated her personal homepage, and she has no time to pay attention to her brother.

Even if Liu Yaya understands the truth, her heart knot is still there. She is not in the mood to answer, and she has taken care of herself and went offline. In her opinion, now the battle is fixed and there is no need to stay. The guild contributes points or something. I'm not in the mood to ask for it today.

Seeing that the village woman went offline, everyone did not say anything tacitly. Nan Lingxi even opened his mouth to explain: "It's actually very simple. If we hide and tuck, we will put the big move when we can't stand it. If you use it, the Demon players will think that we cherish this skill very much as a means to suppress the bottom of the box. Even if the video is released, they will guess that the space-time acceleration must have a long cooling time, and we also lack other cards in our hands."

After a pause for two seconds, to give everyone a buffer for thinking, Nan Lingxi continued to analyze: "Once you are so thought, then the demons will never give up. Even if it’s the first complete destruction, it will launch a second time. Charge. In this way, our hole cards will be completely figured out, and they will be even more fearless. The battle may fall to the Demon Race, and we might be overturned completely."

   Hearing that Nan Lingxi analyzed this way, people who didn't figure it out at the beginning were sweating coldly. That said, our battle is actually very difficult to win!

Naturally, Nan Lingxi would not stop because of the surprise of some people, and continued to explain: "On the contrary, we unscrupulously threw out our hole cards when we came up, and we unabashedly pushed out the existence of Ralfah, letting the demons Players have a big mountain in their hearts that cannot be removed. In their view, the acceleration of time and space is just one of the many hole cards in our hand, and it may still be a lighter hole card. If they attack again, there must be more Cruel moves were waiting for them. So they were completely frightened and chose to give up. After all, sending death in vain, doing too much will affect morale."

   In fact, Nan Lingxi hasn't said one thing. The historical shadow that the Riding Clouds and Falling Snow Guild has given to the demons is too great, and it is the lingering nightmares that make them hesitate and shrink.

   "So that's the case, then if I shout, will they kill me?" Yang Miaomiao suddenly thought.

   "Huh? What do you call?" Nan Lingxi felt that her thoughts were short-circuited.

   But Yang Miaomiao was silent for several seconds before repliing: "Look at the 4th World Channel Miao!"

   World Channel 4?

   Everyone turned their attention to the world Now the world channel speech world is restricted to only one message per hour, and the content posted by friends will be highlighted.

   Therefore, the speech of "Don't eat mice" came directly into view. When everyone read the content clearly, everyone turned blue. I really want to beat Yang Miaomiao now.

I saw that Don’t Eat Rats shouted on the World Channel impressively: "Devil cowards come back and hit our cloud-riding station, Ralf will no longer use time and space magic skills, don’t worry, come back soon! This star will definitely get fat. Beat your meows!"

   This war criminal who suffered a thousand swords!

   is full of fights, don’t you forget that your level is now only 31, just rely on your 31st level confidence to fight against other demons?

   Jingtian's so hard layout, isn't it you ruined it?

   "Stupid brother, what are you yelling at? You see a group of people are scolding you now."

   "I do it! When we are stupid!"

   "That is, you will go back when you say you go back, we don't want to go back, there is a kind of you to come out!" This is naturally the voice arranged by Anzurgong.

   "Haha, we are going to slaughter the city, the Riding Cloud Alliance has something for you to come to the Alliance City!"

   "That is, relying on the ability to summon invincible NPCs, if you don't come, we will continue to slaughter the city."

   "I'm going to do it! Come, brothers who ride the cloud, we are crushed in the Archangel Church and can't get out! It's all your fault!"

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