Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1228: Why don’t you all go to Tenyi for an interview...

As a result, the six guilds of the Riding Cloud Alliance were fighting alone and fought fiercely against the demons in the Alliance City. However, after a few waves of attacks, the Alliance was defeated and recovered.

   There is no way, because the number of players does not have a particularly large advantage. The demon players have a strong individual ability, and the alliance players are naturally at a disadvantage in street fighting.

  So that the Alliance players became more and more aggrieved as they fought, and completely lost the momentum of swallowing mountains and rivers before.

During   , Jing Tian asked the guild presidents in the treaty organization chat room to see if they could send troops to support the Alliance City and fight a war of siege and annihilation.

However, the guild presidents voted against, and abstained. After all, their respective guilds are now under siege, especially some guilds have been partially captured. The organization feels that it is better to rescue the captured guilds than to destroy the alliance city. The demon army is more important.

   Many hearts are even more muttering: Help a woolen thread!

   Aid you can’t enter the guild, and the destroyed guild building can’t be brought back to life. Don’t those guilds that have been captured do not consider the morale of their members?

  Since there is no rescue, why not fly to Alliance City and fight a victory to improve morale?

   Doesn’t this mean abandoning the overall situation?

   Since your Cloud Riding Guild can contend with the players of the Demon Slaughter City, you should contend on your own. You don’t need to win at all!

   Anyway, your guild residence is foolproof. Don't think we didn't get the news, you are on the hook again!

   Can everyone open this hangout?

   Why don’t you take the initiative to share strategies against the enemy every time...

No matter how    is, Jing Tian also thinks that he is a little naive.

   So, this demonic invasion aimed at the Guild of Riding Clouds ended in a partial defeat of the Alliance.

   Obviously, the most important goal of the Mozu side has still not been achieved, and the Cloud Riding Guild has once again become a mountain suspended above the hearts of everyone.

   However, the end of the invasion is exactly the beginning of a new round of war of words.

Of course, among the hotly discussed topics, the legendary NPC [Ralfa] is naturally indispensable. Many Mozu players even reported the Cloud Riding Guild and Raalfa, but Tengyi turned a blind eye to these reports and did not do anything at all. Give any response.

   There are more and more speculations about Ralf, and more and more exaggerated.

   The higher the questioning of the demons, the more jealous the guild leaders of the alliance.

  Especially when they saw the personal homepage of the Empress, Fengji, or the video in the official forum, they were also full of interest and greedy eyes on Ralfa.

   What kind of NPC is this, it's the guardian goddess!

   If there is such a guardian goddess, why fear the invasion of the demons in the future?

   ahem, it seems that this kind of scene has happened many times, don't you find that the magic trick of the cloud riding guild fails every time you hit your guild?

   What's more, if I let you know that Ralf is Jing Tian's partner, what kind of embarrassing expressions will you show?

   "Chairman Qiyun, if you have nuclear weapons, you can't use them alone. Share your development technology or something, right?"

   "President Qiyun, how on earth did that Ralf NPC summon it? It's not your guild GM who did it again, right?"

   "I said, you are too unrighteous, right? This must be the great immortal invited from Sky City? Isn't it possible for us to invite Daxian when we go to Sky City?"


   Private messages such as this, Jing Tian looked at his head, and then looked at the World Channel, the Mozu players who could not get an answer ran away again.

   However, many people's guesses are really quite game planning, and it seems to be quite in line with the development trend of things. For example, this kind of invite Daxian from Sky City...

   You said, why don’t you all go to Tenyi’s interview?

   Isn't there so many problems when you are a game planner?

   Why be a player looking for answers everywhere?

   "Tengyi Company will not give you an explanation. If such a god-level boss comes out in the future, the invasion war will not be fought?"

   "That is, I can't play anymore, we will retire without explaining it!"

   always yelling to retire and threatening Tengyi company, Tengyi company will be numb!

   "That is, why can alliance players call big beauties, we can only raise animals?"

   What are your concerns and dissatisfaction points?

   Can you be satisfied by turning all your monsters into succubus?

"Is Ralf an accidental phenomenon caused by luck, or is it an existence that can be summoned every time, what is the composition of skills, and what are the limitations or weaknesses, at least should be explained clearly? Otherwise, there is no coping strategy, how to play ?"

   "The Riding Cloud Guild is a professional user who walks through the back door, Huaxia GM Corps, why bother? If you are serious, you lose!"

   Obviously some people think that the trouble is not big enough, and they have to review the relationship between Qiyun Guild and Tengyi Company.

   "That is, the alliance is not just riding the cloud and a guild station. It will not choose a single family to fight. Does other family cheat? You have to fight the internal guild of other people's company, don't you look for death?"

   "Mozu players like to play with the It is general, if you want to retreat, retreat quickly, do not send it! When you retreat, we will go to the demon domain!"

   "Look at Tengyi Company, your GM Legion is blatantly hanging out, and the rebirth has become level 30. I am afraid that the resident will be lost, so I made such a heavenly hanging, where are you offline? Don't worry about it!"

Jing Tian shook his head in his heart. This is not the first time in this year that such a scene has been staged. As long as the demons are planted in their own hands, they will ask Tengyi Company to give a statement on the World Channel. Alliance players will also ridicule and add oil and jealousy. To magnify things.

   However, this time, Jing Tian knew that he must not wait for Tengyi Company to reply first, let alone let Ralf’s skill information be shaken out, then the deterrence of this nuclear weapon will be greatly reduced!

   So, Jing Tian sent a message to Feng Ji and her sister who didn't eat a mouse, and asked them to post the edited content to their personal homepage.

Feng Ji and the Empress became the official spokespersons of the Riding Cloud Alliance. As early as when the Demon Race slaughtered the city, Jing Tian had already thought about the follow-up of this incident, and the two women who had nothing to do with nothing else wrote two articles with different perspectives. The breaking news article.

   "The wife of the empress has spoken! Everyone, go to the personal homepage of the empress! There is big news!"

   "Feng Ji Da also broke the news, I went, and the content of the news is different from that of the wife of the empress, it is too crazy!" The gunner arranged by the second generation ancestor of the gods quickly bombed various world channels.

  In an instant, the various world channels quickly cooled down and became deserted, and world players flocked to their personal homepages...

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