Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1312: Broken legs will not affect game progress

However, it was Jing Tian who explained this way. Yun Yiyi's gaze, like an icy arrow, finally eased. She forced herself to believe what Jing Tian said. It was only Jing Tian's momentary fever that she picked up Princess Feng Chime and released it directly. On the upper bunk.

After all, Jing Tian is a game madman, and his ability to take care of people is really not good.

Especially with low EQ, it is possible to throw uncomfortable wind chimes on the upper bunk!

Really stupid to the point of hopelessly...

Although there are some inconsistencies in this statement, this is precisely what makes Yun Yiyi feel that Jing Tian is confessing and lenient. Perhaps in order to prevent him from misunderstanding Zhao Jiaxue, Jing Tian deliberately referred to "hug" as "support". After getting angry, Jing Tian deliberately corrected his statement again, which was an explanation to everyone.

It was not that Yun Yiyi was willing to believe the lies Jing Tian said, but Yun Yiyi assumed in his heart that the wind chimes took the initiative to hug and hug Jing Tian.

After this, buying women is really sour!

However, based on Yun Yiyi's knowledge of wind chimes, she definitely would not give her a hug, after all, she was just a little girl who would change her face when talking about kissing.

Moreover, after having been in contact with herself for so long, this little girl has no other hobbies except with Xiuxian, and has never discussed love matters. How can she suddenly be ignorant of opening up?

So is Jingtian Bawang forcing his bow?

It is even more impossible. If Jing Tian is a kind of dirty child, I am afraid that he and Zhao Jiaxue would have been ravaged by his claws long ago!

And if you don’t eat the meat on your lips, how could it be called takeaway?

In summary, Yun Yiyi could only think that this was an ambiguous accident.

No matter how they argued, they were a little ambiguous in the room alone.

But thinking about how many days before he was alone with Jing Tian, ​​Yun Yiyi had a shy taste of only allowing the surrounding area to set fires and not allowing the people to light the lights.

In fact, all this was really an accident. Jing Tian had already forced himself to forget about it completely at this time, as if he had been kissed by the little devil as a prank.

"Hehe, my palace can hear clearly. My dear husband is really a romantic and passionate man. He won't even let children go. Be careful not to make too much noise next time."

Ralfa didn't even blame Jing Tian, ​​but instead started joking with Jing Tian in a teasing tone.

However, the joke is a joke, Jing Tian's face changed in an instant, he even suspected that Ralf had abused his rights and monitored himself through the VR terminal!

Damn it!

Absolutely not the case, this guy didn't hear any sound at all, because he had just left and chose two-way mute. It is absolutely impossible for Ralf to abuse his power to monitor himself. This is purely fabricated by her!

Wait, why did you fabricate this thing?

However, before Jing Tian could think about this issue carefully, the pain of suspicious life came from his arm again!

This time it is undoubtedly the black hand of Zhao Jiaxue!

That's why Ralf knew that Zhao Jiaxue could overhear her words, so he deliberately did it. This was revenge in disguised form for his sudden disappearance!

Sure enough, women are the most troublesome existence in the world!

"Say, what did you do to wind chimes, you hypocrite taking advantage of others!"

Zhao Jiaxue was furious, as if he was about to drag Jing Tian into prison and squatted for ten or eight years.

Life is unsatisfactory, and the Ming Dynasty gives out a fart!

"Uh... don't listen to Ralf's nonsense. I pressed the button to make a sound. How did she know what happened just now? Besides, if I really did to a crazy girl, would I lie down so honestly with her personality? I was beaten with a blue nose and a swollen face, right? You all know the fat man’s fate, and I dare not make it again and repeat the fat man’s mistakes!"

It seems to be justified!

This made Yun Yiyi even deny the possibility of Jing Tian taking the initiative.

That's right, don't think that the crazy girl is a second disease in cultivating immortals, but this guy's skill is so good, and the body is weird, even if Jing Tian wants to use it strong, it is impossible to succeed.

Unless wind chimes volunteered!

But taking a look at the innocent and innocent wind chimes, Yun Yiyi shook his head flat in his heart.

Zhao Jiaxue also wanted to understand this. She let go of her hand when she learned that she had been fooled, but she reluctantly said: "Huh, if you attack Sister Wind Chime, we will ask Nan Lingxi to send you back to the hospital! Of course, if your hand is broken, it will affect the game, and if your legs are broken, it will not affect the progress of the game. You can also play the game in bed at ease. We will definitely arrange everything for you. It is guaranteed that you can play in the hospital for a year or a half , So many maids take care of you, it must be very comfortable!"

Jing Tian's legs are aching!

It seems that I have lost my legs, and I have to rely on a wheelchair to survive this whole life!

I didn't expect Zhao Jiaxue to be such a cruel person!

At this moment, Yun Yiyi knocked Jing Tian's calf bone with his hand very cooperatively...

With just such a knock, Jing Tian retracted his leg subconsciously, and every cell in his body trembled.

My dear, this cold woman is a gangster killer. The threatening operation is 666!

"Nice work, Yiyi. This is a reminder for you, but don’t think that the two of us don’t do anything and teach you to be a human being. If you are not a beast, we can’t keep your heart, we have to keep your body. Now, you will always lie on the bed and be served comfortably! In fact, sitting in a wheelchair and being pushed by us is also a very beautiful picture!"

Jing Tian turned on the voice without doing anything, and when Rafa listened to it, he laughed so loudly that he didn't mean to take responsibility at all.

"Hehe, I really enjoy the taste of Jinwu Cangjiao, why not move to the palace as well? It must be a very interesting thing!"

Before Jing Zhao Jiaxue broke Jing Tian's arm violently Jing Tian refused righteously: "No! Don't joke, how could our broken cottage allow the queen to condescend to stay? Let's talk about you. I'm so obsessed with tasks that I can't handle official duties even when I come here!"

Indeed, dignified game planner, how could it be possible to move over and how to work in the future?

Do you have to submit your resignation directly for yourself?

Ghosts believe!

The three women around Jing Tian heard that they all gave Jing Tian a secret thumbs up in their hearts. Are there still few women in this building?

Why does this guy have so much peach blossom luck?

However, if he moved in offline as his beloved wife sitting in Jing Tian, ​​this matter was a big deal. Even if Jing Tian agreed, everyone would let Lin Yumian close all the doors and strictly let strangers in!

And this woman is from Tengyi Company, if she comes in, wouldn't she be an obvious spy!

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