Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1344: ROLL point immunity

Aunt   's gardener skills will also increase according to the increase in working hours, but Jing Tian's Flower Fairy is simply a genius. Her various skills in plant breeding have basically reached MAX, but she needs to continue to grow in caring for pets.

   This means that Jingtian’s sky garden plants grow faster than other players, and the number of finished plant products is more!

   This alone will make Jing Tian full of praise in the future.

   However, these are all digressions, we will not repeat them.

   Tianjing really succeeded in finding a way to leave under the guidance of Zhao Jiaxue, and was successfully passed back to the Alliance City on the Continent of Aiyinsi. All the way, he bumped and bumped to the guild's residence as if Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden. Tianjing took a breath.

   It seems that I am still quite talented in playing games? These basic operations are really fast.

   However, after arriving at the guild’s premises, Tianjing found a person around him staring at him, as if staring at a prey...

   Tianjing turned his head and looked at each other. It turned out to be a female knight in armor. The person here is: the king of swordsman!

   "Hello, beauty, what's the matter?"

   Before I finished asking the words of Tianjing, I heard the jingle bell sound, and an option box was immediately projected in the field of vision, which turned out to be a duel!

   After reading the content of the duel, there is nothing special, it is nothing more than one to one, without any penalty for winning or losing.

   However, Tianjing still decided to give up. After all, if he really fought, he would be exposed.

   However, just at this moment, a whisper popped up: "Next, I am Yu Yan."

   Whispering is a newly launched function. If the player is close enough, it can be used. Although she will also pop up in the player's field of vision, only the whispered object can see and hear.

   turns out to be Bei Yuyan girl, it seems she wants to teach me how to deal with PK, and I will be taught!

   just can make beautiful women give more pointers, and they can also exercise their actual combat ability.

   So, the patio clicked to accept...

   However, where is the teaching, the King of Sword and Cavalry had a one-stop skill against Zuijing Guantian and directly defeated Zuijing Guantian!

   "My holy sword confirms that you are not Jingtian."

   is another whisper.

   Feeling, you are not here to help me at all?

   You just want to bully me, a novice, right?

   Does this kind of thing still need to be determined by competition?

   Mingming has confirmed this to everyone face to face, okay?

  Even Jing Tian himself may not be able to accept your perverted and sharp continuous attacks, right?

   Tianjing's heart is full of black lines. I don't know what the second sick woman thinks.

   Saying that the combo of this game is too scary to be afraid of people, it can be combo until the bloodline is cleared, why is it so abnormal?

   Obviously, Tianjing, a novice rookie, doesn’t even know what a strong solution is, nor does he know that he can only use a strong solution to counter the nirvana...

   When everyone arrives, the little mother is the last to arrive at the guild. After all, she needs someone to call her every time she goes online, and it often takes a while to go online.

   However, when the little mother walked to sit on the well to view the sky, although Tianjing could not see the heroic appearance of any old witch from the game character, but watching the mother walking slowly, he suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of fear!

   This woman is simply a lingering nightmare in her life. Even if she looks like a holy angel, from the perspective of Tianjing, she is also a demon from hell!

   So he accidentally manipulated the character and took a step back, his eyes flickered, as if he was timid.

   However, it was such a small step that was caught again by the careful Liu Yaya, who further confirmed the identity of Tianjing.

   You know, Jing Tian will never be frightened by his mother's aura, and will never retreat subconsciously!

   As a warrior running away from home, he dared to face all opposition forces, especially his mother.

   This made Liu Yaya more worried. She didn't know what she should do or whether she should show up in front of the patio and say some crazy words.

   If you say it yourself, will it hurt Jing Tian?

Thinking of this, Liu Yaya hesitated a bit. She didn't understand why she thought so, especially why these days, she always remembered the days with Jing Tian inexplicably, even if she knew he was a fake, not her own. Brother!

   It is also human nature to cherish after losing.

   Even if what I lost is not my favorite, it's just a toy I like, but the regret of losing is still painful.

   This may be a kind of selfish possessiveness, especially possessiveness for spare tires.

   She once felt that even though she didn't love Jingtian, she hoped that Jingtian could take care of her for the rest of her life and just love herself forever.

   This possessiveness has more or less caused Liu Yaya to have an inexplicable affection for Jing Tian, ​​just like treating a pet.

   Although she doesn't want to marry a pet, she doesn't like pets and she doesn't want to hurt them again.

   Shake back Shake, Liu Yaya is still unwilling to give up the patio, the throbbing in her heart is just a little uneasy...

"Snarling Dog, why should I turn in the 10 books I and ROLL points for treasure, don’t you think mom should get them directly without ROLL points? Obviously my old lady got it, want me Do you think it is possible to hand it all over?"

  Old witch, do you still want to have ROLL immunity?

   You even called me a snarling dog!

   I ranted because you treated me as a normal child, okay?

   Where is there such a thing as a biological son?

   You are an insult to me, an insult to Jing Tian!

"no way!"

   Tianjing squeezed these two words from the gap between the teeth, it really is not the soul of his own!

   He will never forget the harm the old witch has done to him, and he will never let the old witch go as he pleases. This is his revenge!

   The little mother is not a caressing woman, but she said in the next second: "Stingy dog! So, wait to determine who gets the broken page, come to me one by one."


   Everyone asked in unison, curiously.

"Because there is a weird sentence written on it. You guessed it wrong. The broken pages of the ancient skill book are still forbidden to foreign trade. You can give it away only if you have a friend degree above a certain value. Have you betrayed your friends? There is still a chance. Go and admit it. , You can learn one of them at most. I believe you are a person who dares to face mistakes, and don’t take the same path again in the future."

   kicking the Tiannongjing really carried the evil fun of the players to the end!

   clearly designed all kinds of hints for players to betray their teammates, and now let the players slap their faces to admit their mistakes?



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